Selfie/Freewrite Contest- day 30 ( describe the room you are in)

in #selfiecontest6 years ago

0612181936 (280x500).jpg

My cat is completely stretched out on the floor. Sometimes he will look like he just fell over, which cracks us up. The dog just wanders around seeking out whatever human food might be tossed to her, which doesn't happen often. I sit in said room, plinking away on my laptop, and randomly look up to watch my son playing on his xbox. The living room is about a 12 by 18, give or take, so not very big. It suits us fine though, because the smaller the room, the more communication between the two.
Now it is your turn..Describe the room you are in. What color is it? What size is it? Do you have family time? Do you have pets that claim it as their room, to lay where ever they please?


My room is pretty big, maybe 20x20. It's white. No family time here. No pets anymore. Just me and my computers.

Your room sounds cozy. :)

Very true, but is missing something else too.

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