Red Font? 🐱 Happy Caturday

in #caturday6 years ago




Loki seen

Have you seen the red font?

I wonder what other colors are to be found!?

Clicking the photos makes them bigger
Click again zooms it in


Caturday 🐱 Initiated by @dswigle

Check out @kona's Awesome
Daily Pet Photography


Category • caturday

Camera • Nikon D7500

Location • Home Alaska


Previous Caturday's


Belly Time

Loki's Dogs

Cat Nap Zzzz

It's Caturday

Happy Cat Day

Who Created Caturday?

Happy Caturday Steemit Friends

Loki's Egg Happy Easter

She Who Waits

Happy Caturday

Jade Eyes Saint Patricks Day

Chat Cat

Loki Lo Loki High

Loki Thinks About Making A Nice Post

Chat Cat Photo Or Drawing

Meow Tails Up

Loki Looking

Chat Cat

Loki Eyes

In Memory Of Chat Cat

Golden Green Eyes


Photos Words • Bars • Kats gif
by me @shasta

June 16th 2018
12:34 PM Alaska

Take Good Care Everyone
Enjoy ❤ღ And Stay Awesome




She looks so shiny in the sunshine there, a real

red letter day
for her. I like it when new things are found.

She sure does! :-)
It is hard to catch her in different poses, mostly
it's the nap pose. The frap time is to blurry! lol

That was a cool find this morning, now
where are the other colours?


I agree, getting tired of the same old font. I want the people font back. That was a good one.

Loki sure is a beauty! No matter how the lighting is or what you do to make her look different, she stays gorgeous. : ) It is nice to see her standing. LOL!

Thank you so much @whatisnew!
I bet folks thought she had no legs! LOL
Most the time she is laying or flying and or
I don't have camera in hand! 📷 hehe

LOL! Kind of like Pachino, always turning his head or looking down when I try to get a pic of him.

Awesome Work!

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Do you have 2 Loki's this one looks black and white. Other posts looks brown and black? Maybe he needs a bath. :-)

She is a shapeshifter and will change colours when you say BATH!!! lol

The clones were not exactly the same!?

No really its her, Loki the lightning cat in the low Alaskan evening sunlight, around 11 PM

I made her a he, now that's really shifting. lol

Now ya done it!! lol

Can you see the red font?

Loki is quite a character. Those beautiful eyes 😍
Happy Caturday!!!

That she is lol Thank you @roxy-cat! ❤ 🐱
Happy Caturday 2U2 :-)

Even her eyes will change colour!

How did you color the font? I know it works on eSteem but not on Steemit web....


Took a screenshot of what the code looks like in front
and at the end of the words you want red.

Use this code for little red words lol
It works!!!
Thank you 😘

Your welcome!
I see it!

You are the only one who asked ❤ :-)

Maybe I'm the only one who did not know how to do it. Or the only one to admit... 😂

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