Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Technology and Inventions)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Okay, the answers to last week’s questions were incredibly interesting! I had really expected everyone to fall in line with a questions/beginnings and answers/endings groupings, but to my surprise there were quite a number people who fell across the boundary! Strange, I guess you learn something new and unexpected about people all the time! Many people also pointed out the link between the two sides, with a cyclical relationship between the two choices.

This week, I guess I will be going with something less philosophical and abstract, but nothing as interesting as asking about the colour of a banana (as suggested by @simplymike)! The question does have something to do with the fact that I'm a tech nerd at heart. I love gadgets and learning about new ways to harness natural and physical universe to our benefit (or otherwise).

Technology and inventions are the visible and tangible artefacts of our scientific progress, and they all serve to raise our living standards in various ways. Of course, there is no morality to tools, and so for every scientific or technological advance, there are ways to use it for both common good or common less good! (I’m still not convinced of the existence of an absolute evil, but that is a post for a different day!)

So, this has got me to thinking, out of the myriad of technological and scientific advances, what would have been the most important ones that have impacted on all of us in a profound and meaningful way?

My Question

1.What do you consider to be the most important invention to have been developed? And why do you consider it to be so important?

Just as a little pre-emptive strike, I am going to rule out answers like “scientific method” and other philosophical modes of thought, I am looking really looking for tangible answers not abstract ones! Not to say that the abstract ones are unimportant (I personally think they are the more important of the two!) but only that I'm interested only about asking (this week) about the tangible inventions.

Also, I will rule out answers like “Crypto” and “Blockchain” as they are currently unrealised potential rather than things that have born fruit. They might (I hope) have the possibility of revolutionising many things via decentralisation of data and computing, but as yet, nothing is fully realised in this space!

My sample answer


My answer is Sewage and the system of cleaning and distribution of clean water at a large scale to a town or city sized population.
Humans need water, full stop, and untreated water is a breeding ground for parasites and other nasties that would prevent the formation of large population centres. After a natural disaster, we are reminded of this fact, the lack of clean drinking water can lead quickly to disease outbreaks if it is not solved in short order.

Of course the modern way of doing it is far superior to the old ways, but even in the Roman times, the invention of this technology enabled populations centres to grow and flourish, which in turn allowed trade, research and other non-survival pursuits to develop in relative safety. Who knows, perhaps the future holds further advances in the field of water purification that improve on the techniques that we already employ, developments that rely more upon molecular filtering or other interesting techniques that wouldn’t be limited by energy requirements?


1.Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
2.Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
3.In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
4.I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
5.I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.000 SBD and 1.851 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares, but people did put in very thoughtful replies, so I will make it a total 3 shares.

The winners by random draw are:


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For this I'm going to go with a slightly selfish interpretation of your question, and focus on an invention which impacts me on a personal level rather than one that is of global importance.

For me the invention is the technology that makes video calls possible (skype, face time, Facebook messenger and no doubt plenty of others).

My wife and I have an almost three year old daughter, but my brother and parents live in a completely different state to us, as is my wife's brother. This technology allowd everyone to stay close and lets my daughter maintain contact with family that she doesn't get to see every day. It lets them see her development and experience more of her growing personality than can ever be possible with just standard phonecalls and photos.

Oh, video calling is a great innovation! We live on the other side of the planet to our extended family, and video calling lets us keep in touch. Calls can be a bit chaotic at times when there are about 10 or more people in the call... And sometimes internet can be a bit flaky (I think it is Australia and not here...)..

Funnily enough, the calls to my mother always start in the same way... Can't hear you... Now we can't see you.. Now we can't hear you. Just wait, we will call you again...

It's been like this every week for years...

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

Hi, I will go with an invention related to my work, the harnessing of nuclear power. Einstein predicted that E=mc^2 and that mass is a huge store of energy so huge that it makes other stores of energy such as coal look like a bad joke. Everything around us is filled with enough energy to annihilate the entire world.

