Day 34- Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 109.286 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

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Day 34

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The Contest prize is growing every day!!!

We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 109.286 SBD!!!!!


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Eliminated players

All here!

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you recognize each other's faces.








See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: it is Saturday - you are free to chose any past or the 3 parter

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/17/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Here is my offering today. Love the selfiies everyone. I really enjoy this contest and getting to know you all in your daily freewrites and photos. This is very bonding for me.

I agree! The smaller group definitely lends itself to more closeness. I was getting way overwhelmed trying to keep up with so many freewriters, but this has narrowed it down a bit more and it's been nice to start recognizing more faces and names!

Gorgeous selfie! And I dont know if I told yiu but your glasses are amazing 😍

I love your selfies!!! You always look beautiful!

Hahaha this was a surprise flash from my phone earlier! Thought you might appreciate. 😀

Hahaha :D Yep! It's dead-on how I look in all photos that include flash. Glad I'm not the only one. haha :D

I was pleasantly surprised with this story! I didn't think I was even up to focusing enough to write, but I couldn't give up my favorite freewriting challenge!


Holding the photos and things I used for the cover photo for my story/freewrite.

I used all the prompts! Well, not all, just the first bunch...

Photo on 6-16-18 at 1.23 PM #4.jpg

Yesterday, after midnight, I was bored stiff and staring at my great grandpa’s nose. A crazy white cat screamed at me: “the goat ate my apricot!” I started doing the dirty dishes and imagining myself swimming with dolphins, but all I could smell was a dumpster. A purple squirrel casually retreated into a lizard cave, which she called her “smiling house.” Itching for a special occasion, I went camping on an airplane, which was green like a verdant bunch of spinach-infused pasta. It oozed of fresh floor wax and salty air. On the way out, my shoe got stuck in the mud, and I began attracting a swarm of gullible mosquitos. I asked some friendly twins for some spare change so I could buy myself a fire-red scarf which would cover my abundance of nose hair. It was a hard pill for them to swallow, as they were spent and tired from chasing around a white cat in the rain. By that time, I was snoring with the taste of chicken. It was bittersweet and black, and my mind started to splinter as I envisioned three grapes. I felt absolutely crazy, covered in big waves of blue warriors all crammed in one tiny shoe. It was like all of that junk you read in books. Vomit bubbled in the back of my throat. Eeeerrrghhh.

Hahaha that was fantastic! My favorite was the red scarf that covered the abundance of nose hair LOL

Today's story is NSFW


I suppose it would have been better if I could have gotten someone to actually tie me up (better in SO many ways!!!) but alas I am home alone today. I'm going out tonight, though so maybe I'll have some new adventures to write about tomorrow!

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