高级定制文章列表 RSS/API/阅读器 v2.0 - The Advanced Wechat Group Posts Feed/API/Reader v2.0

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Abstract: I have added five parameters to the Wechat Group Feed (RSS, API and Web Reader). These parameters allow you to filter out or specify the categories and tags. It also allows you to fetch all posts feed from all the following list given a SteemID.

Any suggestions, please contact me directly @justyy Thanks!.

大伟 哥 @rivalhw 对我昨天的作品提出了建议:

好的,这是个抱大腿献殷勤的好机会,经过努力,升级了高级定制文章列表 RSS/API/阅读器,姑且称为2.0版本。主要改动:

支持 过滤标签和类别


  • 允许标签类别:allow_tags
  • 不允许标签类别:disallow_tags
  • 允许主标签类别:allow_main_tags
  • 不允许主标签类别:disallow_main_tags

可以在RSS、API 和WEB 阅读器里指定这四个参数。比如 我只想看 主类别是 CN 但是又有 编程类 cn-programming 或者 travel 的文章:


支持了参数 following: 比如我想看 我关注的所有文章:

我关注的 除了 tumutanzi,并且不含 cn-programming 或者 travel


  • 考虑到性能和实用性,关注列表 每小时更新一次(异步更新)
  • 关注列表的成员需要在微信群列表里,需要入群者可以联系 contact AT tumutanzi.com 或者加大伟哥微信 @rivalhw

新技能,你 get 了么?
在使用过程中如有建议或者BUG反馈,请直接 @justyy (微信或 steemit 都可以)

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


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Tags: cn cn-programming wechat steemit rss






Latest implementation provided good options but i don't see the possiblity to choose them when view on the phone. Have to check on laptop again to see it.

The phones have small screen widths, therefore the table can't fit to a screen-width. But you can always use the RSS Reader such as feedly.com to import the feed. :)

OK, thanks for the tip

通过follow可以变相实现定制功能 感谢老哥


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