A Sunday $5 SBD Giveaway if you recognize this cafe #2 週日咖啡廳猜謎又來了!

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Last Week on Sunday Giveaway... 回顧一下上週週日猜謎

A Sunday $5 SBD giveaway if you can recognize this nice cafe!! 週日咖啡廳猜謎再來一次!

It went well I think... even could say successful with unexpected surprises! See the winner @adamt 's follow story here: 上海漆畫女郎如何幫我在Steemit賺SBD的小故事 The lacquered lady of Shanghai .... I originally thought that someone from the cn community would take the prize as there is no point hosting this game if no one can guess it. 

上週結果很令人意外,上海外國遊客 @adamt 意外買水餃路上認出麵包棒而認出這間咖啡廳,賺到5 SBD,後來還寫出他那次遊記與這次驚奇得獎故事。我原本是預估應該是cn區的人可以拿到的。

This week I will let people from greater China, Asia, or even international users here have a chance... Well, you can view this expression as my FIRST CLUE!! 這週,這間謎之咖啡廳設定是讓大中華,亞洲,甚至世界各地朋友都有機會猜中。這的表述就是第一個線索喔!

Second CLUE is that this cafe belongs to a world famous hotel - just like last week Victor's belongs to Fairmont Peace Hotel... 第二線索是,跟上週一樣,這間咖啡廳是某間世界知名飯店的咖啡廳,找到飯店你就可以拿獎了!

Same rules apply. $5 SBD up for grabs. I think this one is easy - don't miss out!! 規則都一樣,別錯過,$5 SBD很快要送出去了,我不覺得這個太難喔... 

Update! We have a winner within 1 hour! Congrats to @borishaifa !!  恭喜獲獎者出現了,這次又不是cn區的,下次我再挑個適合的吧.... 去過又拍過照的咖啡廳正在減少中,哈哈!下週見!


That is Hong Kong Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui Salisbury Road The Peninsula restaurant )

I am just messing with you! LOL... @borishaifa ...
You are the WINNER!! Congrats! The first one is the correct one! I said this is not hard! $5 SBD will be sent soon.
Care to share how you recognize it!? A post might be better! And, hope this $5 SBD brings you luck here!

Go to Mr Goggle, do a search.

Thank you very much @deanliu I Have won the prize for the first time here! )))

Yes, I will write a post about it :-)

i think you are right. Right before high tea is served

adam, would you have guessed it right this time!? (hope my grammar is not wrong :p)

If i had seen it sooner! The trick to beating the high tea line is to say you are going in for something else, like a beer (tsing tao of course!!), and then when high tea time starts, you are already seated!!!

sorry! wrong answer! you have only one entry, so try again next time!

The Lobby at the Peninsula Hong Kong , Salisbury Road
Tsim Sha Tsui , Hong Kong , think @borishaifa nailed it first. 😜 Good Work 👍✅

Guys, here is all the story, how did I won the prize! Thank you all and especially @deanliu )) https://steemit.com/steemit/@borishaifa/how-i-have-won-a-prize-5sbd-today

don't worry real people! these early votes are mostly bots... they don't drink coffee or go to cafes/hotels... you definitely have a chance!

That's a really cool and fun initiative Dean. I was thinking of doing something similar, a quiz or trivia or something. I Think this is great in bringing a bit of fun into our community.

look forward to it!

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