Need some guest judges for the final round of the IFC!

in #contest6 years ago

Hey everyone! I just noticed we got all of the entries in for the final round about an hour ago which is a couple days early of the deadline on the 25th. So.. There's no need to wait, we can start judging the rounds now!


It's down to the final two! magicalmoonlight versus youhavewings!

I'm willing to pay 3 steem or SBD to each person who helps judge. However.. I only have so much to go around! Like.. Around 15 steem plus 15 SBD total I can spend. So if too many offer to help at some point I may run out of funds.

Also.. If money doesn't matter as much to you, please feel free to offer to do it for less than 3 steem/SBD or even do it for free if you want.. I'd like to get as many judges as possible and can only pay so much!

Thank you very much if you help! And especially if you do it for less than 3 or for free! Thank you for helping one way or the other! This is the final round of the season and it's a special one. :)

The only condition I can think of right now is.. You can not be a judge if you played during the regular season. So.. If you didn't play during the regular season, and you'd like to make a couple steem or SBD for voting for a couple rounds, please lemme know!

For anyone curious here are the round links below.

Deliberator's help a beginner round.

magicalmoonlights entry.

youhavewings entry.

Love round.

magicalmoonlights entry

youhavewings entry

Pick a quest for your opponent round.

magicalmoonlights entry

youhavewings entry.

PS a reminder that the pick your opponents quest round should be judged both by the creativity of the quest picked and the entry as well.

If you've never judged before, your goal is basically to read through the entries above, and pick ones that you like more for each round. Only one of the two people will get your vote for each different round of Deliberator's help a beginner quest, love, and pick a quest for your opponent.

Oh and, if you do want to judge.. Either leave a comment down below to let me know or you can reach me on discord as well or where ever. Feel free to ask any questions as well, I'm happy to help if I can!

Thanks for your time! And thanks again if you decide to help! <3


Help a beginner round - @magicalmoonlight - I feel this post really stressed the friends/family aspect of Steemit. We are friends here, but ultimately one big family helping each other out. Both posts had great tips on using Steemit for beginners, I even learned a few things from BOTH posts.

Love Round - @youhavewings - Both were VERY good entries, and I can relate to certain pieces of both posts. This was a tough decision for me.

Pick a quest for your opponent round - @magicalmoonlight - Wow, if there was a round where I could pick two winners this would have been it! Both of you did an excellent job on these last entries.

Helping others @youhavewings
Love @magicalmoonlight
Pick a quest @magicalmoonlight

Over all pick @magicalmoonlight

Thanks so much for the help tecnosgirl. :)

My pleasure @apolymask this contest needs a winner. These ties have to stop lol

Lol. There have been a lot of ties!
It's possible there will be some form of contention in this championship around as well, will be interesting to see! :D Though in the end.. There can only be one champion each season.

we're about to find out who wins very soon😊 really appreciate it😊

i chose @magicalmoonlight for the help a beginner challenge i felt she broke down many key points.

I chose @youhavewings for the LOVE challenge, although that one had me re-reading both entries, it wasn't an easy decision that's for sure!

I chose @magicalmoonlight for the choose for your opponent challenge. I think what stuck out most was she is teaching her child as well as her child teaching her. It was kind of like teaching oneself In a sense.

Helping others @magicalmoonlight
Love @youhavewings
Pick a quest @magicalmoonlight

Over all pick @magicalmoonlight

Thanks for the help luckysteem! Much love!

did you ask @cryptosharon, @lunaticpandora, @sparrowbernard? i wouldnt mind helping if its appropriate ...

I have not asked anyone personally yet, however I planned on asking sparrowbernard and cryptosharon in time if they didn't volunteer first.
I forgot about lunaticpandora though! I'd like to give him/her a shot if they are interested!

Thanks for the help eaglespirit and offering to help yourself as well. Though as I mentioned in the post, I don't want any of the people who played during the season to judge this one. I think there could be potential conflicts of interest there.

And.. Instead of waiting for sharon and bernard to message me, I think I'll probably just message them on discord soon! Though there's a lightning storm about to move through and looks like I should probably power down my computer again soon, even though I have a surge protector it's not a guarantee, and I'd rather not risk it. Anyways.. I should go, thanks again for the help! And.. Lemme know what's the best way to get in touch with lunaticpandora?

Hmm interesting @eaglespirit! I guess it would be a fun activity to judge!

Glad to hear that you think it would be fun. :) If you're interested or if you have any questions, please let me know. We would be happy to have your help!

