Southern Lights, 1991: Wednesday Yellow

in #colourchallenge6 years ago (edited)


So much of our lives went unrecorded before we had camera phones. I'm pretty thankful for this, because there's a lot of memories I'd rather weren't on film. However, there's some things I wished I'd captured - events and happenings that filled me full of childlike awe.

The Southern Lights, Aurora Australis, is one of them.

My uncle emailed me these photos. Sadly, he lost the original negatives, and only had the digital copies, which are pretty poor. But somehow, they say say I was there. That I witnessed this incredible, magical, spectacular lightshow. In the first photo, you can see the tip of the Bells Beach wave which some surfers on Steemit might be familiar with.

I spent my childhood within a kilometre of this coastline and remember the window always open, no matter what the weather, just so I could hear the swell crashing on the beach. Years later it's hard to imagine being so priveleged as to grow up in a place like that. I couldn't afford to buy there now, the house prices on the coast rising like they have. There's a pang of nostalgia of course - we don't realise how good we have things until they are gone. Or maybe we do. I remember being full of joy and thinking I lived in the most beautiful place on earth.

Bells Beach: Heaven for Surfers

We saw thunderous electrical storms light twenty foot swells up in purple glows, terrified as Dad insisted we drive out to watch it break open the sky over the bowl that is the Bells cove. We saw huge clean swells on Christmas Day and the hilarity of someone writing huge on the sand 'Thanks Santa!' so it was visible from the cliffs. We saw a pod of a hundred dolphins churnimg the sea and the yearly migration of whales, and surfed with dolphins too, their black eyes gazing as we stared back unable to turn on the waves green but only hoot and holler. We saw shooting stars and Haley's comet. We rode horses along the long stretch of beach from Southside to Addis (it's not permitted these days) and through the Ironbark Basin and from Jan Juc all the way to Point Impossible, crossing the Bell St bridge which is now a superhighway of cars that would kill a horse in a second. We surfed in uncrowded lineups, now a thing of the past. We truly had a blessed childhood, and so little of it captured on film.

But nothing topped the vision of the sky all quivering sheets of yellow and orange.

Aurora Australis is the northern lights cousin, but doesn't get as much attention. Maybe because we're more remote and less populated here. New Zealand and Tasmania and our state of Victoria are the best places to see them, but I've only ever seen them once and we just don't hear about them alot. That's why this 1991 occurrence is so amazing for me - in all the years I've spent on that coast, it's the only time I have seen them and in living memory, most people I know refer to this event above all others. There's a whole heap of factors that determine the chances of seeing them - the time of year, cloud cover, how far south you are (far more likely to spot them in Tassie than here in Victoria) so I really count myself lucky that this is in my memory archives, even if the photos don't do it justice.

What awe inspiring beauty do you recall seeing in your distant past? What wonders have captured you in ways that you may not have been captured since?

Despite their grainy inexpert captures, quite unlike the crystal clear photos of the auroras on the internet, I treasure these immensely. I love that my uncle had taken them, and I love that so many of us were lined up on the cliffs that day, totally in awe of nature's splendour - in much the same way the crowds gather when the giant swells come through, there was a sense of togetherness in the air, of shared wonder.

I love the white spots of stars - that was a sky captured precisely at that moment in time, and there will never ever be another sky just like it, like a fingerprint, unique. I love how in my memory it was different - more vivid, and alive, but yet the same - the blackness of the cliffs, the large sky, the colours and the universe singing at us. It must have been cold as the date says mid June and that's Winter here. I don't recall the cold. Funny how memory is a fickle thing. Maybe my heart was thrumming so with the wonder of the sky and the brilliant world that I couldn't feel a thing.


Have you seen the Southern Lights? Do you have photos to share? I'd love to hear about your experience!

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This is amazing! I've been to Canada to catch the Boralis, but have not been in the right place at the right time for the Australis. Thanks for the share!

You're welcome. You saw the northern lights though, so that's a win!!

When i have known the southern lights are happening there has been to much cloud cover:(

Oh, I went to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland once for an eclipse - it was freezing cold and we got out there and there was far too much cloud. It did go very quiet - but that wasn't quite the same thing!! Not that I was entirely let down - it was a pretty amazing spot. Hopefully you'll catch them one day - you're in a good spot for them!

Yes i am in a good area to see them i very much hope to see them sometime soon. That is a let down going all that way and having the clouds cover it all up.

Well, we were living in the UK so it wasn't as if I went there from here. Plus, it was good fun. Clouds do have silver linings!

You grew up around Jan Juc? Lucky you and your Dad sounded awesome. My old man took alot to get out of his chair reading the newspaper so we never had any expeditions to see cool stuff.

I've never seen the Southern Lights. I would love to take photos of it.

Only thing I wish I had more photos of from the past are family members. Unfortunately all our photo albums were destroyed in a bushfire.

Nice post though and got me thinking.

Oh no! In a bushfire!!! That's terrible. Where/when was that?

