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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Technology and Inventions)

in #contest6 years ago

{ UwU ;^D Super early mode activated! ^.^ OwO }
Now unto the reply:

If we’re being earnest here, then we gotta acknowledge one of the first inventions of humankind. That invention being agriculture, it laid a revolution that changed the entirity of humankind and how we lived even up to this point. Agriculture, even unconsciously, dominates our everyday life like the economy and politics of society. Agriculture makes us think how much we can produce, what we can produce and why we can continue to grow upwards in population and size. Agriculture, is one of the baselines of society where that’s ruined, then we’re all screwed if we cannor unpeck the damage. Agriculture, as aformentioned, is the birth and gravitas of modern society, as it was during its inception with early societies.

For without the invention of agriculture (farming), we’d all be stuck in this quasi-state of nomad-settlement societies where we’re always on the move and never truly in one spot. Without farming, we’d have none of the superstructural advancements like governance or written language, or economic advancements like logistics or organized trade. Without farming, our population couldn’t grow from under a half Billion to ~8 Billion as of today. Without farming, history would just be farcical as it cannot advance outta the Pre-history stage and must reproduce it even when conditions alter. Without farming, we wouldn’t have great empires like Rome, Charlemange’s France, Mali or Ming. Without farming, we wouldn’t have the French and Russian October Revolutions that changed the face of politics and economics forever. Without farming, we wouldn’t have libraries or the internet to hold our developed and expanded upon knowledge. Without farminf, we wouldn’t have modern entertainment like movies, games and sports. Without farming, we wouldn’t have the industrial era come about that would lead to the invention you talked about today... Without farming, WE WOULDN’T HAVE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS!

Anyways, hope to see more participants!


Haha! Yes, agriculture definitely trumps water treatment! As you mention, the concept of agriculture is (was) the birth of many things that still exist today... including our systems of organisation and political power. The need to settle and defend a settlement gave rise to many things, as did the ability to rise above mere subsistence survival!

I'm really trying to figure out where that gif comes from! It looks incredibly familiar!

Indeed. Anyways, the gif comes from the net. However, it’s MGSV Revolver Ocelot doing the “You’re pretty good!” Meme.

That's what it was! I knew it looked familiar! I see you are fan of the series...

The winners of this SBI giveaway and the new question (The Answer) can be found here:

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