Day 1 - 200 Day Contest - Prize: 25 SBD and a Chance to Win SBI

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 1 is Here!!!

This is the day we all have been waiting for!! Let the games begin!!

We have 39 Players! Yay!


If you think that you registered and don't see your name, let me know and I will investigate.

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No new participants are accepted from here on out.

Day 1 is now closed.

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A short recap of the contest:

  • You write a 5-min freewrite (or whatever your version of that is) using the Daily Prompt you find @mariannewest
  • I will also include the prompt in the Daily Contest Post so we don't get confused.
  • You take a selfie that has something to do with the prompt and/or your freewrite.
  • No need for your steemit on the selfie.
  • You post a link to your freewrite and your selfie in one comment under the daily post.
  • You have 24 hours from the time of the posting to get it done.
  • I will mark the cut-off in the comments. If you didn't make it, you are eliminated.
  • Last person in the game wins the pot - or, if we still have several participants by day 50, the prize will be split equally.
  • We have a random drawing for a SBI membership for the eliminated players at least every 10 days.
  • If we have the funds, more often.
  • Half of the SBD payout of each Freewritehouse contest post is added to the prize.
  • If at all possible, still drop your freewrite link at the Daily Prompt post as well.

Good Luck!!!

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Today's Prompt: Banana

Here are some examples of selfies which are acceptable.


Any one of these add-ons would be enough. This was done in Canva which is to use. For this image, I used 800x480 as my dimensions, but you could make it smaller for the comments.

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If you have a banana plant handy - it counts!! and if you look closely, you see some growing on here as well.


I never said that I was an artist. I think you all can do better!!!


If you really can't come up with anything, here is your last resort. I told you we are making it easy on you! But we appreciate to see your creative selfie ideas.

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I know you all are amazingly creative and probably come up with way better ideas than I am. But just wanted to give you some ideas in case you weren't sure what we are looking for.

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 5/15/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


If I were to participate in the contest - that is what the freewrite house is looking for:

Your selfie AND your link :)


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring... bananaphone!

Here it is:

Also, so sorry to hijack this contest (and I promise, I'll only do it once, and I can edit this out if it's totally unwelcome), but I'm putting on my first ever contest, in which I'm donating all of my @curie nomination SBD to buy a bunch of SBI shares. I would love if some of the freewriters would join in. I've only got a couple of contestants so far, and as much as I know they'd love to get 12+ shares each, I would really like to spread around the love a little more. :)

That is great!!! I am going to enter 🤪 and will post it in the prompt section. Thank you so much for doing it and it is a great investment in the community and in yourself!!! Yay!!!

THANK YOU! I can't wait to read your entry. I would definitely encourage any of the freewriters to write about this community if that's what they feel inclined to do. This is a great community and starting point for newbies.

resteemed and will try and write something LOLL Great contest!

I'm not sure that I can enter the contest but I did give you an upvote and a resteem. 😎

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and so will the people who get the SBI shares. :)

post your selfie in the comment as well, please :)

how many times do you think you are going to write that today :D

Hopefully not too many lol
But today is the first day. I am thinking by day 5, we all got it and all the comments in here are visiting each other lol. Love your selfie!!! Allergy free bananas lol

funny thing is at home we ALWAYS have banana's :D

I couldn't find the hairbrush so I took a pic with my snuggle bug very confusedly snuggling a bannana. If you need more of me than my hand in it I will do something else, but I have been feeling very shy and reclusive. I'm hoping to work my way up to actual pictures of my face during this contest haha.

Here is my free write:

We always waited at the end of the driveway, Tara and I, on our BMX's ready to ride back and herald the news that Unky Punky had finally arrived. Always late, but well worth the suspense he was always a favorite. The skittles helped sway us, but we didn't need much convincing. My family was a circus. Aunts, uncles and cousins would fill the house, rummage through bags of weird clothes and wigs, and we'd party with bananas on our heads and the jammiest of jam band: spoons harmonicas and the most gorgeous ruckus to ever hoot and holler. I've carried that joy with me and have been sure to give it away as fast as I could make it <3

Man, I don't think I could have used the word always any more times if I tried lol ... its bedtime for me so free pass today. Consistency is my worst hobgoblin and i didn't want to miss the first day ;)

I always use always a lot because it seems always just the right word to use 😜😉😂

What is the term for writing styles that use words like 'always, so much' etc? I know there is a term I just can't think of it and I can't even think how to search it ...
hoping a fellow write will have it on the tip of their tongue

Wake up, wake up - we need another freewrite and selfie from you :)

This is great!!!! Sleep well and thank you for participating - even if you are feeling a bit reclusive. You found a way!!!

Yay Brunie!!! Banana juice!! I used to sell that in my store.... memories lol

You did great!!!

Premier Protein! I drank that for, like, a solid year. (But it was before banana came out!)

Love it!!! such a clever banana cut out!!!!

Hehehe thank you 😊😊


I know I'm pushing the boundaries of a selfie with bananas, so I did make and include an animation of making my fancy words in hopes of making up for it. the animation is in my post I suppose I should have actually drawn an actual banana, but I didn't think of it. In addition, I made sure to actually LOOK bananas in my photo, if that helps at all. ;)

My freewrite for today (I'm taking this opportunity to do another serialized story to help inspire me to write every single day)

The Hunted


Looking bananas counts!! for sure 🤪

So much fun for the first day!!!! Thank You!!!


Day 201: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: Banana- The Fruit Fly

Oh, the fruit flies love bananas lol

Again: I swear I took this selfie before I saw's selfie! Y'know the old saying about great minds....

Great banana selfie!!!! Love it!!

Be braced for many peculiar facial expressions in the upcoming days......

We are looking forward to it!!!

Everyone's selfies are too great!

Getting ready to dive into some banana cream pie!

You... eat bananas? Don't they upset your tummy? :o
And, hwell, when you hide them away and forget about them, they don't exactly wait to be found same way you hid them....

I heard that monkeys eat them and figured that I'd give them a try. Don't see what the big deal is. They taste way better in pie.
Wait, that brown mush was my banana?!

I like them in my water. You know how some like lemon-water? I like banana-water. It's just so sweet and refreshing.
Mmmm, yes. But look on the bright side. Instead of fertilizing you, it fertilized the... ugh, did you hide it up in the tree again?

How great is that!!! Banana Pie sounds yummy!!!

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