Yes, grew up about a km from Bells Beach. I was really lucky - can't afford to live there now!

Oh dear - your Dad! That newspaper must have been good ;) - you sound quite sad about that, so I'm so sorry to hear this.


We used to go on "Sunday drives". Usually to Eltham Park to ride on the mini trains and get hot donuts. Not sad, just the way it was with a hard working Dad.

Yeah last I was down Torquay way I noticed how expensive the houses are now and like they are made by architects. We sound old whining about the old days. Like our parents did.

The bushfire was the big one in Kinglake. My sister had all the pics and her joint got burnt down. She got out with her life so positive out of it.

Oh I worried it was that one. What an awful day that was. I remember I was living in our bus down on the coast and it was too hot to go inside, so we were sitting under the gum trees with ice in the esky, feeling this great sense of trepidation - and then we heard about the fires. It was so traumatic. Thank god she was okay.

Yeah, my folks have one of those houses (it's a really nice one!) - yeah, I'm whiney!! I was priced out of the town I grew up in - no local loyalties that's for sure. But it's all good, I live just behind the coast so it's only a short drive.

I dont like the developments. They are making money out of it with no though for infrastructure or natural beauty. There's a committee constantly fighting development at Bells!!

You have to watch out where you are on the Great Ocean Road as that area goes up in flames now and then. I'm sure you have a fire plan and always at the back of your mind.

I was in Germany and sleeping when Kinglake went up. I looked at my emails in the morning and a relation had told me that my sister was fine, don't panic and it's all so terrible. I had no idea what she was talking about until I looked at the Aussie news.

Yeah my sister saw the smoke getting closer and got the cat and drove as fast as possible, avoiding all the fallen trees and smashed cars on the way out. VERY LUCKY. And she used to be a bitch. Now after a brush with death she has mellowed and more carefree thankfully.

Same shit is happening on Nth Stradbroke Island where I am. Used to bush tracks and surfer crowd but now the rich have moved in and the price of a small block land is over $1mil . There is still the occasional beach shack still standing. Like the Gold Coast once was in the early 80's. Oh the good old days. I whine too haha.

Hah, grumpy old men?? We trump them. Oh yeah, 1983 Ash Wednesday we were there with my Dad, Mum was in Melbourne as we still lived there then, totally panicking about where we were! Scary. And then there was Wye River. We're always on alert. This year was okay, but the Western District lit up and we were camping down that way - very scary winds and we were diverted on the way back.

Funny how life mellows people out.

Oh how lovely. I haven't seen the northern or the southern lights, and I'd be glad to catch either. There weren't a lot of pictures from my childhood either, and what there is often require a translation. "This is you at Disney World!" A random blur of color is in the background. I don't know that I regret that though. I doubt I would look back on them much. I love to document the moment now, even if I won't look at it much in the future. It's the artist in me.

Certainly sounds like you had a picturesque childhood.

Yeah, I know what you mean. But I do like to see old photos once in a while! I think the memory of the lights is much brighter and more beautiful in my head, but these still speak poetry to me and remind me of that time - for example, in the memory I couldn't remember exactly where we were, but when I saw the photos I remembered exactly!

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When I was in Iceland, all I wanted to do was see the Northern Lights. On both attempts, I failed. I was very sad about it. I hate being cold, so I was really hoping I wouldn't have to take two vacations in my life to very cold places in winter so I could see them. I hear you can rent igloos with clear ceilings out in the north of Finland during winter, where you can see the Northern Lights as you fall asleep. Maybe that would be enough of a consolation prize.

Oh, what a shame! That reminds me of going all the way to a remote island to swim with manta rays and they didn't show up! Goddamn nature not performing when we want it to! Renting igloos - oh my gosh, i've seen that, that would be amazing. I reckon that would be a fabulous consolation prize (just as drinking coconuts on a desert island was consolation for not seeing manta rays, he he)

I really hope you get to see them!!

I'd kill to see the southern lights! Sick film shots

Cheers!!! Yes I even envy myself haha

What makes this photo so special - also for us, most certainly for me - is that it's "real" - guaranteed unmanipulated - save for what your memories allow. But is there any other reality worth exploring?

Now that I'm soon going to be gone fishing for new etheric supplies, and there will be no more of my gefilte fish each morning, I was thinking a lot on all that "capturing" we do with the intellect and our technological imitation-helpers and how I won't miss the false hope that hangs out here like a mist that in communicating our thoughts we are weaving a network that can sustain us. It is not ALIVE ENOUGH. Unlike your living picture breathing on your treasured memories.

@intrepidphoto nothing like your calibre but thought you'd appreciate the story...

I have seen the northern lights, but never the southern. They are on my bucket list.

I hadn't heard of bucket lists in 1991 but this definitely would have been on it! The whole thing was a happy accident... Dad went outside, saw it, and called everyone he knew and we all hit the cliffs. No internet predictions told us it wpuld be there so it was quite unexpected!! I'd love to see them again.

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