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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Technology and Inventions)

in #contest6 years ago

For this I'm going to go with a slightly selfish interpretation of your question, and focus on an invention which impacts me on a personal level rather than one that is of global importance.

For me the invention is the technology that makes video calls possible (skype, face time, Facebook messenger and no doubt plenty of others).

My wife and I have an almost three year old daughter, but my brother and parents live in a completely different state to us, as is my wife's brother. This technology allowd everyone to stay close and lets my daughter maintain contact with family that she doesn't get to see every day. It lets them see her development and experience more of her growing personality than can ever be possible with just standard phonecalls and photos.


Oh, video calling is a great innovation! We live on the other side of the planet to our extended family, and video calling lets us keep in touch. Calls can be a bit chaotic at times when there are about 10 or more people in the call... And sometimes internet can be a bit flaky (I think it is Australia and not here...)..

Funnily enough, the calls to my mother always start in the same way... Can't hear you... Now we can't see you.. Now we can't hear you. Just wait, we will call you again...

It's been like this every week for years...

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

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