Vision | My first sci-fi 5 minute Freewrite! Prompt: Describe the room you are in

in #freewrite6 years ago

Milly sat very still. The arm bands where tight and scratchy. The room smelled like cleaner, not the good kind her mom used, but the bad kind that made her want to plug her nose. But she wasn’t allowed to plug her nose, or scratch her upper arm, or even wiggle her toes. She tried once but the man with the pointy nose had gotten mad at her. She didn’t like the way his voice sounded.

The woman with the long blonde hair had a pretty voice. She liked it best when she asked the questions.

“Milly,” she had said. “What do you see when you close your eyes?”

Milly had tried to answer to the best she could, but she didn’t know how to. That made the man with the pointy nose huff and roll his eyes. But the lady with the blonde hair told her it was okay, and to try and relax.

She tried again, but this time she breathed in very deeply like her Mom had taught her. Her mom said it would help bring the visions in more clearly. It had worked for her mom, but now it was Milly’s turn.

“Well?” barked the pointy nosed man.

“I’m in a room,” Milly said slowly.

“Describe the room you are in,” the blonde lady asked gently.

Milly shifted her eyes back and forth.

“The sun is coming in through the window above the couch, and the carpet is red and smells like cat pee. I think I’m sitting in wooden rocking chair.”

“Very good Milly,” the lady said. “Keep going.”

“I feel anxious,” she started. “My hands are shaking, but I want a cigerette.” The words felt foreign in her mouth. She was too young to know what smoking was. It was outlawed before she was born.

“When I look to my left I see a fireplace, but when I look down the hallway and towards the kitchen I feel worse.”

“Can you get up and move?’ the man said impatiently.

“No…but now I can hear the cries,” Milly said growing more uncomfortable.

“One last thing, Milly, then you’re all done for today. Do you know where the cries are coming from?”

“The bathroom,” Milly said. She opened her eyes quickly, her heart raced, as she pried the armband loose.

“Thank you, Milly, for your service.” the lady said.

“Can you find him now?” Milly asked. “The bad man in my vision?”

“Not yet,” she said. “But because of what you can do, we‘re one step closer.”

Thank you for reading! This was my first try at something more science fiction...or creepy haha. Hope you liked it!

If you would like to try a freewrite please visit @mariannewest!

Like always...


Thanks! This story really jumps into the drama. I enjoyed it.

Ahhh! Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

@freedomtowrite I went literal with the prompt and you knocked it out of the park. Thanks!

Well that made my day! Haha thank you!

Very nice job, I'm glad I stopped by to read your first creepy story. This one may need to be continued. 👍👍

Thank you! I wonder if I got that in me haha

And? And? .... how does it end? This captivated me @freedomtowrite

Haha Thank you!! I don't know how it might end yet! I'm not sure if I'll write more of this one. I am writing another series, The Lola Story. It's not sci-fi, but it is a mystery!

Oh yay. I'll have a read

Wow- I love it! What is this talent this young girl has that is so desirable to the older people? Are they wanting to abuse it? I can't wait to read more!

Thank you so much!! As far as my imagination has taken me, she's able to see into a situation lived out by someone else. So, she sees it from their eyes, and can even feel how they were feeling. Her mom used to do it, but for someone has stopped.

Thank you for wanting more!!

Well, you managed to suck me in again! The rest of the story, please!

Well, you managed to
Suck me in again! The rest
Of the story, please!

                 - cecicastor

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

you speak in poetic form


You mean...I am a poet and I didn't even know it? LOL

maybe you knew it tho ... hehe

the bot visited me too, i love it!

This is so much fun! LOL

tis fun !! :)

Haha I got hit by the haiku poem detector too once!

I love that it sucked you in! Thank you!!

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