Selfie/Weekend Freewrite day 34 (pillow)

in #selfiecontest6 years ago

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Saturday morning was not a great day for me to wake up. I had a bad headache in which moving mad em want to vomit. Of all days, it had to be the day of my sons invite, to a graduation party, for him and a friend. I couldn't even get the desire to get out of bed. I just lay there with my pillow pulled up under my head and bundled up in my blankets. It was warm in my room and I was in need of the comfort from being wrapped. They had the annual air show going on too, which did not help at all with my pounding head. Migraines suck major balls when they come on. I stayed in bed till almost 3pm, before finally getting up, to go to the party. I took two excedrin and headed out the door. Thankfully they kicked in within two hours.

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