Get To Know Me - The Pleasure Is All Mana

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

I was ‘this close’ to making the title say Mine at the end but that would’ve only been slightly transparent. Sure, it’s my pleasure to give you a face, after an entire year of ghosting, to attach to my blog but speaking of faces, let’s face it - This post was inspired by not being able to post today (Saturday, 9.29.18)! Therefore, until I’m surrounded by all of my favorite Steemsters again, the pleasure’s all Mana!

I’m in a great mood right there I promise! See how stunning my wife is?! Trust me, you’re looking at the luckiest guy I know. This must be my ‘steady while trying to find steady the button on steady the phone and take a selfie’ pose.

I’ve been doing a lot of editing this past week. I’ve been going through the stuff I have written in my notepad, doing an hourly percentage check, of course, and checking my account. I see some of you have posted your work and I even received a few messages - Sorry about the lack of #engagement! I received a mention, though, yesterday, for a competition from an artist I follow on here named @ammonite. Thank you, sir, for the nomination, I’m flattered! If you’re just now reading his username for the first time, click on it - Click the follow button. He’s an artist who specializes in sand / Ice sculpting. We’ve all seen those top shelf sand sculptures on beaches, television screens, etc. well his stuff is better than all of it!

I read the mention and what happened is @anomadsoul (that’s such a dope name, btw!! A.Nomad.Soul - Awe.Frikkin.Sum) posted this article which gives me a chance to feed my writing addiction even though I’m unable to post. Oh, and did I mention there’s 50 Steem in prizes?

Without further adieu, I went through my first year here at Steemit and here’s 10 posts from my history I wouldn’t mind bringing back to the present. I hope you like them (this time)! 😉

My introduce yourself post. This is the very first post I ever did, not just here, but in all of social media land. Yes, Steemit is my very first social media platform and yes, this was my first, #1, numero-uno post. It was also the very first time I drew anything since 9th grade which is about 30 years ago. It’s a ‘how to’ guide to #gettoknowme.


40 years old and I never carved a pumpkin! I did the Bitcoin one, @puravidaville did the fancy one.


There’s only a handful of images in this one but they’re each a #comedyopenmic performance and they don’t need any introduction. Maybe I’m not the only who thinks they’re #funny this time.


This one shouldn’t need much introduction, I’m pretty sure I mention her on a regular basis.


I went out and bought myself a sketchbook when I first started doing this drawing stuff. The book is completely full now - I need a new one actually. This is the very first drawing I added to my very first sketchbook. Hopefully we can all agree my artistry is evolving but the message remains!


This is the first time I tried to do a ‘music’ type post. I used my iPhone, factory earbuds and a $2.98 app to put a bunch of samples together on top of a beat. First time I ever did anything like that with a phone.


My first real action on Steemit. I felt the love from the community after this drawing (wonder why??) and I haven’t looked back since. This is how @edprivat and I met each other. He had an idea of what he wanted and asked me to draw this for him. I was shocked when he asked Me to do it!


This one put me on the map! I released this one and it’s been a game changer ever since.


At my number 9 spot is one that I just read again and I still think it’s really #funny. This is a prime example why I’m so hesitant to enter #comedy competitions. What happens is, more often than not, I’m laughing uncontrollably at something while everyone else is wondering what’s wrong with me!


And with just enough space left for one more...


Thanks again for creating this contest @anomadsoul - This will be my first Resource Credits experience.
And thanks for the nomination @ammonite - My Steemit withdrawal symptoms seem to have temporarily subsided.

My three nominations are:

@puravidaville (the hot chick on the cover)
@lynncoyle1 (what comes after one?!)
@mirrors (because I love your work and you’re one of my favorite curators on this whole platform.)



I'm glad I got to know you. Excellent work.

Hey man it’s nice to see you drop a line. How’s it? I’ll tour wheels up to you homes. Tell everyone we said hello.

Hey you! Where have you been? When are we gonna have an ole meet up or something…?

That @edprivat guy, it's nice of him to have "put you on the map", but I think it's your talent that really shone.

You both look like f***ing rockstars on that picture!!!

You’re amongst the top of my list as far as allies goes, I believe the feeling is mutual. Thanks Ed for the original help and continuing to encourage me!


Man I’m glad you think so, she makes me look good don’t she?! It came down to that one and a different one, the other one I’m wearing a sweater that shows off all my buffness.. I was considering the modest approach like “check me out, Rah!” But the shirt Pura Vida is wearing earned me a big denial. She said “nope!”

