Photography Competition Winners

in #competiton7 years ago (edited)

First and foremost the voting for your favourite picture is now closed and the winners of the additional 5 SBD each will also be announced at the bottom of this mail.

For those of you who were wondering, this was my eventual shortlist after a lot of internal debating (@rwedegis, @auminda, @deeviras, @doctorcro, @koenigsnadja & @lindiry)

This is the post you’ve all been waiting for, especially those of you who submitted right at the moment when I started the competition more than a week. As I have mentioned in my update posts I truly feel overwhelmed by all your fantastic entries and responses. I know it has not been easy for everyone and on a few instances I had to ask you to amend your posts either because I didn’t understand what you’d written or you’d posted multiple pictures and you all made terrific efforts.

When I started this competition I had a fantastic 362 followers, at this moment I have 663!!! That’s a massive +300 new friends in just over a week. I am really touched by the love and attention you guys have given me and I will continue to give back to you guys. This is also why I did this spontaneous chance to win another 5 SBD yesterday.

the Winner

You guys have made it really hard for me, I have read heart-warming stories about memories, lost friendships, love, dreams come true, achieving lifetime goals, taking inspiration out of everyday situations, fantastic landscapes. I have read them all, all 127 submissions. Of those 127 submissions 112 entries qualified to enter the competition. I spent an approximate 28 hours over the last week reading, answering, commenting and replying to your posts and questions.

After I did an initial filtering of poor argued submissions, I was left with 64 entries. Here I started looking at originality, sincerity, a deeper meaning or artistic value, for that reasons I’m afraid to say all the animal submissions did not make the final cut … to put it crudely, despite receiving really stunning pictures.

I’m a sucker for beautiful sceneries and this is why some of them made it through my filtering selection, but again I had to be strict with myself, so this reduced my selection even more. Now I was left with my final selection as you saw in yesterday’s post.

From these last pictures I have tried to match the stories with the picture and also started looking at what lies at heart for me. So without any more waiting, the winner of the is …


No, I’m just kidding. I am already a winner for getting so many new friends and you guys opening up your hearts to me and share some precious and wonderful moments like you have. The winner of the Photography Competition and the grand prize of 20 SBD is:



This picture touched me from the first moment that I saw it. To me it portrays a natural love we should have for one another. The baby has never met it’s sister before, yet it grabs her and holds on to her for its life. Now we’re afraid of strangers and avoid talking to someone we don’t know. This picture, to me symbolizes that we should be less afraid of strangers and also that we should love one another unconditionally. Life is short and precious, let’s make our time together here on earth filled with joy and happiness!

the second place and 10 SBD prize money go to:



This picture reminds me as well where I came from and what has made me to the person I am today. I spent a lot of time in my early years at my grandparents home. After my grandfather died, my grandmother (who turns 90 next month) moved closer to us in Amsterdam, but the house, the memories and the stories never fade! Never forget where you came from, it has helped you become the person you are today!

the third place and 5 SBD prize money go to:



We all have goals in our lives and we all need to take time to unwind as well. To me, this picture expresses all of that and has a beautiful setting sun on the background. Have goals, go for it, but don’t forget to live and enjoy life, what else will you think back off when you’re old, grey and in an old citizens-home … all the hours you spent at work, all the business contacts you’ve made, all the millions you’ve made and earned … not going to help you in the long run! So go out there and enjoy life as well, it’s short and precious and it has so much to offer if you let it.

the Winners of the public vote and 5 SBD prize money:



A fantastic picture and like the one I choose for third place it reminds us to take a break and re-organise ourselves. Enjoy the surroundings. You guys have made an excellent choice, well done to @levinvillas

The winner of the random selection of everyone who voted today is @shimster, congratulations!!! You have also won 5 SBD

All the winners should have their prize money in their accounts already:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-16 um 19.55.16.png

Finally please give all the participants an upvote on their last own post, like I said in my original post, let’s grow together and show each other some love, here they are in alphabetical order:

@ablaire @ahmedelakehal @allesia @alx.magentio @amaliatul @anatolianwishdom @aniangel @apsu @archeothot @asfuriah @assetgainz @auminda @avinashvfx @avosep @benychen @biffybirdcam @cafeconleche @camilus @carmenma @chalil05 @crypto4iso @daniteror @darkworld @darnuss06 @davidblackwell @deeviras @deliberator @doctorcro @domioanna @eddithmartinez @elizmaestre @elnazry @emiliorussian @enzo3785 @ervin-lemark @euguma @explorernations @ezinwakelvin @faisalazmi @farahmarissa @fazielsy @fishyculture @garycortesia @gcaynila @gonrgh @hellene8 @hetty-rowan @hql2016 @hugenewz @huslein.slash @ichsanabbas @icybc @isabelpena @jakesdewet @jodiegolier @justdentist @katerinaramm @kayya.muleeya @kgs-training @kkroto80 @kneelyrac @koenigsnadja @laliga @laxmikadariya @levinvillas @lexyflexy @linchybaby @lindiry @lynncoyle1 @mahotcarmz @marglys @mariossap @mavel @mcface @memebibiboboo @mickzzz @moonsailor @n8ggo @nesis @nickstudies @nwjordan @obvious @omardcam @oneboredhero @pbv @peterkkim96 @philosophizer @poeticsnake @pope1995 @potatosauce @princeanthonys @riezalzulfa @rijal10 @rinkashica @roadstories @robart @rodgamag @rwedegis @samueld2010 @smb14 @smeralda @snerdey @sohailahmad2525 @spikezon @stadex @starlost @sustainablyyours @SWedegis @talique @tarmotammik @teukurahmatakbar @the.artist-98 @theessential @troutmusic @unicornvomit @victary @virus95 @wandrnrose7 @waniphotography @wendie @willsbengs @wincee @woutersbit @wremetil @yungbe @zach-charczynski @zangmore

I can’t say what my next competition is about or when I’m going to post it, but it will be round about 3 weeks from now. Thank you all for your involvement and enthusiasm!



Congrats to all the winners!

@wolfje my hands are shaking and there are little tears of happiness in my eyes. Thank you soooo much! Your lovely words on my picture make me so happy because this is exactly how I feel. There should be much more love like this in this world.
This has been a very special contest for me!! I still can’t believe I won 🙈

Your picture brought back fantastic memories of my own 2 kids and how my daughter reacted when she saw her little brother for the first time. That's the best feeling in the world and it sums it all up. Unconditional love from both sides. Thank you for your entry!

@auminda Your picture literally brought tears to my eyes. Very beautiful! Thank you @wolfje for highlighting it.

Thank you so much @rungirl

Congratulations to all the entries and all the winners and everyone that entered I feel are winners. Great contest!! Thank you to you Wolfje!! How are your eyes doing today? ;-)

I'm glad I have a bit of time before my next contest, I felt truly overwhelmed, but also loved all the attention I received.

A success..Looking forward to your next competition!

congrats to all the participant!
awesome contest, unfortunately, I missed it, maybe the next time?

cheers @wolfje

Just watch my blogs, I will have a new competition coming next month.

Thank you so much for this!! :) being chosen for the final list is already an honor for me and receiving an award for having the most upvotes is really overwhelming.. this is the contest that reminds me of a very precious memory. Thank you once again @wolfje! ;)

You're welcome Bud!

Congratulations to all the winners! All amazing photographs! Thank you @wolfje for all your hard work organizing and administering this contest!

Thanks for your entry. It was a hard choice, a colleague of mine actually chose your post as one of the three. A fantastic entry!

Congratulations for all the winner,although I did not win but I am very happy to join this competition so I have many friends like you and I can not wait to wait for the next competition thanks to @wolfje

Anytime and thanks for participating!

Thank you very much @wolfje for the lucky winner prize! It's probably the first time ever that I win something out of a draw :)
Congratulations for the initiative to run the contest, I think it was a good inspiration for many people. Unfortunately I saw it after it ended, so I couldn't participate.
I also like your explanations on why you chose the winners, it shows a lot about you as a person. I am glad to have steem-met you!
Cheers from sunny Cyprus!


Sorry, I just felt like saying that. I am responsible for the destination in my work.

Thank you for participating and keep an eye out for my next competition. I used a randomization formula in excel to choose the winner, so it was really luck of the dice.

Thank you once again!
You are doing a great job, definitely I will be keeping an eye for the next competition.

I am glad you like Cyprus! I guess you have been here?

LOL, no unfortunately I haven't. Last year was the first time I went to Greece, I did a post about that a few weeks ago. Cyprus is still on the agenda.

Oh, it's great that you love it without even coming! :)
If you liked your trip to Greece, then you will definitely like it here too...

I met a lot of Cypriots last year at the World Travel Market in London and they were all warm and friendly and they were the first people who had no problem with my name 😃

Good to hear that!
May I ask what is your name? :)

How cool that you picked me! :D

I liked this contest a lot. When I was searching for my favourite picture, I went through many memories. I felt very lucky and blessed that I have them (and pictures to keep the memories alive).

Thank you for this contest! :)

You're welcome and thank you for participating!

congratulation to all winners

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