The Old Dog Explains: The Proper And Ethical Use of Photos on Steemit!

in #community6 years ago

We all love to use stunning images to beautify our blogs or to enter in photography contests. It is however important to make sure that if the pictures are not ours we give proper attribution to the actual owner and make sure that we are allowed to use their photograph! 

The reasons for this should be obvious, being honest and giving credit where credit is due!

In This Short Video you Will Learn Two Important Things:

  • How anyone can easily discover if a photo is actually yours
  • Where to get photos by others that you are allowed to use

Please remember that on Steemit alone there are many great articles regarding attribution and on where to get photos for your blog posts!

Please Find my Story on is an amazing platform that integrates with the Steem blockchain and vloggers can monetize their videos! Awesome!

I hope that you found this article/video helpful and if there are any other subjects that you're wondering about please let me know. I'd love to help you if I can!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!



▶️ DTube


Great topic and well explained. Sometimes it's just a question of not knowing that you simply can't use every image as your own, so it's good that you pointed it out. The important thing is to check out the image license, and to know that EVERY image as his own license (even yours). Thanks for sharing!

I talented man like you can always create his own images so no worries!

I'm totally agree with your words @kus-knee:
**The reasons for this should be obvious, being honest and giving credit where credit is due.
Definitely pictures need appreciation. And people give them, but if this appreciation doesn't pass to the owner then its dishonest. I always give the link if i get some pictures which is not mine. Thanks for your advice.

A Big Salute For Sharing a Great Video!

Here is some personal thing dear @kus-knee for you, I hope you will be happy to see this love from me:
Whenever you say old dog, this picture come in my mind:

Old Dog

That's not a bad image to have!

Yeah I know. Next time I will come with some enhancements in image for you @kus-knee. Cheers!

Hi there, really got a lot of information from this video. I will be able to use tineye for researching items that I find for my ebay business. Really glad you shared the site as it will help me no end. :)

That's good to know. I'm glad that it helped you!

Thank you for this video. Unfortunately, plagiarism is a real problem on Steemit (and the internet as a whole), and I agree that Tin Eye is a good tool for checking out suspicious images. I would caution people who are checking for stolen images to really take a close look at the results though, and not just assume that a photo is stolen because it is found several other places on the web. Photography is a just a hobby for me, but I do have a few photos available on microstock sites (including royalty free ones like Unsplash). I checked one of my Unsplash cycling shots on Tin Eye and found 71 results. Many of them credited me, but many did not. I also found a couple of examples of my photos that were ripped off from sites like Flickr or Photoshelter. In each case, you can find where I posted the image originally if you do a little digging, but it’s certainly not fair that plagiarizers are bringing the work of honest people into question.

Maybe it’s just me, but why would anyone even want to take credit for something they didn’t even do? Better to spend that energy actually creating something that you can really be proud of.

Great info here from a Steemer that I respect!

Thanks so much! It's definitely an issue that tends to get me a bit worked up.

There is a reason I call you my wise man. Your posts are always great. I love reading them. I am a blogger from my pre-Steemit time so I know a thing or two about use of images. I do not know all but I know that sites like can provide every kind of free to use images.

I use to create post headers (thumbnails) for my posts. Readers can check my blog. The site contains free images already.

Thank you for covering this important topic. I am resteeming it for consumption of my followers.

Yes I had a look at your posts about the Steemit economy and I noted your use of Thanks for this great information!

Always a great feeling to be able to converse with people like you.

This was so helpful! Thanks for sharing!

This is the first video I heard as if in my own language. You have perfect pronunciation and a very pleasant voice. And you give a lot of useful information!

Oooh @tanata thanks so much!!!!

Yes people need to know the info. However, they need to care as well. .

I am a blogger and it is sometimes difficult to put original images of your making in your blog post and that is why I search images that is related to the content that I'm posting in my blog. Even though the images are for free to use, I put credits on it if where did I get the image and the who is the owner.

It is actually a good video where you can get very important information that you can use for your blog. Thanks for sharing your video.

Thanks so much for having a look and for showing on your own blog the correct way to give credit for an image.

This is actually a great topic you have chosen to make a video about as the creator of those would also need the proper credit for it copy pasting others photos in post is not a great idea :)
Thanks for sharing about reverse image search i use search image for google option :)

A few have mentioned the google search. Thanks I'll check it out!

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