The big problem is how to access this power and currently we do so by splitting atoms such that the outgoing states have a tiny bit less mass that is converted into pure energy. This technology has the potential to bring cheap energy to the world, but also huge downsides of producing nuclear waste. Currently it is very hard to say if nuclear power plants are a blessing or a curse.

The same holds for nuclear bombs, the most dangerous weapon ever developed, able to wipe out entire cities in one second. Will this technology bring lasting peace or destroy our entire civilisation? Only time will tell.

Now I became death, destroyer of worlds

Posted using Partiko Android

I believe Robert Oppenheimer was quoting the Hindu god Vishnu from the Bhagavad Gita.

We are lucky that the avatars of Vishnu never learnt to split the atom...

This is so true! Bengy you are funnily philosophical!

It is a mixed blessing.. But technology is morally agnostic. In the other hand nuclear waste (and the potential for accidental contamination) is a large price to pay. I hear that fusion has broken at the experimental stage (laser confinement), now if only that could be scaled up, that would be a potentially game changing fix...

Or if there was a possibility of solid state battery storage...

But definitely, nuclear power has given us a boost to efficiency of energy production, which is essential for a modern civilisation.

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

The most important invention for me is the internet.

The internet today is a major part of our day to day lives and serves as a means of communication, employment and to name a few.

The internet has also set the parse for the creation of many more convenient tools like Apps, websites and presently blockchain technology and Cryptocurrencies.

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely, the spread of information availability has been a huge boon to the growth of civilisation... If only the ability to be critical and to be able to analyse the information grew at the same exponential pace...

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

Computers & With it The internet

It has changed the whole world both for the better and for the worse.

That it has... Technology is very much morally agnostic!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

My answer is printing. It allowed for the first time massive spreading of information. I think it is the most important invention for knowledge storage and distribution. It supposed the end of the Middle Ages, and it was essential for the advancement to the Age of Enlightenment.

The effect of printing unfortunately was not that impressive initially because of the low literacy rates, and its importance started to decay slightly with the invention of radio.

Oh yes! Great choice! The ability to disseminate knowledge in a portable form (not moving a person from place to place) was such a huge step! No longer needing to re-invent the wheel, and being able to learn from the experiences of others! However, like you said, the literacy part needed to catch up a little bit!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

This is a really good question, and one I have been pondering for almost half a day now...

I think my answer, without reading anyone else's answer, except yours @bengy, would be...

Nitrogen fertilizer! This stuff has made it possible to feed the billions of people we currently do, and in doing so destroy the pessimistic Malthusian predictions at every turn. Every time we thought we would not be able to feed more people, we've learned to nitrogen better, from bat poop to using natural gas.

I currently, along with many others around the world, am working on the next generation understanding of nitrogen, fixing nitrogen from the air directly into the soil. But however you slice it, nitrogen is what has allowed our civilization to grow to this level. (Water was a pretty good one too ;p)

Nitrogen fertiliser! That is a great choice, the ability to feed millions and to increase the productivity of land! The Haber process has been one of the great discoveries of the modern age, without which, we would have a different population dynamic! On the other hand, it has come with some costs...

I'm pretty curious about the possibility of fixing nitrogen directly from the air! Sounds intriguing and much more of an elegant solution... how far is the research down this track?

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

@bengy thanks for doing these it is always fun to read through these and try and give a good answer. That being said I a going to go with something that I think will be new to most and not to all. That is the new 5g wireless networks. People talk about the internet and what is has done for the world but at the same time they don't all realize how many people are not on the internet and even more how many don't have fast internet. Right now it is estimated that about half the world doesn't have access to the internet and of the half that do some are still restricted to what they can view. Those users at force to try to find away around those firewalls that make they fall back on slow wireless internet. Well that could be a think of past soon. "Verizon hasn't specified how fast its 5G network speeds will be, an early test witnessed by CNET showcased whopping speeds of 3.77Gbps. " source Right now even in many parts of America people are on internet speeds under 20 Mbs. Why cause we are very bad at upgrading our infrastructure and most areas only have old copper wires and the only areas with fiber are major cities or places google or amazon had it installed. Now Verizon isn't the only person doing this. You can read a lot here But Facebook and Google along with a few others are looking to use this kind of wireless internet to connect people all over the world. This will lead us to a truly interconnected world. With speeds that would allow you to video chat with people in countries to you might never get to visit in person. This is going to change the world and it is going to do it soon.