Would love to help out :-D! We talk over discord? or telegram or whatever you chat around!

Awesome. :) Thanks! I don't have telegram, so either discord or here on steemit will work! My name is the same over on discord, I'm not sure if we need to be in a same room to open up a chat or...?

luna is same name on discord and no worries on judging myself. i read through and didnt have a fave lol

Here you go @satos as per your request to be tagged here.

Thank you @apolymask - as discussed man - see you on the next one bro. Keep up the amazing work here. This has something special to it!!

Ok, this was tough and kind of hard to judge. Each person has two different styles. I decided to go off how these two awesome people connected with me as a reader.

Deliberator's help a beginner round.


  • I choose as my winner for this because most new people to steemit want to know how to post and to gain up votes. This is exactly what they need to know in my opinion to get them going down the steemit rabbit hole. A lot of people we'll get intimidated and overwhelmed if you tell them ALL about markdown in their first days on Steemit.

Love Round


  • I must admit there was a part of her story that really irritated me. I felt like there was a large chunk of the story missing, kind of like being a passenger on a road trip and falling sleep in Philly then waking up in Maine... Totally missed New York.... Anyways, the amount of genuine love and heartfelt feelings for Devon overshadowed the aspect of the WHY part of the jail part. Maybe i over looked it but what happened were you two Robbing trains or hijacking submarines?

Pick a quest for your opponent round.


  • won this part in my opinion. It was close for me as @magicalmoonlight really did an amazing job especially with creativity. I just felt youhave and their personality shined through here... More so than the last two entries. I had the chance to really get to know them and really flow/jive with them as a reader.

Help a Beginner Round

  • Winner @magicalmoonlight - I felt this post was overall more helpful to a brand-new Steemian and stayed tightly focused on the purpose of the post. I loved the distinction between friends and followers, and the segue from introducing @mafm29 to the tips was very well done. After reading this post, I immediately used the provided URL to check my remaining bandwidth.

Love Round

  • Winner @youhavewings - This story immersed me in it and made me feel as if I was seeing it unfold before my eyes. The Shakespearean allusion at the beginning was well placed and the honesty in the opening paragraphs was heart breaking and courageous. I think this story would make for a great movie - girl meets boy, boy loses girl, chases girl, boy and girl almost die together - boy gets girl and they live happily ever after. It's very Man vs. Man vs. Nature.

Pick A Quest Round

  • Winner @youhavewings - From the beginning of this entry to the end I was engrossed in the beautiful phrases used to describe a beautiful place. The question posed at the beginning immediately put me into a reflective mood and the use of both poetry and video gave me multiple ways to engage with the post. I also like the creativity of the quest chosen by @youhavewings - it is open ended enough to allow for creative interpretation.

Overall Winner

  • While the competition was fierce and both competitors are worthy finalists, my overall vote goes to @youhavewings for consistently including well written entries that go beyond the expected and into the extraordinary.

Late to the party here, but was asked if I'd be interested in sharing my thoughts as a celebrity guest judge (OK, not so much of the celebrity).

This was quite an interesting task for me to take on as it exposed me to two new writers whom I'd never previously encountered. But enough about me, the real interest here is who is going to win, so without further ado, here's how I scored the battle

Help A Beginner Round - Advantage @magicalmoonlight

Both of these were very good, and I was leaning toward @youhavewings initially, but I didn't really like the encouragement toward bidbots. From a personal perspective, I've found that battling through the disappointment of limited interactions and votes on your early work helps make you a stronger member of the community and better appreciate the organic votes and comments that you receive. That isn't to say that there isn't a place for these types of tools.

Love Round - Advantage @youhavewings

This was about as close as you could get to a dead heat, both pieces bared a little of yourselves and both tugged at the heartstrings of the reader. What edged @youhavewings over the line by the tiniest of margins was the newspaper clipping highlighting the near drowning story.

Finally, the decider......

Pick A Quest Round - Advantage @magicalmoonlight

This was another one that was very tough to split, but what won me over was the creativity with which this particular quest was answered. As the father of a young daughter (almost 3), watching the development of her never ceases to amaze me, whether it be showing compassion, or just figuring things out quickly (mind you, she will also drink water from the dog's bowl if she gets a chance). For that reason, @magicalmoonlight's piece connected with me on a more personal level.

So there it is, the my overall vote is for @magicalmoonlight, but that being said it's a hearty congratulations to both of you for creating six excellent pieces of content. And also to @apolymask for running this contest.

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