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RE: Need some guest judges for the final round of the IFC!

in #contest6 years ago

Late to the party here, but was asked if I'd be interested in sharing my thoughts as a celebrity guest judge (OK, not so much of the celebrity).

This was quite an interesting task for me to take on as it exposed me to two new writers whom I'd never previously encountered. But enough about me, the real interest here is who is going to win, so without further ado, here's how I scored the battle

Help A Beginner Round - Advantage @magicalmoonlight

Both of these were very good, and I was leaning toward @youhavewings initially, but I didn't really like the encouragement toward bidbots. From a personal perspective, I've found that battling through the disappointment of limited interactions and votes on your early work helps make you a stronger member of the community and better appreciate the organic votes and comments that you receive. That isn't to say that there isn't a place for these types of tools.

Love Round - Advantage @youhavewings

This was about as close as you could get to a dead heat, both pieces bared a little of yourselves and both tugged at the heartstrings of the reader. What edged @youhavewings over the line by the tiniest of margins was the newspaper clipping highlighting the near drowning story.

Finally, the decider......

Pick A Quest Round - Advantage @magicalmoonlight

This was another one that was very tough to split, but what won me over was the creativity with which this particular quest was answered. As the father of a young daughter (almost 3), watching the development of her never ceases to amaze me, whether it be showing compassion, or just figuring things out quickly (mind you, she will also drink water from the dog's bowl if she gets a chance). For that reason, @magicalmoonlight's piece connected with me on a more personal level.

So there it is, the my overall vote is for @magicalmoonlight, but that being said it's a hearty congratulations to both of you for creating six excellent pieces of content. And also to @apolymask for running this contest.

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