获取微信群成员关注和粉丝的API - Two APIs to get the followers and following list in the Wechat Group

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Two APIs are made available exclusively for the members in the wechat group. Contact contact#tumutanzi.com or @rivalhw to join the steemit wechat group.

These APIs are used to get the list of followers and following. The API results are cached in the CloudFlare edge servers and updated every hour.

昨天在弄 RSS 2.0版本的时候顺便把这两个API放出来。一个是获取粉丝列表,一个是获取关注列表,两个都是返回JSON格式的数据,数据每小时更新缓存。目前暂时只能获取微信群里的成员,但不排除之后扩展到全网。需要入群者可以联系 [email protected] 或者加大伟哥微信 @rivalhw

Get the list of my following :
举例说明 - 我的关注列表:


Get the list of my fans (followed)
举例说明 - 我的粉丝列表:


Wrapped in PHP, that becomes:

function getFollowing($id) {
   return json_decode(file_get_contents("https://uploadbeta.com/api/steemit/account/following/?cached&id=$id"), true);

function getFollowed($id) {
   return json_decode(file_get_contents("https://uploadbeta.com/api/steemit/account/followed/?cached&id=$id"), true);

Check the steemians that a big whale follows but you haven't followed yet.

print_r(array_diff(getFollowing('tumutanzi'), getFollowing('justyy')));

这样就能知道 @tumutanzi 关注的 而我却还没有关注的人。

新技能,你 get 了么?
在使用过程中如有建议或者BUG反馈,请直接 @justyy (微信steemit 都可以)
Any suggestions/bugs, please report to @justyy

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


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Tags: cn cn-programming steemdev steemit php






多谢多谢 好开森^^

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