As much as I’d like to show you the picture, I better refrain and she probably doesn’t want me to tell
You this part but... her shirt is black and in big white letters, capitalized just like this, it says:


Laugh out loud. (I can’t make this ish up!)

Thanks a lot for everything @edprivat! Try to remain the person you are.

HAHAHAha that's hilarious bro

I upvoted your post.

Cheers to you.

Posted using condenser site.

Thank you @pinoy for stopping by! I appreciate the support, it’s always nice to hear from you.

Hey, @dandays.

Glad you're back up and running and well within time for the anomadsoul's contest. I'm going to have way too much to try to read from everyone I know who so far has entered, especially if I actually end up writing one of my own. :)

Now, all we've got to do is get Food Fight Friday back up and running, and all will be well once again in the STEEM universe.

Until the next major hard fork/change/unexpected bug.


@glenalbrethsen this sure is a pleasant surprise! Ya I’m right there with the rest of em, trying to recharge and make sense of this whole thing. Time! Piece o cake, we got this.

Sure is nice seeing a familiar name, happy Sunday to you and yours! God clbless us all, if I don’t see you sooner, I’ll see you in the kitchen!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @glenalbrethsen.

No need to be surprised. I'm out of the kitchen more than I'm in it, so I'm bound to find something not related to food to comment on. Especially when most of STEEM has been kicked off or locked out. Makes it easier to find stuff worth looking at. :)

Hopefully, we won't all have to be nuclear brain scientists in order to figure out if we can comment and post or not. That's not the kind of math I like to do. In fact, the only math I do like is where I'm adding up the dollar signs. :)

I’m right there with you. The only thing I ‘think’ I understand is we can’t upvote a comment someone left us until it’s been sitting there 15 minutes. Man please correct me on that if I’m wrong. Ya, I know, I was just getting to learn the old system.

I’m not gonna lie sir, seeing your familiar name is a pleasant surprise on this side of the fork. I think it’s about time I give you a follow and keep a closer eye on you. Hold please... wait.... got it!

And I love Oregon, too!

Okay, so, without going back and tracking down the information for a refresher, this is what I remember about the 15 minute rule:

It applies to every post or comment voted on within the first 15 minutes of a post, with some diminishing results, as I understand it. So, if you vote on your own post/comment, or anyone else's post/comment, within 15 minutes, the amount you upvoted gets returned to the reward pool at some point (payout?). It does not go to the post/comment creator, nor do you get any curation rewards.

After the fifteen minutes, it's the same free for all that it's been before. I imagine, though, that the premium times for curation will probably be somewhere beyond the 15 minutes, but again, I'd have to do a refresh on that, too. Brain's been crowded with the fallout from the aftermath of HF 20 that it's not as front and center as it was before.

I think we were continually learning the new system because something would pop up regularly that we new people (everyone from September 2017 on, to include you—happy one year anniversary, by the way), didn't know existed.

Oh, well, I managed to survive the fork. Wasn't doing a whole lot prior, but that was because of my wife and her hernia surgery. Then, the last two weeks I tried to get back into it but the first week the whole chain was down on Monday and then last week, well you know that, don't you?

So, here we are.

Well, thanks for the follow. When I do manage to post, it's not all food, so hopefully there will be something to catch your attention. I can be all over the place at times. :)

And I love Oregon, too!

So, are you talking about the state, or the Ducks? Both? :)

The state. I really love The whole state. I stayed in Coos Bay for awhile, once, also stayed in canyonville.

Ducks that quack! Ha. Kidding, I know Oregon college is the ducks, negetaive, I never did get into college sports.

Dude, you're back!

You really had me worried. Nothing for a week, not a word. Just gone. I guess you got forked off like may others.

Good to see your safe and well.

Welcome back man!

It’s good to be back! I’m still pretty cautious moving around, I don’t want to step on any glass or anything so I’m utilizing my ‘egg shell walk.’ Let me know if you notice any hazards before me.

Thanks for stopping by @sivehead!

Hi Dan, thanks for the shout out and taking up the offer. I for one am so happy to learn more about you. i agree with you about your wife, very beautiful. Up there with my own @clodaghdowning.

My pleasure @ammonite, it’s nice to be known by you.

And yes’ir that has been actress over there is gorgeous!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @ammonite.

Cool bro 8], great looking couple ;). Your drawlings rock.

Hey good morning my fellow food fighter! Thanks a lot dude, I’ve really enjoyed getting back into drawing.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @weirdheadaches.

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