Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Cringe...)

in #contest5 years ago

Thank you for all the replies to the Aliens question, definitely a wide diversity of viewpoints and understandings.

This week, I'm thinking about how outsiders view our own home country... every country has a "public" persona that is either a publicly crafted image (or not...) by the Tourism board (or news...) about how they want the rest of the world to view the country.

Living in the country, this sort of "advertising" can be quite cringe-worthy... not really reflecting the country that we live in... but some weird caricature of it instead!

My Question

  1. How do you think foreigners view your country (via news/tourism messaging)? Is it the country that you experience, or is it cringe-worthy?

My sample answer

Yep... "G'Day"... and "Throw another shrimp on the barbie"... these are eternal lines from the Tourism ad for the American public in 1984 that I still hear. With a broad accent, G'day starts to get pretty annoying when it is suddenly said to you as soon as someone finds out that you are Australian... but you grin and play the part and say G'day back. Whilst I'm a fan a BBQ's.... who the hell puts prawns on a hot flame like that?

...we don't all sound like Queenslanders!

...besides, Australia has always been portrayed as a land of pristine beaches and rugged outback towns. Well, most of the population lives in the main cities where it is generally safe to live! This "where the bloody hell are you?" advertisement (meant for non-Australian consumption) was widely ridiculed in Australia... with lots of spoofs ripping off it!


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

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Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.555 SBD and 0 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares.

There are two special SBI shares for two great answers from:



The winners by random draw are:



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@bengy has set 1.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

thanks for the bounty!

Its hard to say how the US is viewed. I often hear people complain about us yet want to live here or enjoy a benefit here. Honestly, I have met many different people from many nations and it seem 95% of all nations are the same. Just want to live and be left alone. Take care of their family and relax when they can. Thanks for sharing

I think that really depends on what sources you here and if you lump groups together... Most people I know don't really want to move from where they live!

PS can you make this a top level reply, otherwise you might miss the bounty!

That applies to everything though. People always want to go where they believe they can have a better life. Like I said most people just want to live and be left alone. I think its hard to even gauge any nation because everyone knows that each media and person has a bias. The best you can do is to enjoy where you are.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't know... New world countries like Australia, Canada and United States were built up by people who weren't happy where they were... There is something to be said for moving as well... After all, in the end... I guess I did as well, to my adopted country of Netherlands!

It all figures itself out in the end... Our kids are more Dutch than we ever will be!

What did Malcolm from Jurrasic Park say " life finds a way"

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

How do you think foreigners view your country (via news/tourism messaging)?

I am from Canada.
Everyone thinks

  • We say Eh? - a lot.
  • We drink a lot of beer.
  • We have a lot of snow and it is cold all the time.
  • We have moose wandering around.
  • We are nice, polite and say "sorry" all the time.

Is it the country that you experience, or is it cringe-worthy?

  • We do say Eh? - A LOT!
  • We do drink a lot of beer. So much beer.
  • We have a lot of snow and it is cold all the time. Yes, until it gets very hot, humid and miserable for a few weeks if we are lucky that year.
  • We have moose wandering around. No! Most Canadians have never seen one and live in or near cities.
  • We are nice, polite and say "sorry" all the time. We are really not that nice, but being polite and saying "sorry" all the time makes it seem that way.

Funnily enough.. the only time that I've been to Canada was in the middle of winter (it was freezing...) in Toronto. I didn't notice that people said "eh"... there was that really weird Poutine chips stuff... and people were super nice!... well, at least to my face! No Meese though....

Haha! You went at the worst time! A bunch of Canadians will tell you, "It's not that cold" though. I'm glad you got to see the place and had a good time. I might be a bit jaded.

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

@bengy, In my opinion when it comes to the picture of particular country, most of the times it is influenced and manipulated by the Mainstream Media. And my country India is rich with Ancient Culture. Stay blessed.

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

I think tourists enjoy Portugal very much. We have everything from mountains to beaches, islands and thermal springs. Great food, some beautiful women and over 220 days of sun a year.

What else do you want?

Ha, nothing else! But does it live up to reality?

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

Ever since the movie crazy rich Asians movie came out. I think the misconception of what Singapore is like is drastically distorted.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've never seen that but I still want to visit

I have heard of that movie... I have to watch out for it!

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

I think most people view the U.S. pretty accurately. We're all fat from the cheeseburgers, rude, we think we're entitled to everything, racist due to ignorance, you know all that stuff. Nevertheless I think the world still thinks we have cool places to visit though like Mount Rushmore or the grand canyon. My country is supposed to represent a melting pot and yet my people still aren't accepted. Who will do the dirty work??
Sorry getting worked up. If I can see this I'm sure foreigners can see our problems as well

You do hear a lot of the bad stuff from the United States... but definitely, the one time that I've been there... it was really quite a beautiful place in some parts! Also, it is such a diverse place... so many different types of cities and people!

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

What a fun post!

I've never heard of the Austrlian cultured accent before. That rush guy almost sounded English. There was just a teeny, tiny taste of Aus in there.

Love the 22 murders video. Brilliant! that definitely is an idea I have picked up from the media - that there are a high number of backpacker/camper murders in Aus.

I'm not sure what people think of the Brits. That we're all posh?

There are definitely a load of misconceptions about the weather. I can't tell you how many Americans I've met who think it's always foggy in London. I just don't get that. I don't think I've ever seen a live broadcast from the UK when there was any fog. Rain yes. But fog? No.

also, the culture varies dramtically depending on what part of the country you are in. We have a lot of foreign language students in Brighton and they tend to think that this is what the whole of the UK is like but it is actually very atypical.


It's kind of funny... the "cultured" accent was normal in the early 20th century... but then accent become more broad... especially among the media and political classes... to show their "solidarity" with the ordinary person...

UK is pretty huge... we have mostly experience with the London area (which I fondly remember for constantly having black snot in my nose.... no fog though...). Once we had a little visit out in the Cotswolds.. and that was really great!

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

hello dear my country is considered a land beautiful colors in its natural environment and delicious flavors. It was considered a jewel for possessing many virtues but now to decayed by the bad government we have, Venezuela has an immense human warmth, beautiful people I hope you like my brief description hugs God bless you ..

I can imagine that Venezuela has so much more to discover than the political and economic woes that we only hear about in the news... I hope you are still able to find solace in the things that are good and enjoyable about your country!

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

Ghana is seen as peaceful and lovely with hospitable citizens by tourists and I do believe that too

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I've never been to Ghana! I've never been to anywhere in Africa... yet! I hope to... there are many places that seems so beautiful!

A lot of places, and you would enjoy Ghana

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new question (Your favourite place in the room...) can be found here:

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