Room -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


You can't tell just by looking, but the room I'm in smells like fish.

I bought some Salmon from the grocer yesterday, and had a lot for dinner last night, but I'd bought so much that I also had a lot for lunch today. And there's still a lot. So I'm freezing some, and there's also leftovers in the fridge, and I feel a little sick from eating so much salmon. I need to make better choices, and only eat excesses of vegetables, and even then, excess is too much.

It's hard to love eating so much. I need to learn to eat more slowly, I think. I also need to, I dunno, get ... I dunno. I need more sleep and exercise... though I get significantly more active hours than the minimum daily recommended. I mean, I know that's just a minimum, but I'm active. I just feel a little like crap most of the time. The kiddo just woke up, but he shouldn't be awake yet. He's only had 20 minutes of nap. Go back to sleep, kiddo.

I want to feel like a 20 year old again, I guess is what it really is. But that's not possible... but surely I can feel better than I do. Hm. Hm. Hm. Would giving up coffee help? Hard to say. I didn't used to like it. I still only drink it because it's, like, a thing to do. But maybe... Oh, I dunno.

This room that I'm in has two sectio-


Your room is looking so messy! As i am on my pc so i can't show you my room. that's so well arranged though the wall of the room is not in a good condition because of the bad break. I like to make my room , bed, table clean always.
And of course you can feel like 20 years of old. a proverb says 'age is just a number!' , the younger feeling lives inside of you, not in your bones, so cheer up!

Eww fish, I wish I liked it more. It's good for me, but I just can't eat or smell it. I want to feel 20 again, too.

I feel forever like I'm 20....until I look in the mirror!

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Don't we all want to feel like 20 again? But maybe not. Have to think back if that was a good time in my life...

@freewritehouse I don't want the emotional turmoil, just the physicality.

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