in #contest6 years ago

The Thank You Economy - Week 2

Back for another round

I had a blast with the contest last week, met several new people, found two new communities, and another awesome contest.  All in all it was a great time and I just want to thank everyone again who participated and send a special thank you to the #payitforward  group for helping make the contest a success.  This week we have a couple sponsors who participate in the Pay It Forward Contest and the Curation Circle Creed (#ccc).  So a huge thank you to @cicisaja and @freedomshift for each sponsoring a Steem Basic Income Share.  

What is The Thank You Economy contest all about?

An Attitude of Gratitude - The Thank You Economy is simply a way to say thank you to someone who has helped you, influenced you or blessed you in some way in the Steem community.  It can be tough getting started on Steemit, and the people who have been here for a while realize that.  After all they were new at one time as well.  What I realized about the Steemit community was there are people helping us new guys all over the place, but what can we really do to show our appreciation back?  Not much....

When you are new about all you can do is say "Thank You," maybe give a post a resteem to the 100 followers who are not bots, and a small dust vote.  Those things can add up especially if they have a lot of followers.  That's where the idea for the Thank You Economy contest arose from I wanted to do more to say thank you.  

Maybe I can do more.  It might help to give them a little added exposure in a contest and possibly a share of Steem Basic Income, which will pay them over and over as long as they are posting content.  I thought there might be other who wanted to do the same, not to mention it's fun.  

On to the Contest Rules 

I'll keep this as simple as I can.

  • Leave a comment on this post.
  • In the comment tag someone who has helped you or influenced you the most on Steemit use the @coinsandchains format.
  • Then briefly tell us why you chose them.

That's all you have to do.  (upvotes, restreems and follows are appreciated though)

One thing, please do not tag bots or alt accounts.

The Prizes and Winner Selection:

One comment will be randomly selected by the amazing prize wheel I found. The account making the comment and the account tagged in the comment will receive one SBI share each.  Then I will also select the most interesting or heart-felt or well thought out thank you note for at least one share and maybe more.   I will also give an upvote to each valid entry, but that does not amount to much.  Upvote your own comment if you would like, or if you have a @dustsweeper account it might help.

Just Incase You Don't Know What SBI Is.

In the interest of saving space you can learn more by visiting @steembasicincome.  It seems like a pretty cool project with several people working on it. One of the main sponsors is @josephsavage #steembasicincome 

A Bit about the #ccc

#ccc stands for Curation Circle Creed.
The "Curation Circle Creed", the "honor code":

  • I will post original contents of original writing.
  • I will clearly and properly source references, text and other media, abiding by copyrights.
  • I will respect other people's opinion, nationality, religious belief, language, and culture.
  • I will abide by rules laid out in the FAQ and generally accepted by the community.

You can learn more about the #ccc in this post : The Honor Code - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)   


Like maybe our sponsors...  drop by their latest post and give them a little support to say thank you.  

 @cicisaja  Contest Update

@freedomshift  ULOG #007 - Happy Friday

Good Luck To the Steemit Community

If you enjoyed this please Follow Upvote and Restream

You can also catch me on 

LinkedIn  Yes I'm a super-nerd computer geek who likes nature and gardening.

Twitter   Mainly use this for airdrops and other things I enjoy scoping out.


Hi @coinsandchains, thanks for organizing this contest :)

I would like to thank @crosheille, who is the creator and host of #NeedleworkMonday.

When I first started on Steemit in March this year, I wasn't sure how to start or where to start. Quite randomly, I did a search on something of my interest, "crochet". I wasn't expecting to find anything but out came the #NeedleworkMonday which was started by @crosheille. I started reading through all the lovely posts on this hashtag / community and I knew I found a place for my first post.

And when I wrote my first post (unsure what was going to happen), @crosheille was the first to comment on my post, welcoming me warmly into the community. Ever since then, I have been posting regularly in #NeedleworkMonday. Not only did she bring the community together, she is also a very sweet lady with the biggest of hearts, always supporting, inspiring and encouraging us in the community, giving us a sense of belonging, especially for those who are new to the community.

