
Felt like you were writing about me! Lol when i get in my car I'm always looking inn the back seat to make sure no one has gotten in, even though i always lock it. That one time i May have forgotten!! Great freewrite!!

I used to be SO bad about it. I'm not sure if I've gotten better about it, or if I just don't go anywhere by myself anymore (and I really try to avoid going anywhere after dark alone because my night vision sucks!) I am sure I will be pulling on experience for the fearful parts, though, because I had many times of letting my imagination get the best of me!!! :)

I completely get it!!! Let's release that fear!!! Fear no more!!!

I love the way you write. But that's not news.

Awww, thank you! I always love seeing your name pop up! You were such an awesome source of encouragement when I first set out to the try multiple part story. I SO appreciate you!

I feel bad that I don't take time to stop by more often just to see what you are up to! Photos keep me busy, I guess, but I will be around!

I love banana. Sweet and healthy.

They're great frozen and in smoothies, too! It makes it taste more like ice cream!


lol! this is so good..great job. Hey writing a piece for 50 days in a row seems a little bananas but I know you can handle it! We'll all be spoilt.

Oh, it's bananas all right! I've written every day for ALMOST 6 months, but I haven't tried writing one long story for a while. Even when I did, I didn't write every single day. I'm crossing my fingers that the story goes in interesting places so I can keep it going!

It's a great way to challenge yourself and that's admirable...I have confidence in you, you are gifted!

Oh I really like this!!! What a great beginning! I can't wait to read more.

Thank you! I'm curious to see where it leads!

this was Great!! :D and yes banananananananana lot's today :D

hugs Hoping I make it the 50 days too :D fingers crossed we all make it!

Thank you! Good luck to us all!!! :)

Love your lettering animation! I find hand-lettering so relaxing.

Thank you! I feel like I probably should have done a video, but it worked out okay. I really enjoy hand lettering a lot. I enjoy watching others do it even more.

Wow.. hahahahahaha im curious what happens next! :D

Me, too! I hope the story can hang on for me so I don't lose focus on it.

This post is anything but BANANAS! Excellent and intriguing, well done! Holding my breath...

Ha ;) I see what you did there. Thank you for the comment!

Nice start! Off to part two....

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