The Old Dog Experiences: Skin Tightening and Tingling After A Frigid Mountain Water Swim.

in #coldwater7 years ago (edited)

Once I was in the water the pain almost had me quitting but I persevered and benefited Big Time! What a rush!

Both The Ambiance And The Water Begged us to Take a Swim!

I have to say that this place was magical. The combination of the waterfall, the color of the water and the fact that the bottom was fine white sand made the desire to swim overpowering!

Could you resist swimming over to these waterfalls in Faido Switzerland? I couldn't!

What an incredibly beautiful and inviting place but beware! This was not the tropics!

At What Point is Bathing Water Considered Cold?

The water that we swam in was between 10- 15°C ( 50-60°F) depending on the depth and the flow. Many people might think that that doesn't sound cold because they are mentally comparing it to air temperature. That's a big mistake because there is no comparison!

Once water is below 25°C (77°F) breathing can already be affected. It is for this reason that the officialy accepted range of water temperature for Olympic competition is  25-28°C (77-82°F). In fact, when I first took the plunge I noticed that my breathing was affected and my legs and private parts ached! Yikes! After about 5 minutes I got quite used to the temperature and was able to enjoy the water for about 15 minutes or so.

Once I was out of the water my skin had a pleasant tingling sensation for several hours and I had an overall sense of energy, alertness and well-being! 

That's me, "The Old Dog" on the right with my son on the left. The water from the falls was so powerful and cold that it almost felt like we were getting hit by hail! Not shown but also brave and present was the Steemit artist and adventurer @airmatti! He's a great guy and a talented artist so why not follow him? Maybe next time the mannequin @steemitri will show up and float around a bit!  

"Oh what a feeling, what a rush!" I shall return soon!

 Facts About Cold Water Swimming. What Could happen?

  • 10-15°C (50-60°F) loss of breath, cold water shock, uncontrolled gasping and hyperventilating!
  • Below 4.5°C (40°F) could provoke total loss of breathing control and could be so painfully cold that it feels like your skin is burning!
  • Those not used to cold water swimming will find 21°C (70°F) to feel quite cold.
  • Those used to swimming in cold water might find 21°c to be quite comfortable.
  • It is important to know how you respond personally to cold water!
  • gradually getting acclimatized to the water by entering slowly will reduce or eliminate shock.
  • Body fat in cold weather swimming is an advantage. It provides insulation thus slowing heat loss and  hypothermia. It does not, however reduce the risk of shock!

When High Body Fat Saved a Life!

In March 1984 a fishing boat capsized plunging 5 fisherman into the sea off of the coast of Iceland! Gudlaugur Fridthorsson, swam for about 6 hours in 5.6°C water and was the sole survivor. What was the reason? Gudlaugur Fridthorsson was heavily over weight! He had a mind bogglingly high Body Mass Index of 30 which made his physique similar to that of a seal! His survival was so amazing that the story was made into a film entitled "The Deep".

How long would I have survived? I'm not quite in seal territory but I do need to shed some accumulated blubber! 

Amazingly, despite his ordeal, Gudlaugur Fridthorsson did not suffer from any hypothermia! Photo Credit

Interesting Temperatures!

  • 98.6F (37C) Normal body temperature.
  • 95F(35C) The point at which hypothermia begins. That's not much of a difference is it?!
  • 85F(29.4C) Surprisingly water feels pleasantly cool.

What Has Your Experience Been?

  • Will you swim in a cold swimming pool?
  • Have you ever been in very cold mountain water?
  • Do you ever take cold showers?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about " Skin Tightening and Tingling After A Cold Water Swim."

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will do my best to upvote it with some of my 41,000 plus Steem Power! 


We use to swim in similar waters under waterfall all my childhood. Around 18 degrees. When it was 20 we said that it's warm. When we came out of water our lips were almost blue. I'm not sure but I think that maybe there is some connection with my joints and back problems I have lately, he, he.

18 is still cold. I hope that your joint and back problems aren't related to those swims. Maybe cold water swimming would even help.

I read long ago about a German guy Kneip. Some kind of doctor I think. He experimented with this but If I remember right he didn't finish well with that. You could check it out if you want. Google; you know.
I'm too busy for that. Thanks for the reply.

