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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Technology and Inventions)

in #contest6 years ago

For me personally it was my first home computer. Long before the Internet and inkjet printers, it was a Tandy 1000 and it changed my life in no small way.

Specifically I had written a small booklet of 24 pages. I typed it on an electric typewriter. It had words and simple illustrations that I drew and pasted on the page (no re-sizing). It sounds fairly simple. But getting the margins just right, allowing for the space around the pictures, I ended up typing the whole booklet all the way through 33 times! And I swore I would not write another thing without a word processor!

That computer had 128k hard drive and used the 5.25 floppy disks. But oh the joy of creating my own signs and posters! Printed them on colored paper because there was no such thing as colored ink. And of course more booklets.

My second choice would the portable phone. Not a cell phone, but a cordless home phone. I could walk anywhere in the house without tangling the cord or trying to stretch it just a little bit further to reach the sink. Sure, cell phones are pretty great, but I remember that first bit of freedom!


Oh wow! The story of your booklet is pretty amazing!

Thank you! When I look back on it I wonder if I'd have the patience to do that now. But at the time it was the only way and I was determined to get it just right. I am a fairly fast typist but it still it took a long time!

Precisely! I remember doing certain thing, repetitive tasks, in my case cleaning data in enormous excel sheets. Nowadays I am learning to automate these processes in R and even with python. We grow with our tools!

Okay, I don't even know what that means! 8-}
(I played with spreadsheets for about 10 minutes.)
But I agree this kind of technology is pretty wonderful! I've always admired those creative minds who see a problem, or a need, and go forth to find a solution.

Oh man, rewriting it 33 times! I don't think I would have the patience for that! Even with word processors, when I have to use them, I am hard pressed to do more than a couple of revisions before I lose interest... but it is great that you have the ability to keep at it and make your work better!

Haha, what would we do without the ability to keep chatting whilst doing something else!

what would we do without the ability to keep chatting whilst doing something else!
You mean like every housewife from the beginning of time? (I can't speak for the men.)

I admit I was a little obsessive with that booklet.
The back story on that is that at the time I was a railroad train dispatcher. I made a mistake and was suspended for two months. If it had been for a week I would have felt desperate to get back to work. But I decided to make use of my off time to work on the home business I'd started. Writing the booklet was part of that, and giving classes at the community center. By the time one month had passed I was making serious plans to leave my railroad job and do my small business full time. It took 3 years for that to happen but it was the best decision I ever made!

A little obsessive....

I prefer my phone calls to be about 3 seconds long! Preferably consisting of a question and a simple YES/NO answer! Okay... for more complicated questions, probably about 10 seconds maximum!

Okay, I hope you didn't make a mistake in the railway scheduling! That would have been difficult... definitely, for those things a lot of obsessiveness is a good thing!

I'm assuming these are business calls? Because that's a bit abrupt if it's a call to a friend! (Hi, how are you? Fine. Okay, bye.) :-)
I have friends that can take 20 minutes just saying goodbye!

You know, I don't actually remember what my offense was! I might have delayed a priority train. (The RR pays a fine for delaying an Amtrak train and they really don't like that.) I was still new and while I didn't think I should have been given a pass I thought 2 months was excessive. From their side it worked, I was never suspended again.

My wife's family takes about 20 minutes to say good bye! It drives me nuts! However, I think my kids take a bit after me in that respect... we say it is about time to leave... and before we know it they have jackets on and shoes on and are waiting by the door!

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

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