Information Finding Championship - bonus round - Kryptocek's Quest - - The Wandering Traveler

in #justbecause6 years ago

The Wandering Traveler

          It was nice of that Satoshi Farmer, Kryptocek, to leave us these caches along the route it certainly does make the travel easier in these here parts.
          That first cache the candy bar, (and oh my oh my was that ever tasty), then the cookies not just one but a whole tub of them, and water what a bonus, I was getting real thirsty and they were even homeland waters, oh they soothed this poor parched throat from my travels.
Source my @bashadow 's Smartphone

          Alas it was time to push on. After a little bit on the road I ran into what many would think of as a small garbage midden, what treasures would it hold, I wondered. I started to do a little rummaging.

  Source my @bashadow 's Smartphone

          Oh yes treasures were found, an ancient and foreign looking coin cap next to a bottle with strange red liquid, our intrepid traveler looked at the strange red liquid, and in an instant had down the wonderful tasting liquid. Umm Strawberries, oh so sweet and bubbly. As he sat enjoying his red drink, he found an old tome it had funny writing on it which he did not understand, but thought it might make a lovely fire starter, or possibly a hat, so he saved it. Then much much to his surprise he hit the motherload, a portable handheld Piano, saint Satoshi be praised he thought. Surely a gift fit a king. It was time to travel on.

          What is this Statue of our traveling friend wondered as he approached. He soon saw it was to honor the fallen fishermen of the village ahead, a place called not quite... ah I see it now Homer, my eyes they begin to weaken from to many days. Ah and a little note, can't quite read it from here, Ah, now I see it. Journey's end almost there.

  Source my @bashadow 's Smartphone

          Oh yes nice, a place to eat, and the menu, oh yes that food looks very good, and so nice of the proprietor to display his flag emblem and to promote and sponsor his local sports team. I just need to find a home then come right on back here.

          That looks like a place for sale there, i must take a look, I am so weary from my travels thought our intrepid traveler. A fresh coat of paint the lawn trimmed some flowers, and a nice picket fence, and I think it will do thought our wandering traveler, as he examined the potential new home.


          Good for miss piggy, I was getting mighty tired of the cackling from all them ducks floating down the rivers, into our seas, and in our lakes, just so some foolish person could pollute our beautiful waters in the name of saving the planet, as they trample the banks of the stream causing massive erosion of the the soil by trampling the the plants that hold the soil back, and then releasing all those rubber non-biodegradable ducks to drift around the rivers lakes and seas.

Information Finding Championship bonus round - Kryptocek's Quest
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Damn thats my go to pick with the Lindt Excellence the dark chocolate/orange is absolutely fantastic! Also can't go wrong with cookies and pure Alaskan spring water! Legendary entry @bashadow glad you got to smash out some of the items of the list! Also hope the rubber ducks inside the pig are ok! :)

I was running out of time, almost did not make the deadline, I will miss out on the powerspot, just no energy/time to get there.

Cool entry! Love the story line that you used to weave it all together.

I had to sort of rush it, I was going to do it tomorrow, but realized that would be day 7, I am going to miss round 20, ran into a few issues this week.

Great job @bashadow! Loved the story that went along with your images!!

This was an awesome entry @bashadow. I came back to read it to my son! He loves the rubber ducky image!!!! Great entry! Love it!

I couldn't believe they had no rubber duckies, so I improvised. The pig was kind of cute.

I love improv!!!! It is cute, for a pig...LOL! I love how you are doing the storytelling with these posts! It truly does make it more interesting! You are a very creative man bashadow! Thank you for sharing that with us!

Another great entry. Looks like from the comments a bunch of people including myself really enjoyed your story that you typed up! Nice work and thanks for being such an awesome part of all this! :)

I am having fun, I wish I could have made it up to the little lake, I really wanted to see it again, maybe next week. Like a lot of people this was not a good physical/mental week. Not the flu stuff I mean that always goes around, but a lot of just bad stuff, full moon soon, and things get to calm back down.

What a great entry @bashadow; nice improv with the pig haha

You've been having a lot of fun with this game, haven't you?? :)

Oh yes, I think this game is a blast, winning anything is a bonus, mostly playing because I am having fun with it, and seeing others have fun with it also. I just could not believe, no rubber duckies to be found, Or garden gnomes, but well they are still in hiding up here, not close enough for flowers yet, and well we all know gnomes like the smell of fresh flowers.

haha gnomes! When I was teaching, I had a gnome in my class that a different student everyday would move it, and it became a game when the rest came in to find him:) I hadn't thought about that in years! Thanks for the trigger!

I'm glad you're enjoying apolymask's game; it really took off and I'm happy for him because of it. I know he totally appreciates your support as well ;)

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@guard investigate. I have muted your comment for using a tiny URL in a comment on my post. I am also calling on @steamcleaners to investigate you.

Good information... Good luck too you...

For safety, I would mute any and all bots, or persons that uses tiny URLs. tiny URL's cannot be trusted. I have muted @rina77 for using a tiny URL in her comment.

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