Superfast internet is a great boon... if it could only reach everyone that it needed. I live now in Netherlands and there is cheap and blazing fast internet available... and in addition, REAL competition and consumer protection, things that I think are probably lacking a little bit over there in USA!

However, when I go back to Australia, I'm horrified at the cost and speed of what they have to deal with there. It really is a choke on the economy and everything in general! However, that said, Australia (and the USA) are slightly larger countries than Netherlands, and so there are physical and economic problems of scale...

Yes and USA is a for profit in all things country. Sometimes this can be bad for us but it does also to lead to some people creating really amazing companies.

It can definitely lead to that, but I sometimes wonder if you guys have the balance right! Also, although, many proclaim loudly that it is a free market economy, it really isn't!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

Yay RNG! These are so much fun, I love that you put this on each week.

Hmm, most important tech, eh?

I mean, is "agriculture" a tech? Or animal domestication? I guess I would have to say that was the most important. To me, that's the starting point that allowed civilization as we know it to begin. Once a minority of the populace could support the majority's food requirements, it opened the door to all kinds of room for new ideas and technologies. The hunter-gatherer tribes could grow into city-states, with all the associated trades and professions.

RNG is the best!

You are the third (I think) person to suggest food production of some sort as the most important technology! To be honest, I had really forgotten about the impact of food production... especially when you can start to support more people than those that are directly involved in the actual production of food. Oooops, big blind spot for me there!

Add “of the modern era” to your question and you’re covered :)

I was thinking only back to the beginning of the industrial revolution at first, but then remembered things like sailing, writing, etc. and realized there was a whole “BC” list of inventions to consider as well!

If I am just thinking of the modern era, I would say refrigeration and air conditioning. Food preservation and the ability to do all that deep thinking indoors :)

Lol, maybe I'll change it now! Just to make your answer look weird!

😮 you wouldn’t dare!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

{ UwU ;^D Super early mode activated! ^.^ OwO }
Now unto the reply:

If we’re being earnest here, then we gotta acknowledge one of the first inventions of humankind. That invention being agriculture, it laid a revolution that changed the entirity of humankind and how we lived even up to this point. Agriculture, even unconsciously, dominates our everyday life like the economy and politics of society. Agriculture makes us think how much we can produce, what we can produce and why we can continue to grow upwards in population and size. Agriculture, is one of the baselines of society where that’s ruined, then we’re all screwed if we cannor unpeck the damage. Agriculture, as aformentioned, is the birth and gravitas of modern society, as it was during its inception with early societies.

For without the invention of agriculture (farming), we’d all be stuck in this quasi-state of nomad-settlement societies where we’re always on the move and never truly in one spot. Without farming, we’d have none of the superstructural advancements like governance or written language, or economic advancements like logistics or organized trade. Without farming, our population couldn’t grow from under a half Billion to ~8 Billion as of today. Without farming, history would just be farcical as it cannot advance outta the Pre-history stage and must reproduce it even when conditions alter. Without farming, we wouldn’t have great empires like Rome, Charlemange’s France, Mali or Ming. Without farming, we wouldn’t have the French and Russian October Revolutions that changed the face of politics and economics forever. Without farming, we wouldn’t have libraries or the internet to hold our developed and expanded upon knowledge. Without farminf, we wouldn’t have modern entertainment like movies, games and sports. Without farming, we wouldn’t have the industrial era come about that would lead to the invention you talked about today... Without farming, WE WOULDN’T HAVE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS!

Anyways, hope to see more participants!