For that, I would like to thank @crosheille. She gave me a sense of belonging on this platform. Her kind support and advice since the very beginning has encouraged me to keep steeming until today.

Great choice, it looks like she has started a pretty awesome supportive community. I have to admit even though it's not exactly manly, I can crochet, cross-stitch, knit and sew. I learned from my grandmother when I was a kid, even helped make a couple quilts. I haven't done much of it since I taught my wife and daughters the basics, too many other things fill most of my time.

Hello @coinsandchains this is a really great thing you are doing here. How generous of you to encourage others to show their appreciation of those who have helped and influenced them along the way. Thank you!

I think it’s amazing that you know how to do all of those needle arts! I taught my husband how to crochet and he will be learning how to sew with me soon too. If you ever want to stop in on #NeedleWorkMonday’s to share some of your handiwork we’d love to have you. 😊

You are quite welcome, and thank you for the invitation. I don't do much anymore and would probably have trouble finding examples. The last project I worked on I used for teaching. We made pillowcase dresses for my youngest to take on a mission trip to Africa. Those are great for teaching some sewing machine basics and for learning to add frills and piping etc.
Thank you for stopping by, and feel free to join in as well.

Oh absolutely! I definitely understand that. I have spoke with a few Steemians that used to do one of those crafts but just haven’t had the time to pick it back up again. Thanks for the tip about the pillowcase dresses. I’ll be needing some projects to learn how to sew.

Thanks for inviting me to join in as well. I will definitely keep this in mind to do :)

Yes she started an awesome community and she is one very amazing and awesome lady, always encouraging, providing constructive feedback and advice to the community.
And I think men who do needlework are cool :) Do join the needleworkmonday! You can share with us how you made the pillowcase dresses. I would like to try too! :)

Wow @marblely I am so humbled and feel so blessed right now. Thank you for this thank you and shoutout, you don’t know how much that means to me. Your appreciation of my support and work in the needlework community is very humbling and I am so grateful that you joined in!

Your posts are getting better and better and I appreciate you taking my advice and showing the process of your work. I believe this will inspire more people to give needlework a try when they can actually see a project come to life before their eyes. So I Congratulate you for sticking with this community and sharing original quality post that one can enjoy! I’m hoping for some really great things to happen in our community!! 😃❤️

Thank you~ 😘

I can't thank you enough 😘
When I was unsure about Steemit, you showed me what this platform is about, it is about community, supporting each other, getting to know people and much much more.

Like what I wrote in the "What do we love about #NeedleWorkMonday...." post:

It is amazing how much #NeedleWorkMonday has impacted our lives. For me, it braved me out of my little shell. There is this unexplainable drive to type, to share, to encourage, even with the little that I know. And once I start, I couldn't stop. And everyone is just so talented yet encouraging, it just makes you want to share and share. It makes us feel happy and motivated, driven and aaaaaahhhhhhhh, a whole lot of positive energy to bring more positivity to others and help others and pay it forward in everything that we do. When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you 🙂 And this is a beautiful world !

#NeedleWorkMonday has brought us all together, giving us a sense of camaraderie, fellowship like the Lord of the Rings, allowing us to share and talk about something that we are passionate about. The support that everyone gives to each other is amazing, giving out tips to help each other out. The energy in this community is so strong, so positive. It's like having penpals all over again, except now we are craftpals 😍

To share. To write. To laugh. To smile. To sew. To knit. To crochet. To quilt. To felt. To bead. To learn. To teach. To encourage and be encouraged. To motivate and be motivated. To inspire and be inspired.

❣️ Thank you #NeedleWorkMonday... for I have found my virtual place ❣️

And I mean every word I wrote that day 😍. Thank you @crosheille 😘.

