Tight Asses, Gotta Love 'Em (Comedy Open Mic #18)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

I'm not a comedy writer by any means, but when I saw that my friends @beeyou wrote "Small Nipples are Sweet & Delicious" and @abh12345 wrote "Putin reveals balls used in World Cup draw", then I figured I could do that too!

After all, small sweet and delicious nipples and Putin's hot balls were funny, so why not venture into something that is near and dear to a large segment of the population, tight asses?

Now I know what you are thinking, that this isn't a discussion I normally have in my feed, but let me assure you that I am not talking about asses like Kim Kardashian's famous ass.

That's not tight by a long shot.

And while many of you have jumped to read this post to see the clickbait, its not even going to appeal to the famous Seinfeld character Cosmo Cramer, aka the Ass Man.

Because its not about those kinda asses either.

Are you now thinking: "what is he talking about then"? Could it be he's somehow going to make a post about donkeys?

After all they are asses too!

No, it isn't a post about tight bodies or even donkeys, this post is about tight asses with money. I know, I know, it isn't a sexy subject... but you gotta love these people when you think about it.

Find A Penny, Pick It Up. The Rest Of The Day You Will Have Good Luck

First if it wasn't for tight asses picking up those pennies, we wouldn't have such cool sayings. And also you should consider the great service these people do for the environment. Just imagine how much copper, aluminum, and zinc would be littering our roads, parking lots, and sidewalks if we didn't have tight asses picking up all that change.

Under-Tipping Makes Servers More Productive For Society

Imagine if everyone gave 15% or more. All the waiters, bartenders, and servers of all kinds would make a decent wage on an 8 hour schedule. But thanks to tight asses, these people must work extra hours or even get another job so that they can actually pay the bills for their families. This makes society more productive and increases the amount of labor that we get from this working class. So the next time you see a tight ass leaving a small tip, give them a big pat on the back and thank them for growing our economy.

Don't Give Unto Others, Keep It For Yourself

While this isn't what we are told when growing up, obviously there must be something to this slogan from the tight ass playbook. After all, why help others to grow when you can help yourself? Why make others feel good, when you can gorge yourself with your own riches and power? By keeping everything for themselves, the tight asses are setting great role models that our young can emulate. The message is clear, we too can grow up to be rich and powerful, and well.... tight asses!

Tight Asses, Gotta Love 'Em

This is an entry into the Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 18. I'm not sure of the rules, but think I followed them to the best of my abilities.

ps... after tight asses I might write about dumb asses since I know more about that!

I nominate @cryptkeeper17 and @headchange to join the fun. And if they win I will give them the Dancing Baby Award for the month.

dancing baby 2.gif

Content rules
Comedy Open Mic Round # 18

pole vault image Kim's K's image Ass Man image Donkey Image Penny Pickup Image Tip Image selfish image


So it took the world this long to realize I was right all along. Tight asses rule!

@pangoli lol... yes... sadly we are just now discovering it :P

hahaha this is awesome Dave! I fell for the click bait thinking, "What??? Dave???" haha Good one! Loved it :)

lol... hmmm now we know what you read Lynn ;) ... The click bait sucks you right in :P

She read my post too. 😉

hahaha... see...we might be onto something ;)

lol and mine!

Lol, we have proof!

Dave and @beeyou, I'm not always sweet and squeaky clean :)

hahaha... thanks for the headsup, we will keep an eye on you then!

As a commentator on all 3 posts The squeaky clean image is no more! 😁

hahaha well then, my dirty little secret is out :)

It's the perfect trifecta really.

Nips, Balls and Ass... I just need to make a special mention to our Dong Song

There are many others I'm sure I've missed but this one is special in my mind.

haha... that is funny... I give Carl some serious credit, that is hilarious :) And yes I agree, Nips Balls and Ass... Maybe I should change my title :P

Shit... a popular topic these days.

Well, I'm impressed, Dave. This was awesome and kept me guessing.

It also tells me what to write about next.

Thanks :D... I'm happy to finally join up with such a fun set of peeps! And yes, we still have a few topics to keep this sitcom franchise going! ;)

Welcome to the club of nipples, balls, and tight asses 😂. Finally, you join the fun. Welcome to the club Dave. @doomsdaychassis and @profanereviews, let’s roll out the red carpet and welcome Dave to COM!

I just got this message and haven't read the post yet. Is it donkeys?

Yayyyy for joining up, Dave.

haha... I finally found the time to do one! Not in your league of course, but glad I could finally end my comedic virginity!

Not donkeys ass at all, but you know that by now. :)

lol... yes after you and Asher did such a good job with your pornographically implied posts, I figured I could give it a try too ;) ... Not as good as DDC or PAL, but happy to be on the board!

Nothing pornographically implied about my nipples post. 😛

Should also call @pangoli over. We shared a moment of rabbit bbq the other day; I’m sure tight asses are much more appreciated over rabbit. I’m still trying to get that poor rabbit’s eyes out of my mind pangoli. 😔

@beeyou ... lol... I was going to reply and try to argue with you... But somehow I don't think I would win! :P

and of course on for the ladies

aaaaaaannnnnndddd its gone

and of course on for the ladies

aaaaaaannnnnndddd its gone

Tight asses make the world go round. One of them built this blockchain.


lol... I was going to bring that one up, but then thought why not let my commenters do that job for me ;)

First our sweet little Bee and now you. It is a comedy conspiracy for sure. They are out to turn the whole world of Steemers into expletive spewing clowns and jokers.
I must admit you have found the most suitable use for that psychedelic psycho baby.

haha yes a comedy conspiracy is perfect! and I can only hope to be a expletive spewing clown and God-forbid even a joker one day! I have a dream! :P

An excellent topic, I'm glad you raised awareness of the excellent environmental work the penny pickers do 😁

haha... I'm glad you appreciate my politically correct green attitude here Asher! When I was thinking about the major things I love about tight asses, being green is the thing that popped in my mind first ;)

Thanks Dave. Your clickbait title and thumbnail woke me from my slumber. Love the twist you put on the post.. Fantastic! Thanks for the laugh. Since I'm a Steemit tight ass, I have given you my one penny vote as a just reward based on the topic here. Now I need to go check out Putin's balls.

On a side note, while typing this on the mobile, the word clickbait was auto corrected to clitoris! Could this be the next theme of your comedyopenmic entry?

If you liked it, then I feel mission accomplished... You and @doomsdaychassis are my comedic idols... And thank you so much for that tight ass reward, its a perfect way to say work harder on these posts so that maybe one day I can make $0.02 from you if I'm lucky!

I hope you liked the post on putin's hot balls ...and lol, yes I changed the word subliminally (like in the old days they put words into songs that you could only hear if you played it backwards)...so that I could get some pre-awareness recognition for my upcoming pussy post!

Just make sure it's not sloppy.

Why oh why am I friends with you two?

@palikari123 .... I'm glad not pics on this post accompanying the words ;)

@palikari123 lol... I think that one goes with @lynncoyle1's post ;)

hahaha Dave, I guess it fits :)

lol... I think he got confused or just still has your post on his mind :P

Yes, true...However I wasn't aware of that post until later:)

its ok... I think that could work for any of our demented posts :P

Hey man... good post, greetings from Venezuela.

thanks and good post on your entry too! And great to meet anyone from Venezuela, I love your country and people!

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