Haha! Yes, agriculture definitely trumps water treatment! As you mention, the concept of agriculture is (was) the birth of many things that still exist today... including our systems of organisation and political power. The need to settle and defend a settlement gave rise to many things, as did the ability to rise above mere subsistence survival!

I'm really trying to figure out where that gif comes from! It looks incredibly familiar!

Indeed. Anyways, the gif comes from the net. However, it’s MGSV Revolver Ocelot doing the “You’re pretty good!” Meme.

That's what it was! I knew it looked familiar! I see you are fan of the series...

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

For me personally it was my first home computer. Long before the Internet and inkjet printers, it was a Tandy 1000 and it changed my life in no small way.

Specifically I had written a small booklet of 24 pages. I typed it on an electric typewriter. It had words and simple illustrations that I drew and pasted on the page (no re-sizing). It sounds fairly simple. But getting the margins just right, allowing for the space around the pictures, I ended up typing the whole booklet all the way through 33 times! And I swore I would not write another thing without a word processor!

That computer had 128k hard drive and used the 5.25 floppy disks. But oh the joy of creating my own signs and posters! Printed them on colored paper because there was no such thing as colored ink. And of course more booklets.

My second choice would the portable phone. Not a cell phone, but a cordless home phone. I could walk anywhere in the house without tangling the cord or trying to stretch it just a little bit further to reach the sink. Sure, cell phones are pretty great, but I remember that first bit of freedom!

Oh wow! The story of your booklet is pretty amazing!

Thank you! When I look back on it I wonder if I'd have the patience to do that now. But at the time it was the only way and I was determined to get it just right. I am a fairly fast typist but it still it took a long time!

Precisely! I remember doing certain thing, repetitive tasks, in my case cleaning data in enormous excel sheets. Nowadays I am learning to automate these processes in R and even with python. We grow with our tools!

Okay, I don't even know what that means! 8-}
(I played with spreadsheets for about 10 minutes.)
But I agree this kind of technology is pretty wonderful! I've always admired those creative minds who see a problem, or a need, and go forth to find a solution.

Oh man, rewriting it 33 times! I don't think I would have the patience for that! Even with word processors, when I have to use them, I am hard pressed to do more than a couple of revisions before I lose interest... but it is great that you have the ability to keep at it and make your work better!

Haha, what would we do without the ability to keep chatting whilst doing something else!

what would we do without the ability to keep chatting whilst doing something else!
You mean like every housewife from the beginning of time? (I can't speak for the men.)

I admit I was a little obsessive with that booklet.
The back story on that is that at the time I was a railroad train dispatcher. I made a mistake and was suspended for two months. If it had been for a week I would have felt desperate to get back to work. But I decided to make use of my off time to work on the home business I'd started. Writing the booklet was part of that, and giving classes at the community center. By the time one month had passed I was making serious plans to leave my railroad job and do my small business full time. It took 3 years for that to happen but it was the best decision I ever made!

A little obsessive....

I prefer my phone calls to be about 3 seconds long! Preferably consisting of a question and a simple YES/NO answer! Okay... for more complicated questions, probably about 10 seconds maximum!

Okay, I hope you didn't make a mistake in the railway scheduling! That would have been difficult... definitely, for those things a lot of obsessiveness is a good thing!

I'm assuming these are business calls? Because that's a bit abrupt if it's a call to a friend! (Hi, how are you? Fine. Okay, bye.) :-)
I have friends that can take 20 minutes just saying goodbye!

You know, I don't actually remember what my offense was! I might have delayed a priority train. (The RR pays a fine for delaying an Amtrak train and they really don't like that.) I was still new and while I didn't think I should have been given a pass I thought 2 months was excessive. From their side it worked, I was never suspended again.

My wife's family takes about 20 minutes to say good bye! It drives me nuts! However, I think my kids take a bit after me in that respect... we say it is about time to leave... and before we know it they have jackets on and shoes on and are waiting by the door!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

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