Information Finding Championship - bonus round - Kryptocek's Quest.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Hey everyone! This is our first quest done by one of the players! When @kryptocek leveled up he chose the "Sacred Crystal" relic which allows the picking of a quest to send people on and he will gain 3 XP as well.

Just so you know kryptocek, you can enter this one if you want. That was part of the idea for the relic, so that people could pick a subject they are good at and have an advantage for picking it. Though I did add some extra items to the list to find to make it a lil more unpredictable.

The rest of this text is mostly submitted by kryptocek with just a lil editing here and there from me.
So.. Let me get out of the way and give the floor to kryptocek!

This quest will be available to everyone!! Peasants, store fronts, farmers, even the council can get in on this quest if they choose! (The Judges) Since this quest won't really be judged since it's on a point system the judges can join in for the fun of it! Since it's essentially a BONUS round all Steem generated from the post will go directly to the @IFC page which is run by a few individuals! That will help build IFC and grow it into something magical!

But XP will still be rewarded on creativity and amount of points collected to the judges can decide that after!!


Step 1: Make sure you're following @ifc on Steemit!

For this quest you will have to go out into the world and explore your city and surroundings! Before you go out and about I recommend writing @IFC on a piece of paper... ( this will help you later on )


You will have to go around the city and find the items on this list and take a photo of the sacred items with the @IFC note in the photo!

Example: A flag

ifc canada.jpg@ifc denmark.jpg

So here is the list and the amount of points each item is worth since some items are harder to find and some are quite simple!

Candy Bar1
Realtor/For sale sign1
Restaurant/food menu1
Bottle cap1
Framed painting or photograph1
Tree stump1
News paper1
Lego man2
Rubber duck2
Soy sauce packet2
Heart shape2
Garden gnome3
City/town welcome sign4
Completed puzzle5

So you can choose which ones to take photos of if you can find them around where you live! Make sure to add your piece of paper with @IFC in the photo! Also since Krypocek's SatoshiBerries have been having quite a good season so far he will donate 3 SBD to the winner of this quest since the payout will go to @ifc!!


The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post. Though we do accept late entries if you get it in before all the judges vote.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, the XP and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)


1. Kryptocek's bonus challenge starts now and is a challenge to find and photograph the items on his list. 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Bonus round - Kryptocek's Quest" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Pictures of items on the list
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

PS.. We had another judge step down due to being too busy, if anyone might be interested in becoming a judge or even a guest judge lemme know!

PSPS.. We're doing another quest simultaneously that is similar in regards to going out into the world,if you want to do both of them at the same time, here's the link for the other round.

Click to enter the Discord Chat room!

Click to go to the rules page


When you say flag, does it have to be a national flag? Can it be one that is on a mass? Is it only one point per item? Because I can walk into a candy store and rack up like 20 points.
Last question, if the realtor sign is in a foreign language, can I translate into english and link a translation?? Along with the city welcome sign. If a menu is pretty straight forward with pictures is that acceptable?
I just wanna be thorough and clear on this. 😂

Can be any flag! Depending on the item you get points for the difficulty. So a mars bar you can take a photo of one mars bar and you get 1 point! In Canada we usually say realtor sign or a for sale sign.. sometimes if a realtor is selling the house he’ll put his own sign up and we call that a “realtor sign” but a home for sale sign works as well . Also in Canada before you drive into the city or town there are signs that say “ welcome to Vancouver, the city of smiles” and most little towns a and cities have them as well! Hope that helps.

Okay, I understand better, now. So, it is just one item counts. I live in South Korea, so I have some translating to do for a few of these and bike riding to get to the city sign, it will be worth it though. :P

Yeah man exactly! so every item you get you get the point total that is rewarded for getting a photo with that item!

Thanks for the interest mr-bike! I could double check with kryptocek about your questions as I'm not totally sure since I didn't make the list. BUT.. I think any flag should work and that yes you should be able to do the translate thingy!
Oh.. And in regards to the candy bar thing, I think it's probably just one item per list. :)

@apolymask! Also current prize for this quest is sitting at 6 SBD! Thanks to @charisma777 donation of 3 SBD along with mine!

Ah! Okay. I thought I saw you two talking about something like that earlier but wasn't sure what it was about. I'd be happy to match the 3 SBD you each did and we can make it 9 SBD. :) Should I send the SBD to you..? Or..??

I can send it all to you if that’s easier man doesn’t matter to me!

Hey! Did I ever send you the SBD? I don't remember, lol.. Either way it's time to judge this round so, let's figure out what's going on. I don't remember sending you the SBD.. So.. Do you want to award the prize to the winner? I think it's probably up to you!

Oh this getting sooo good! The Sacred Crystal has been activated! This should be a fun one to participate and watch! Great use of this relic @kryptocek

Thanks @iexplore I thought it would be a fun way to get people out and about as well. I've noticed myself sometimes glued to my computer screen/laptop and it's nice to get some fresh air and get outside! I hope its not to difficult for some and people get out and take a few photos!

Absolutely! We do a lot of exploring these days. I'm sure we can come across a few of these items along our way.

What will be the title of our entries?

Oops. I forgot to put in those details.. I should edit it to include the regular rules I put up.
BUT.. Something like this would be fine "bonus round - Kryptocek's Quest"

Ok thanks

You're welcome!

I love this idea! I wish everyone luck! Can't wait to see all the awesome pics! @kryptocek I will match the 3 sbd. edit 3 sbd sent for the satoshiberry farm!

Oh nice... @IFC is up. :D

Some of these are easy to find indeed. Hmmm... I wanna find the harder ones to find. :P

So all of the Items will be include in one post? Just over excited and curious.

Yeah I think that's how it would work, I didn't make this quest, @kryptocek did.. But I assume that you would sort of.. Find all the items on the list, take the pictures and then upload them all into one blog post and then copy paste the link of that post here in the comments section.

You may want to write up a little something extra, like a lil story or some details about your adventure, or try to take the pictures in creative ways and that might help ink out a win, but essentially.. Just grab the pics put them all in a blog post and then share it here in the comments. :)

Glad to hear you're excited and curious! I'm also really excited and curious about this round!

Well done.. I have all the guides and the informations to start my adventure I bring along my Indiana Jones .. ... WIP...

Haha word! I love Indiana Jones! :D

Oh I'm late to the party but this is so much fun @apolyask! what a cool idea @kryptocek I'm definitely gonna have a last minute slide-in post ;-)
Resteemed !!.png

Got my post done, may update date it tomorrow if I find a lego man and rubber duck. :P

My entry, I almost did not get it in in time, due to unforseen issues.

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