⚡️Comment Challenge Update⚡️ & Lessons Learned 😌

in #commentchallenge7 years ago (edited)

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Greetings, Steemland!

I'm so sorry I've not posted in DAYS.

I've simply had a rough go at it this week. But we can't stay down all the time, right? So, I'm back. 😍 To be fair, I HAVE been reading and commenting a LOT... er, as much as I can. I'm a bit behind still, but will catch up.

About that.

My Comment Challenge has been going for 5 days now and the interaction is pretty great. 😀When I first found I had so many entries, I freaked out. Totally. Like.... TOTALLY.

I am not bragging about this, just being transparent.

"Why'd ya freak out, Carrie?"

Excellent question. For a few reasons, actually. Initially, I was terrified seeing so many enter, many more than ever anticipated. And suddenly, there was a REAL possibility I wouldn't be able to pay out when I said I would (which has been updated to when I can 😏). At the time of the post, I had about $40SBD in my wallet and was totally willing to share that with the community, but honestly assumed no more than 7 or 8 (maybe 10 if I got lucky) people would participate. So, in my mind (whatever that's good for), I was assuming I'd be paying out about $30SBD for the contest at most. However, I totally didn't state that anywhere... again, assuming not many would even see it.

Luckily, I HAVE had a donation of 3 SBD towards the pay out. Thank you @philiment ! And @syndicates said they would help out if I got in a real pickle. Hopefully, that won't happen, but it's super nice to know I've got support.

I also set up the contest with me in mind.

Another small mistake. I designed the contest based on how hard/easy I believe it is to comment thoughtfully on a post. If I were entering the contest, for example, I would most certainly choose the first option: 1x10. This is because I would take very seriously the idea of the challenge. I would know that going out and finding NEW content to absorb and then commenting thoughtfully would not be an easy task. I also tend to enjoy longer, wordier posts that can take 10+ minutes to read, plus formulating a reply and then typing it out and making it fabulous.😍 So realistically, most people, simply won't have the time to do this correctly. Or so I thought...

Alas, they still enter. 😏

And honestly, though not really thoughtful or even spell-checked, they don't have bad comments. Just ones that are fleeting. Ones that no one feels pulled to respond to. Ones that are just nice. And I haven't found TONS of these in the challenge, but several.
TO BE CLEAR: These are NOT bad. They are still pretty wonderful, if you ask me. 😍 They just weren't the point of the challenge.

"Well, what's the point?"

To challenge yourself to get out there and read new, exciting content, and to meet new people from all over the globe.
How do you do that? IMPRESS them with your comments. SHOW them you read what they painstakingly spent possible hours pouring over. TELL them what you identify with, what it reminds you of, how it makes you feel. Make connections. 😍

Can you do that in a tiny sentence?

Sure. But why half-ass anything in life? Can't we all just wanna be better than we were yesterday? No need to compete with others (which is why I wanted to set up the challenge in this way- challenge yourself to go above and beyond), just do better today than ya did yesterday and you win. 😍

A little shout out to all the current Steemians working on this challenge:

  • When THAT post pays out your time is up. 🕰️
  • You need to tell me what you completed. OVER HALF that entered have not done this and will be disqualified for not following directions. I'm a stickler for those. 😏 So please! Go update me! (Hint: 1x10)
  • You got this!
  • Late to the party, but wanna join? Do it!

I've come across some of the MOST AMAZING comments because of this challenge.

This was exactly what I was hoping for! Some people ARE going above and beyond. You can tell they understood the point and took it and ran. And really, if only one person figured that out, I'd be pretty happy. 😀
It's totally more than one. 😉

I plan to do a highlight post of some of the people, maybe not the specific comments... Really, it will depend on the comment. I'd like us all getting out there and connecting like ... what's something that connects well....

Like Magnets!

Cause they PULL each other in. 😁 But be careful! The opposite can also be true! 😎

I will be going back over everyone's comments (again in some cases, I wasn't in a great state of mind during the beginning of the week...)... and I'm going to be a stickler. I'm going to see if you really put forth some effort. Something more than what you would normally do. As mentioned above, I've come across several really excellent comments and I'd like to reward a few people for taking the extra special time and care, but simply won't have the funds if I just let everyone who commented win.

I always want everything to be fair and transparent. I thought I was being smart. I thought I had anticipated the possibilities. Turns out, I moved a little hastily, but have learned a great (not the awesome kind, the big kind) lesson.

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I probably won't do a contest exactly like this again. For those wondering, going through 60+ comments/person is a LOT of comments.😲 A lot. But, I've not given up completely. I have an idea where I can still do something like this, but make it much easier on everyone involved (mostly me 😀).

I would like to again apologize for being cranky and not posting. I have a TON of excuses, but who wants to hear about those?😏

So there ya have it.

That was the VERY toned down version of what's been running through my head making me insane the last several days.

Oh? You didn't read it? I get it.😏 I'm a bit boring today...


  • I'm running a COMMENT CHALLENGE.
  • Way more people entered than ever anticipated.
  • I freaked out.
  • A few (not many) aren't doing it how I had hoped.
  • The point of the challenge is to CHALLENGE yourself to do better.
  • I want to be fair.
  • I'm a little crazy.
  • Girls cry. (At least this one does.)
  • I'm sorry.
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New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... 😎

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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Nothing beats overwhelming support, right? I'm at 55 comments now, and I'm on my third day. It has really been an eye-opening exercise. I'm not sure I could keep up this rate, though.

I tried to break up the commenting I did as usual:

  • 1/3 on my favorite dozen or so accounts,
  • 1/3 on random followers I already have but don't usually interact with,
  • and 1/3 on new people found in other people's comment sections or on SteemFollower.

