Alternative Lives: What If? (Part 1)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


I sat on the bed, looking at our room in the dim light of the small lamp on my side table. My husband Jamie snored softly beside me, his hand on my thigh. He always fell asleep pretty directly after sex. Sated from our completely okay, acceptable sex. He always wanted to touch me, whether we were sitting in the car or on the couch, whether he was awake or sleeping, he always reached out to have his hand there. Touching me, usually rummaging about until he found skin to touch. It was his connection, his ‘happy place’ he told me. It was sweet and mostly comforting, except for nights like tonight when the feeling hit me.

These feelings of discontent that seemed to come from out of nowhere. I looked at the paintings on the walls that our two children had done. They made me smile. The big painting that he’d bought for me for our 5th anniversary. It was abstract and he didn't get it, but it just evoked some sort of deep sensual thrill in me. I loved seeing it when I sat in bed.

To my left was our closet, perfectly divided down the middle. The perfectly respectable work suits on his side, my business "acceptable" artsy clothes on my side. I loved my work at the gallery, but still. Lately I just felt so unfulfilled.

I loved our room, the softness of it, the comfort of our things, the visual representation of our lives together. It had been ten years. Ten YEARS. I sighed and he snuggled closer to me, murmuring in his sleep. I put my hand on his, loving his touch even as my mind and my heart flew about, looking, wondering ‘what if?’

What if I hadn’t met Jamie that day on the quad? What if I had stayed with my friends and kept walking that day? What if I had went to that wild and crazy party that everyone else was going to that night, instead of finding myself walking through the streets, hand in hand with this new guy.

That made me wonder, how many choices had I made that led me to this moment? How many things would change if I could just go back and change one little thing?

Even if I could make a different choice, would I really do it? I didn’t wish for my life to be completely different, but I kind of wish that Jamie and I had met just a little later. Maybe after I’d gotten away from my strict upbringing, maybe after I had a little more time to spread my wings and fly before I ended up here, married, respectable, conservatively ‘just so.’

What if?

I shook my head, knowing I was being silly and picked up the book on my bedside table. Time for my regular nighttime ritual of reading myself to sleep. I was so distracted by the 'what if' that I knew I was going to have really weird dreams tonight.

To Be Continued

The cover photo is a blend of photos from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3 & 4

Crossposted to my Worpress Blog


I really enjoyed this story and related from my past life. Thanks for the good writing.

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if my family hadn't moved when I was 15, or if I had gone to a different university, or if I had taught at that other school in that other town my first year of teaching, or if my husband and I still lived in the first house we bought long ago and far away. It's easy to make oneself a little crazy thinking about those things. So I try not to!

It's intriguing. I liked the movie 17 Again (I know, cheesy teeny bopper flick, but it was good!) and the movie The Butterfly Effect. I just like the fantasy of getting to see 'what if' I guess. There isn't a whole lot I would change now because I'd be afraid to lose the things most important to me.

That's a really good point!

I suppose we all have a lot of what-ifs, but it’s good to feel that
the decisions made have at least led to a place of contentment.
It’s your midweek prompt delivery service here with the challenge for today:

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Thank you for the prompt! I like to explore what ifs, but I'm happy where I'm at, too. It is just fun for me to explore the idea through writing more than anything. My imagination is always going full speed ahead!

What if's.... we all have these moments...
Enjoyed the story 😊

Thank you for reading!

I made a pun in the form of a sexy quiz, and I thought you'd like it.
Q: Which ways to tie people up are good for sexy bondage? Choose both method and material.
A Loose enough not to constrict blood flow
B As tight as you can make it
C Loose enough that they're only pretending to be bound
D None of the above
1 Plutonium
2 Imagination
3 Noodles
4 Silk


Get it?
The answer could be

Knots A4 work

I'm probably being really dumb, but I don't get it!

If you say "Knots A4 work" very quickly, it sounds like Not Safe For Work.

I dreamed two nights ago about what my life would have been if my folks hadn't moved us to WI from Seattle. I think I would have been friends with Julia Crouch still throughout our growing up. I would have become a stage hand in high school... That's as far as my dream got me. At a piece of High School Theatre, shyly avoiding the spotlight, but happy and fulfilled with my part in it all.

I've done the dreaming of 'what ifs' before, too. I usually come back to the fact that although I'm not really proud of all of my choices, there aren't many things I would change because I wouldn't want to lose any of the good things I have in my life now.

@eroticabian Yep. It's impossible to compare what is with what might have been in any meaningful way. Except... what if I had bought btc when it was only $2/coin. ;P

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