Fully Extracted "Craft" Cannabis Oil: Chapter 4, Having The Plant Medicine Professionally Tested For Potency At Medicine Wheel

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

If you are just tuning into the story now, I have grown my own cannabis plant medicine from seed. The seeds originally came from Jamaica, just outside of Negril. The strain was unknown and was grown in Canada (outside) last year. Males were not separated from the female plants and I was given 8 seeds from these plants. This makes the plants that I grew, second generation, in Canada.

I grew my plants (inside) in soil. I loved these Queens but, because it was my first grow, I made lots of mistakes that a more experienced grower would not have made...including letting them become fertilized by a male. This meant that a lot of my plants' energy went into seed production, instead of resin production. 

I fed my plants with an organic nutrient line called Dutch Nutrients.

This line of nutrients has been manufactured in Canada, by  Shelley Eitel-Rea. Her company, Homegrown Hydroponics, has been formulating this line since 1985. In May of 2017, I participated as a guest cannabis educator, in a cannabis cooking class that was held at Homegrown Hydroponics' Head offices in Toronto. (If you missed that story, you can access it here: https://steemit.com/cannabis/@rebeccaryan/steemit-story-update-on-location-at-homegrown-hydroponics-and-phytomedical-where-cannabis-coaching-was-in-full-swing )

Once I harvested  and cured the cannabis flowers (which are referred to as buds) I extracted the essential oil of cannabis out of them. 

I also saved approximately 10 grams of the dried herb for future use. 

What you need to understand about my personalty is that I like to get out and meet other people who are doing great things for the cannabis culture.

This industry is tough enough and people need to know that they are supported.

I personally think that all people who are making huge investments in terms of their time, passion and financial resources (in order to be champions of this powerful plant medicine) should be recognized for their efforts. In many cases, they have been heavily persecuted for their choice to follow their life's work. 

Rob Stevenson is no exception. He is the owner of a Medical Cannabis Dispensary called Medicine Wheel which is located in Roseneath, Ontario Canada.

Established in 1851, Roseneath is also home to Alderville First Nation Indigenous People who have called these lands their home for over 850 years.

Ojibwe or Anishinabe is the true name of the people. Rob is a member of the Bear Clan and he has decided to exercise his indigenous rights, set out by the United Nations, to sell medical cannabis to people and educate them about the use of indigenous plant medicines.

Rob is exceptionally transparent in everything that he does.

Here's a video that was posted on YouTube by Indigenous Cannabis on June 27, 2017. The video showcases Rob speaking about Medicine Wheel and he gives a nice tour of his dispensary which is very unusually to see. Most dispensaries are very private and taking videos or pictures is prohibited due to fear of persecution and the strong desire to protect the dispensary's intellectual proprietary property.  (Which, you can't really fault anyone for, I might add.)

Through this video, you can see how much Rob believes in sharing the power of strong cannabis education, my friends.

This is why, I decided to introduce myself to him and ask him if he would help me, by testing the herb that I grew and the fully extracted cannabis oil that I produced. 

Rob has heavily invested in state of the art cannabis testing equipment that is light years ahead of staining litmus paper and "guesstimating" how much THC a plant contains based on the size of a paper blotch.

The equipment he is using was developed by a company called Sage Analytics. The company is based out of California and its roots are in pharmaceutical industry. They have specifically developed this equipment for the sole purpose of testing cannabis for its cannabinoid profile through a process called Spectroscopy.

This equipment let's Rob and his team test every single cannabis product that comes through their doors for the claims made about its respective potency. Many growers and producers are making claims about what their product contains and Rob's equipment will verify whether the claims are true or not. The testing itself takes less than 10 minutes and it does not harm the small testing sample that is required. This is given back to you, which is also unusual because most samples tested by other labs are not given back because the testing process destroys the sample in the process of testing it.

For more information about Sage Analytics, you can view the company's website here:


I took all of the photos that you are about to see a few days ago, after I met Rob and his Lab Technician, Dalton Martin, on-site at Medicine Wheel. (Of course, I asked for permission first.)

This is what the outside of the Dispensary looks like now, only a few months after its soft opening.

Once inside, the lab area is located in a contaminate-free glass and stone enclosure.