I've found some pretty cool content and people, I've earned some author rewards from commenting, and I've increased my follower count. More than just a stat boost, I think gaining followers from personal interaction leads to more engagement with that person down the line.

I'm not in it for the SBD though, I just wanted to push myself to do 20 comments per day.

That's awesome!

Look at you being all organized. 😎
I like that in people.

I'm so glad it's been a great experience for you!

I'm not so worried about eventually paying out everyone, more that I feel I wasn't responsible when starting the contest. I should have been more prepared and able to follow through with my promise. I let myself down, although I've come to terms with just not being perfect. 😏

2018 is off to an epic start for me. I just donated 5 SBD to the #commentchallenge pot. Glad you're back posting, @carrieallen!
x x

What?! Thank you so much! That's so sweet!

I love this love.
#thealliance 😍

When people freak out there 15 new comments on their blog to only find out it's just some crazy cat!

If you ever do change your mind about trying a contest like this again I hope you find a better method that saves yourself a lot of time and limits the max damage err rewarding winners!

My only thoughts:
Reputation cap
Link your top 10 best comments made for the week

Simpler for you just to go down the line. The only real issue then will be comment plagiarism. Usually, they just copy/paste a comment already stated in the same comment section and it gets flagged down by the author.

Oh dang! I didn't even think of that last thing. I don't think anyone is doing that... so far. But now I'll be on the lookout.

I totally plan to do something similar (keeping the name). Your suggestions are great. I'll be playing with different things till it's just right.

And yes.. there's this crazy cat that keeps popping up in my comments. So.Many.Times.

Good thing I like cats.

Hope by commenting here am still covering the challenge...lol.
It's somewhat a hard task to go out there and read most of our comments, so we understand what exactly you are going through.
Just do what you can, we still will appreciate whatever comes out.
Let's get to work.😀


I know you can do it. And I know your comments will, no doubt, be awesome.

Thank you for your support.


I will say that I related to your post and was happy to see that you had someone to donate the other needed dollars. That being said I am not quite clear with the exact directions and the (1x10). But I am new to this whole thing. But I am trying. I did follow you and I hope you will follow me I also upvoted you because I really related with what you wrote and I enjoy your links and my next stop is to check out the how to formatting link. Then I will check on the @chrisroberts post after that. I will work on my spelling I often am doing multiple things at once. I wish you the best and hope we all do well. Thank you for this I needed it tonight.
Spread your sunshine.jpg

To enter the challenge go to the post below and read the directions.


Basically, you still have time TODAY to start and complete the 1x10 challenge.

Go out and find awesome posts that you are interested in and thoughtfully comment. Do this 10 times before this post pays out and you could win!

Don't worry about sending me any of your money for comments. I do it anyway. So I was not doing it for the money :) Pay it to people who are more thoughtful and profound.

LOL! I ended up sending you extra! You win!

Oh, you are the BEST!!! Thank you ever so much. I will make sure I keep doing what I do to justify your bonus. Manual curation is the way of the future. Bots are over rated!

I totally agree! I understand making an extra buck and don't even care if ya do it. Currently my hubs is experimenting with different ones to see if they work. I kinda prefer to KNOW that a person actually read my work, rather than just seeing a 2% upvote from them.

And YOU must be the best. 😏I mean, your name had a star by it, and it was a pretty big star... whatever that meant! LOL! I'm guessing you had a comment that REALLY wowed me in there and I wanted to reward you... and I did.😎

So, thank YOU for getting out there and being a part of the community! 😍

This is really sweet.

Again, it's not the money so much. I'll still check you out. Who knows? Maybe you'll rock my world a few times!

A comment's payout speaks to its worth on the open market. ;)

Sounds like you really bit of a huge challenge for sure, it's very ambitious, but I think it's also a great thing your doing let me know if there's any other way I can help.

It's true. Luckily, I've gotten such great feedback I've already been reworking the content so it's more doable on an on-going basis.

I really didn't think I'd get this much action (and to be fair, it's not THAT much, but compared to what I was used to...).

I'd like to keep something like this going, but need it to be just right so it's sustainable. I'll figure it out. Gotta make mistakes so I know what NOT to do. 😉

Thanks for all the help and support! (I gotta get out my 2 week -not much 😏-progress post some time too!)

LOL! I don't think I officially entered, I think I just commented that I hoped it went well... hmmm... If I am entered, please withdraw me! And congratulations...?

LOL! I didn't have you down as entering. S'ok.

Yes. A congratulation is in order.

I've had WAY more interaction on that post than any post eva before. Sure HALF of it is me... but I digress.

To be fair, I decided recently I AM ready to be STEEMIT famous. With that comes great responsibility. Good thing I'm only easing in. 😉

Wow! You really spent a lot of time on this post! I’m sure all the contestants will understand your dilemma! I understand your frustration about people not following the contest rules. I have the same problem with my contest. There are a few loyal contestants who know what the rules are and follow them; there are those who simply forgot something ; there are those who never bother to read them; and there are even those who tell you they don’t like the rules, so withdraw from participating because they don’t want to follow rules!

I will go now to check out your contest. It seems interesting , but yes , an awful lot of work for you!

Yes. I have to simply remember that everyone's level of commitment to... well, ANYTHING can and DOES differ from person to person. Such is life. Somehow I was under the assumption that Steemit was only the best of the best, implying everyone on here always gives it their all. Unfortunately, like many things, Steemit is a microcosm of what exists... out there. 😲

I do a pretty good job of surrounding myself with the smartypants though. 😉 Thank goodness!!

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