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RE: Tight Asses, Gotta Love 'Em (Comedy Open Mic #18)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Thanks Dave. Your clickbait title and thumbnail woke me from my slumber. Love the twist you put on the post.. Fantastic! Thanks for the laugh. Since I'm a Steemit tight ass, I have given you my one penny vote as a just reward based on the topic here. Now I need to go check out Putin's balls.

On a side note, while typing this on the mobile, the word clickbait was auto corrected to clitoris! Could this be the next theme of your comedyopenmic entry?


If you liked it, then I feel mission accomplished... You and @doomsdaychassis are my comedic idols... And thank you so much for that tight ass reward, its a perfect way to say work harder on these posts so that maybe one day I can make $0.02 from you if I'm lucky!

I hope you liked the post on putin's hot balls ...and lol, yes I changed the word subliminally (like in the old days they put words into songs that you could only hear if you played it backwards) that I could get some pre-awareness recognition for my upcoming pussy post!

Just make sure it's not sloppy.

Why oh why am I friends with you two?

@palikari123 .... I'm glad not pics on this post accompanying the words ;)

@palikari123 lol... I think that one goes with @lynncoyle1's post ;)

hahaha Dave, I guess it fits :)

lol... I think he got confused or just still has your post on his mind :P

Yes, true...However I wasn't aware of that post until later:)

its ok... I think that could work for any of our demented posts :P

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