Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 07 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 07 期

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit in the past week and present them in a concise way in Chinese for all CNers to keep up-to-date with others out there. On the other hand, 25% of author's reward from this series will be accumulated for funding future worthy projects that aim to onboard more users from the worldwide Chinese using population. We sincerely hope that this little act benefits Steem as a whole as well as the development of Steem-CN for many years to come.

第 07 期 | 7 October 2017


Explainer: Value Flows on Steem with SMTs [VIDEO]

by @ned

本週 @ned 公佈更多關於 Smart Media Token (SMT) 的訊息。他把討論歸納至五大要項並討論SMT如何可以讓Steem增加更多潛在的價值鏈。最後不但我們可以輕易發行 ICO,從中亦會增加Steem的需求並減少供應量,令Steem 有一個長遠升值的空間。除此之外, @ned還邀請大家,如果對SMT有什麼問題可以直接到他的帖子留言並會親自回覆。

SteemFest² Updates - New Names Announced - Announcing Pop Up exposition: Art At SteemFest

by @roelandp

只剩下三週便是Steemfest 2 的大日子,最近又公佈了一個名為 Art at SteemFest 的活動。有興趣的人可以把藝術作品發送到這裡,便有機會在Steemfest 當天在他們的Pop Up Art Gallery 向其他參觀人士展出。

[小編:之前 @helene@nicolemoker 的 Drawing Challenge 應該有不少作品可以代表 CN 區參加展覽吧。]

Update Regarding DDoS Attack on

by @steemitblog


STEEMIT 動向 / Apps 消息

Great New Tool On New Website for Steemians To Use-Come and Try it Out!

by @followbtcnews

你會想知道自己有沒有被其他Steemit 上的好朋友 Mention 嗎?作者做了這個小工具讓你只需要把自己的用戶名稱輸入便可以尋找出你被Mention 的帖子。更好的是這小工具連在 Comment 被Mention 也可以找到出來。未來作者也會開發更多好用的功能給大家。

Steemit More Info 1.3 - Chrome Extension + Firefox Extension

by @armandocat

過去有在這裡跟大家介紹過的這個 Chrome Extension 小工具又再次更新了。其中最有趣是 Upvote Slider 可以用價值表示。另一個有趣的更新是你可以直接在帖子按 "Boost",它便會直接幫你輸入好資料,以後便不用怕打錯資料了。

[小編:看來作者也很喜歡玩我們家 @kenchung 的數學比賽呢。]

Bitshares 消息

Bitshares - State of the Network - 3rd October 2017

by @steempower

有投資 Bitshares (BTS) 的朋友們可能也發現BTS這週的價格波動提升了不少,原因是 Bittrex 將會於 十月十三日把 BTS 下架 (不能再在 Bittrex 交易 BTS)。目前下架的原因還是不明而官方仍然就此事在跟Bittrex 那一方聯絡。如果大家有BTS放在 Bittrex 的話,可以選擇把它們轉到Bitshares 的交易所內,方法可以參考這裡

[BeyondBitcoin Contest] Blocktrades Logo Challenge #1 | 500 beyondbits (200$BD in Rewards!)

by @officialfuzzy

你有厲害的設計技巧嗎?如果有的話,你可以參加這個 Blocktrades Logo 的設計比賽,優勝者有機會獲得Beyondbits 跟 Whaleshares,這些代幣可以用來換Steemit 上的 Upvote 。


How Smart Media Tokens Work: An Animated Explanation

by @dougkarr

你還是不太清楚什麼是 SMT 嗎?如果是的話,可以看看這個動畫介紹。只是一分半鐘的動畫應該可以讓你了解 SMT 的用處和它的優勢。

STACH official opening. Port Harcourt, Nigeria. |Official Opening of the first 'Steemit Hotspot'. 1

by @stach

尼日利亞(奈及利亞)的STACH (Steem Accelerator Hub)正式開幕了。Stach 成立的主要目的是透過不同的下線活動(如教育會員關於 Steemit 最新的發展,以社區合作的方式讓會員更有效投入Steemit的生態系統等等)來推廣Steemit在尼日利亞的發展,期待他們能取得大成功。。


〈社區週邊事〉是由 @deanliu@wilkinshui 發起合作,我們將會定期總結整個Steemit社區所發生的重要事件或項目進展等,例如Steemitblog的新公告,社區重要人物的談話,社區重大事件或活動,Steem重要Apps的發布與進度,其他Steem相關社區的發展新動向,或是一些界面的更新等。主要目的是希望協助各位CN區的朋友們,能夠以更有效率的方式掌握社區動態,讓大家能夠不只是來發帖賺錢,也不要只單單關注CN區內部的消息動態,好好利用這一平台的國際化特色,與其共同成長。另一方面,也期許大家多多以此為基礎,去向外互動與發展,促進CN區與大社區的和諧共榮。因此,本系列作者收入的25%將持續累積於 @angelfund,作為未來支持任何可以強化全球中文社群在此發展的專案開發項目。敬請支持並給予任何反饋建議。

accumulated fund to date, stored in @angelfund, is ... ( 293.783 SBD )

Disclaimer - images from respective sources. please notify us if you do not wish to share the image and accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker.



I am getting almost as many views per post as this guy yet I earn nothing and get censored because steemit whales dont like my politics .


the influence of Steem power distribution is needed to be recalculated or readjusted.

Thank you for sharing dear it is amazing and information for every one.really helpful post for us
keep it up.
and please friends follow me.

And please upvote my post i also upwote your all post friends..

Great post!!

Great post, again,! Thank you for what you're doing. Upvoted @ 100% my friend. Keep up the good work. See you in Lisbon!

good luck comrades, keep working, I pray for your sustenance increases

This stuff sounds pretty important but I don't understand it. 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

that's a nice project nice thinking and nice aim behind steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu & @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit. every one should take part and fully supported to this cause, i also appreciated your passion, thanks...

Luar biasa.

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