A Sunday $5 SBD giveaway if you can recognize this nice cafe!! 週日咖啡廳猜謎再來一次!

in #cn8 years ago (edited)
Update!! The prize has been won by @adamt just because s/he recognizes the breadsticks… how bizarre but fun! Anyway congrats to @adamt and enjoy my updated photos and introduction!   更新:已有獲獎者 @adamt ,他從麵包棒認出來這間咖啡廳,真是太神奇!恭喜他,就請後來者繼續欣賞照片吧!

昨天的周末咖啡廳猜謎不太成功,兩人回答了星巴克,只有 @ace108 針對哪間店回答了上海城隍廟,很可惜答錯了(等一下會更新,$1還沒送出啊!)。可能是獎太小了,也可能是真的沒人認出來。原本我以為cn區應該很有可能有人認得的,或是有人用技術可以輕鬆辨識類似相片而找到。但總之有可能獎太低。我想反正周末還沒過,再試一次好了!

Yesterday my weekend giveaway is not really successful as only two answered the easy question and only my friend @ace108 tried to answer the 2nd prize question but failed ... Maybe it is because the prize is too low and maybe really no one can recognize. Originally I thought someone in the cn community would know OR if anyone bother to use some fancy technology to search similar photos on internet would get it right. As it is still weekend, I think why not experiment a little bit again with another nice cafe that I have been to... 

這次我再找一間我去過的咖啡廳,然後做兩個改變:1) 標題強調獎勵而不是經驗分享;2) 提高獎額到$5SBD。看看這次效果如何,或許所謂attention真的是價格不低啊!

So what I have done is 1) edit the title to stress "giveaway" rather than experience sharing and 2) raise the prize to $5 SBD. Let's see how this one goes... maybe after all, users' attention is really a pricey thing!!

好!問題來了:請說出這間咖啡廳的名字與地點,兩者都正確的第一個答案可以得到$5 SBD。所有參與答題的都可以得到我100%的微薄點讚一次。如果等一段時間還是沒有正確答案的話,我會再提示或多貼一點照片。

So the prize question is: Which cafe is it!? This one is not a chain store so only one in the world. The first reply to get BOTH its NAME and its LOCATION right (most likely you will get both right if you do find it), will get the $5 SBD prize!! Any genuine entry will be upvoted. Will hint further if still very few entries after several hours... 


Need to share the experience too. You can look for hints here too. This cafe is situated in a historical building in China. The city is very famous. Coffee is not cheap here but of course the quality is very good. I spent one hour here waiting for my wife to return from her shopping. Only ordered a coffee latte and enjoyed it with a local news paper - you will see all of these after the answer is revealed! I deliberately post only one photo at first so as not to give away too much information. After all, it is a $5 game!! Enjoy your Sunday investigation!!

Update 1 (after 1 hour) 提示一:This is in Shanghai. Take a closer look at the window. 在上海,看看窗上的字。

Update 2 (after 3 hour) 提示二:The Bund. One more photo is added. 上海外灘。新增一照片於上。

Final Update 最後更新: We have a winner!! 贏家出爐!! @adamt This is the Victor’s Café in the Fairmont Peace Hotel at the Bund, Shanghai這是上海外灘和平飯店的Victor’s Café  Next time I will post about my stay there – it is a great hotel with history! 下次我再來分享和平飯店的入住經驗!More photos are added 多放了幾張照片,好好欣賞吧!!


Sorry. Tried searching. No luck.

you should try again for yesterday's. photo is updated.

Rumours Cafe in Shanghai?

in Shanghai. yes. this hint is added above.



Hmm, saw the post earlier, not enough clue.
Could have guess it. Darn!!!

Victors cafe on Nanjing East road?

Finally we have a winner!! You are correct! But let me know you made the guess before or after my 2nd update? And also, how did you know? Will send you the prize soon!

Before second update - i stayed up the road at the Sofitel at the People's Square, at the Sofitel

The breadsticks gave it away! :)

breadsticks!? that's the clue I least expected! funny... do you mean you bought them from Victor's when you stayed at Sofitel?

I didn't buy, when the family and I wandered down the Bund, it was the last thing i expected to see (i was slightly jet lagged!) - i was looking for dumplings, not breadsticks! :)

haha! what a story! you never know what a casual observation can get you... maybe next time it's dumplings! congrats! money sent!

So nice! Keep it up.

Thank you! @deanliu - received! Very generous

you are welcome. but considering as now I have been given much more than I gave away... this is not generous at all. instead, you complete my wish to play this game! thank you!

I bought one of the lacquered paintings of shanghai ladies (10 x 25 cm) from the gift shop there - the lady running it (a westerner - French I think) was delightful

you should write a story about this trip, show us the painting, and include our little story here on how a look at the breadsticks earn you 5 bucks later!

Bummer, I missed it. I would have got it after looking at the 2nd pic and google "victor's cafe china". well, better luck next time.

well ... indeed. but considering adamt had the correct answer before the 2nd pic, you probably wouldn't beat him either... maybe I will do it again this weekend!

oh yes, Sherlock. I stand corrected.

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