This, Too, Shall Pass - Day 34 Selfie Freewrite Celebration

in #freewrite6 years ago

This, Too, Shall Pass

Today I'm in a lot of pain from a gastric problem. I called my cousin, Marie, to cancel our lunch date at the local Italian restaurant, Chovy's.

Marie spent the winter in Fort Myers, Florida with her quadrepelegic husband, Mark. Mark cannot tolerate Pennsylvania winters anymore, but they come back to their farm in Pennsylvania when spring weather breaks.

We intended to catch up with one another at lunch today. The drive to Meadville takes about 25 minutes. I really don't trust myself to make the drive, so, regrettably, I canceled. Jeff said he would drive me if I wanted to go, but I really don't feel that I'm good company. I would like to be fresh when I see her again.

I've been experiencing this pain for the last few days and now it's getting at a point where it's interfering with everything.

After researching, I suspect that my current symptoms are a side effect from my recent Botox injections last Friday. I don't have a migraine, so I guess that that is a plus, but this new trade off is not making me happy at all. The issue is creating a lot of back flank pain and nausea. I'm getting pretty frustrated with all of this.

Jeff has encouraged me to go to urgent care. He said he'll take me. I am considering it, but I'm tired of shelling out money for doctors.

In spite of the pain, I managed to make it to Conneaut Lake a few miles away to keep my appointment to get my nails done. One nail needed repaired and I was due for new gel shellac. I almost cancelled that, too, but I decided to pick up some Tramadol at the pharmacy right next to the salon, so I kept the appointment as scheduled at 11:30.

My doctor prescribed the Tramadol for the migraines in March, but I've never filled the script. I truly have not found one pharmaceutical medication that works to kick out the migraines apart from triptans (which she told me to stop taking because that could cause a stroke for hemeplegic migrainuers). I just saved the script in case I needed it. I thought maybe it would help with this current pain that I'm experiencing. The pharmacist told me that the insurance doesn't cover it, it requires a prior authorization. It was only $10 so I purchased it anyway. After taking one tablet an hour ago, I think it just makes me kind of sick and didn't really help at all.

I'm nauseated with the pain and super frustrated that I can't be out enjoying this beautiful weather. I know there's a lot of people who go through other health issues and experience this same frustration. I'm really hoping that whatever this is will calm down. I still have one more day of the weekend that I would like to enjoy. I'm laying with an ice pack on my back and saying a prayer.

On a good note, Jeff will come visit soon and my nails are pretty again. Like an older lady I met at the salon said today when we were discussing this, and Mom used to say, this, too, shall pass.

Until tomorrow. :)

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Oh no, am so sorry to read, last week I was down with fever and had to stay home for three days, it sucks you know.

Get well soon.

I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick and had to stay home for 3 days! I certainly hope you feel better now. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment. One day at a time is my motto.

I am sorry about your health love, get better soon. I love your nails :)

thank you so much. Your support means a lot! I'm so sorry my vote power is gone. I overdelegated last week and messed myself all up. I will be back again when I have that power again.

It's okay love. Feeling better?

Hi @tezmel. I have some measure of relief, but am praying to feel well enough to do the hour commute tomorrow and work 8 hours. Jeff took me to lunch, but I had him bring me back to relax on ice again. I wasn't up for a drive to go see his daughter and take her a chair. One day at a time. Thanks for checking in. hugs

Oh, no! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well and do hope you're ready to enjoy the sun tomorrow. Your nails look great and so does your face--would be difficult to tell how awful you feel by just looking at you.

Thank you, dear. I'm feeling a little better today, but taking it very easy today. I'm sorry my vote power is not up to vote you yet. I over delegated last week and it takes so long without the slider. :(

No need to upvote, just do hope you're feeling better today ;)

Thank you, @kimberlylane for your kindness and support. I'm still in pain, but somewhat better than yesterday. I even took a walk around the block, but my energy is sapped too fast and I'm back on ice after a quick lunch date with Jeff. I felt bad asking him to bring me back home but the truck jolting will throw me back to that, so here I sit. Thank God for ice!

Glad to hear you're better than yesterday and ice can be such a wonderful thing! Nothing wrong with taking a rest when you need it.

I'm so sorry about the health issues! How frustrating it must be to find one solution only to deal with side effects in another area. :/

Your nails do look nice, though! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Thank you @byn. You're so sweet. I am so frustrated over all of it, and really trying to remain positive. Pain is so draining. I'll vote again once I get some vote power again. I can't believe I over delegated!

You seem like such a strong woman and you always seem so positive, and yet keep it REAL. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows and I respect you so much for being real about the struggles AND the wins. <3 I hope you feel better today.

Your kindness and support mean more than I can say @byn. I find that only when I am transparent can I truly find happiness in my writing, but at times it is intimidating to expose myself this way to the world. My hope is to encourage others with these hard times and perhaps help in some small way letting others know that yes, the struggle is real, but persevere and there are snippets of wonder in life, in spite of our trials. hugs!

I totally understand that! It is sometimes hard to just bare it all, but I so remember how alone I used to feel in everything I was going through... so if I can help one person know that they aren't the only one and they aren't alone, I'll share it!

I admire you a lot!

I admire you, too, @byn. You have come through a lot and we are blessed with your courage and insight. <3

I'll say a little prayer for you my friend. 🙏

I appreciate it very much.

Pain is the worst.

I so hope that you will wake up painfree!!!

I am sorry your migraine came and stole your fun. I know all the places you mentioned because I used to live in PA. I have had migraines this last few weeks due to my teeth. Be sure to check out your dentist and your eye doctor because both can cause head pain.

I do love your nails. Isn't it funny how we can feel like crap and still manage to take a selfie each day that makes it look like all is well :)

Hi @simgirl. Thanks for the empathy. It's actually not migraine this time, it's a severe gastric reaction to the botox injection last Friday I am battling. I hope it calms down before work tomorrow. I'm sorry to hear you're having migraines this week! Ugh! hugs I just had my yearly dental exam and just have a surface filling needed. Here's hoping and praying for a better week for us both!

Sorry to hear that. It doesn't sound good. Feel better! Hugs.

Trust me when I say it's a toss up, migraine or this! Ugh! Thank you, dear.

Yes something like the famous phrase that says: "after a storm comes a calm"
It is important that you attend the doctor, take the medicines that he prescribes, keep your rest and be very calm.

Greetings @ wandrnrose7

Hello @wandrnrose7! I've created a new Steemit t-shirt and I hope that you will love it as I was working on it for a whole day! You can get it here:
front (7).jpg

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