Take a place that is like a paradise, some bbq, good friends, add some good beers and a cold and regenerating swim. You have the perfect receipt for a memorable day! Interesting informations and thanks a lot for the mention!

Yea sounds so nice!

Wish I was there!

You were a brave man to enter that water @airmatti! You are correct about it having been a memorable day!

I don't know how to swim but will learn if I get a chance to visit such a beautiful place with relaxing waterfalls and Yes I will swim in the cold water.

You are a true adventurer! Just to encourage you, my Dad only learned to swim at about 45 years of age and it added a lot of joy to his life. Swimming is such a liberating feeling! If you can steal away some time why not take some swimming lessons?


That is just so hard to imagine how someone could not know how to swim....It seems just so natural and easy.....Great story and encouragement there @kus-knee !

Right now I am 3 year younger compared to your dad's age when he learned to swim. I am very certain in these 3 years I will learn how to swim. Thanks a lot for the motivation dear brother.

What an informative post! It inspires me to accumulate some body fat now 😊.

All your pictures are soul refreshing and beautiful. I was thinking before even I started reading it, how cold this water would be and you stated the temperature to be 10-15 C (as if you took a thermometer along 😉). But isn't it feels much colder when this 10 degree 'hot' water falls on you from this much height compared to just taking a dip in a still water of same temp.?

I once dared to take a dip at the source of a holy river called Yamuna (a tributary of Ganga). When glaciers melt and the water start flowing into a stream, it isn't dip enough to even dive in. So I just laid down to get completely wet in her waters. But the water felt ice-cold and in less than a minute I felt some pain in my chest. I immediately got out of it and ran as fast as I could to a hot natural sulphur spring at some distance and dived into it. I still think that hot water spring was a life saver for me at that time. I didn't try to dive into the cold water again, when I visited the Gaumukh (origin of river Ganga in Himalayas), where it's quite deep though.

Actually we did have a thermometer! because my brother-in-law took one along! After the "pain" I really enjoyed the experience! Thanks for your story of what happened to you as well!

so I guess you're the ice man in Steemit now Old Dog?
I think its awesome to take a dip on such a brrrrr water!
would probably get stiff if I do
I can't stand the cold even though back in the Ph we only take cold showers ..
weird huh
but then the cold here is super brrrrr...
btw those pics looks so inviting!
it says - jump and plunge!
oh that's the same :D

You are not the only that mentions having to take cold showers! There are lots of advantages to that and it's worth exploring!

I would love to!

I wasn't really expecting a thermometer with you! I know you are good at making a reasonable guess anyway.

Oh, I missed what could have come after the "pain". I should have been a little more courageous. Next time will keep this in mind along with some BMI to safeguard myself. Thanks for your motivation!

Give it a try and take it slowly!

The cold waterfall not's a problem to the Super Old Dog! Very nice my friend!!! Tanks tos share this amazing place! (;

Yea he's acting like a young pup!!!


Thanks so much for the visit @lordemau!

Another great post :) I've done the white water rafting in Terrace which is in glacial water. Everyone gets a special "dry suit" but your ankles, hands, and face are exposed. It was fun to do once, but I'm not running back to do it again!

An adventurous woman like you would be the first one in at this place!

Many years ago I did some scuba diving on ship wrecks in Georgian Bay Ontario in May. Water temperature? 1 degree! Full wet suit but any exposed flesh i.e my face, or any rips anywhere on the suit and it was PAINFUL!

Oh that will be hard for me to try indeed! I'm from Mauritius and the mininum temperature i've ever experienced here is 14 degrees celcius! Even in summer i take my bath with warm water....imagine!

If you visit such a place with friend the combination of beauty and peer pressure might help you to try something new!

What an amazing trip, beautiful waterfall. I'm glad you and your son share this experience. Thanks for sharing, here in Costa Rica we have not much cold water and I guess most are about 23-25C so I cannot imaging how could it was. I tried 'swimming' in the Oregon Coast ( my mistake thinking water temperature was similar to Costa Rica) almost cried when my feet touch the water and my friends laugh at me :P @OriginalWorks

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It does take getting used to!

Oh my! That's why we always wore wetsuits when kayaking the cold waters of Lake Superior, even on a warm day!

These waterfalls is amazing, wonderful place to relax...
I'm going to swim just only on 24°C :)))

24 degrees is understandable. @lellabird60 will rarely go in unless it's 28 degrees!

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