Wow this means the world!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! You are so kind and appreciated!! ❤️☺️

Well this is a no-brainer! @mariannewest very kindly offered her home to my wife, my child and me when we needed a place to stay in San Diego. She was someone I had only known on Steemit, and she created this very welcoming space for us. We had a wonderful experience in her urban permaculture farm space. We got to eat fresh eggs from her chickens, play a game in the evening with her and meet several other Steemians as well because of her. I am pleased as punch that I can tell her Thank You!

superb choice, I've seen her around the #GHSC community, and she seems like a knowledgeable and wonderful person.

Awww. Thank you so much! it was fun to get to know your little family and have you visit :)

For me this one is easy @wolfhart meet me in the greeters guild and kicked my but on my first few post. Taught me a lot and then added me into payitforward group, that lead me to asapers group and that also lead me to following you and ccc. For sure he has been a major guide to my steemit journey.

Awesome, I agree he is always helpful and full of tips. Glad to have you participating.

Let's see, today I would like to nominate @likedeeler for his witty commentary and hard work supporting the @ecotrain and all those who try to make the world a better place.

Great choice, It looks like he supports a lot of initiatives, and I think you are spot-on with him trying to make the world a better place.

He's a German guy, quite the character!

I would like to thank @cliffpower
Great posts online, and responsive to comments. Supportive also
Better works offline with his "kids".
Good Steemian, Great Human

It looks that way, the camp looks awesome, and his post do really well.

I would like to thank @mrviquez as he helped me acquire many steem monster packs!

That works, he definately has an interesting feed.

someone's moving up in the world, @coinsandchains :)) thats good to see

well , its hard to say no to a chance at a share in sbi

i HAVE to mention @darsico probably the one singlemost person i have exchanged comments with so far since the start here and an ample supply of curation too, been a great help AND interesting convo, arigatout gosai mashita!

there's many others but the man still sticks out head & shoulders

see you around !

me : (for the readers)


you won a rafflevote @ubasti too btw, so i guess it will be best spent on this post ?(should be inc in about two hours i got my autovoters script ironed out lol, never miss a 100/100 vote again)thanks for participating and lets not get poor-er-er together while trying to have some fun and get educated , shall we

That's a great pick, and thank you, my friend, I appreciate all the support.

most welcome, im afraid the revenue of the distros will fall for the time to come, i cant sustain having votebots on it, it comes down to the voters now :)

I'm tagging @minhaz007.

When i was trying so hard to get further on steemit platform; he told me about byteball airdrop which i didn't have any idea about. Then I got some free steems and he also tells me about many contests and good things after researching on his own.

Thanks for everything, my friend @minhaz007

That works, looks like he loves contests.

I will like to thank @knircky.
He gave me hope on steemit when about giving up. He is the first person to ever upvote my with almost 100% powers. I really appreciate him

Great choice I remember that feeling.

The feeling is worst, you see others making cash while just keep on partaking in contest.

Yep, hit contest after contest, and still nothing. I've just started getting a little traction, I really think that started after increasing my engagement with people on the platform. It seems the more groups and people I connect with the faster it goes.

Its all about connection, and I still do contests! Maybe not quite as much as when getting started, but I am still a minnow after all - I think its when we realize that we grow together that we start understanding this blockchain a bit better.

I have seen huge creativity from you C&C! Where would that have gone towards before steemit?

That kind of creativity, pretty much nowhere. I've never really done social media before this year,(other than LinkeIn). Most of my creativity goes into problem solving, typically business or IT related.

I can understand that! I am just now getting into computer science again, its been a weird, windy journey in my life, but I have a lot to learn, as everybody does I'm sure.

I learn something new every day. LOL I'm working on 3 different posts right now and keep getting hung up on them, I think I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow.
Do you have your meme's ready for the rock pictures?

I would like to thank @davemccoy who introduced me to the @newbiegames tag which I use frequently.

Frequently?..... how about all the time, I think you are always running some sort of contest. @davemccoy is a great choice, I think I ended up with a @dustsweeper account thanks to him.

Yeah, I use the tag on every promo / giveaway I create.

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