Dalton Martin is to my right (in the red shirt) and Rob Stevenson is to my left (in the grey shirt). I'm holding a syringe containing my oil sample that is going to be tested for its potency. This is a service that Medicine Wheel will be offering. It costs approximately $65 per test, but anyone interested should call Medicine Wheel, to ask for an estimate and make an appointment to have the tests completed if they want their produce tested. The dispensary is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm and their phone number is 905-352-3322.

This is looking into the lab, through the glass viewing window. At this point, the lab doesn't take up too much floor space but I would not be surprised if an expansion of it will be necessary, in the future.

Once A Sample Is Prepared And Placed In The Machine It Tells You What Cannabinoids Are Present

Medicine Wheel is currently able to test for the raw cannabinoid molecules by percentage that are associated with both THC and CBD. It can also test for CBN (which is very sedative and is what THC degrades to, over time.)

Pro-tip: If a person suffers from insomnia, they would do very well with a strain of old cannabis that contains a high percentage of CBN.

In this photo, Dalton is preparing the machine to accept my first sample which is the dried, cured herb that I grew. He wears a fresh set of gloves, every time he handles a new sample so that he won't be cross-contaminating the material. The lens of the machine is also sanitized between samples. The lens itself is special and is made up of ground sapphires. This makes it exceptionally tough and durable.

When analyzing dried cannabis, the buds must be broken and ground first. Then it is placed directly in the machine.

Here are my results, almost instantly available on the machine, I might add.


What you will notice is that the dried bud contains 13.1% THC-A. This is the molecular form of THC in its raw form.

You'll also notice that it contains 1.1% Delta-9 THC. This is the psychoactive form of THC (that very slowly over time) converts naturally from THC-A. 

Pro-tip: There are a lot of people who simply eat raw cannabis and will report that they feel an extremely low amount of psycho-activity. The level of the high is directly proportionate to the amount of Delta-9 THC in the plant material that they are eating. Old cannabis will naturally contain more Delta-9 THC and it will also contain CBN which will make a person feel sleepy. If someone is going to eat cannabis (raw or otherwise) it should be paired with a fat because the cannabinoids are fat soluble. This means that the cannabinoids require fat in order to be absorbed and used by the body efficiently. If you eat cannabis without fat, it won't be of much benefit because it will probably pass right through your body and not be absorbed very efficiently. 

From my dried cannabis analysis, you'll also be able to see what the total potential THC is (which is 12.6%) and that the sample also contained only trace amounts of CBD-A (CBD's raw molecular form) and trace amounts of CBD (its active molecular form).

From These Results, I Consider The Herb That I Grew To Be Run-of-the-Mill, Or Average 

Medicine Wheel also has a powerful microscope that is set-up to display on an LED monitor and still photos of the plant material can also be captured and printed out. When they do an analysis, the picture of the sample is taken to catalog and document it, and a print-out of the results is also given. I didn't need the photos of my herb because I had already taken my own (as you may recall from chapter 3).

Here's the print-out of my results:

Dalton let me name my strain and I named it the Happy Tall Jamaican. (I named it this, because of the 8 seeds I was originally given and sprouted, I gave a few of them away to other growers. I know that these growers chose to grow the plants outside. The last time I saw them (in mid- September) those Queens were well over 9 feet tall and should just be, ready to harvest right about now.)

Here's a print-out of a strain that Dalton just tested before mine:


The sample was taken from a strain called Blueberry OG. You can see how well it did from a dried cannabis bud sample. 24% THC and 5.1% CBD straight out of the gate! This one is true a winner and a bud that I would consider to be top drawer, in quality. So many growers and producers claim that their produce is loaded with THC and CBD but the only true way to know is by this level of analysis.

Next My Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil Was Tested And This Is Where My Story Gets FREAKY!

I made the oil, using 68.5 grams of the dried herb that I grew. The same dried herb with a THC potential of 13% and trace amounts of CBD.

When you test an oil sample, it must be held in a small disposable plastic case before it is placed over the lens of the machine. 

You can see this plastic case (in the photo) before my oil was placed into it.

Here it is now as Dalton is just positioning it directly over top of the machine's lens.

I named this oil Becca's Boost.

Here Are My Results !!!

50.6% THC and 14.9% CBD !!!!

Seriously, I felt like I just won a lottery.

Pro-tip: Dalton explained that just because my raw buds showed that they only contained trace amounts of CBD, that didn't necessary mean that the plant didn't contain any CBD. It proves that in the genetics of the original seed from Jamaica CBD existed, was passed onto the daughters and I was able to extract that right out of the plant along with its terpene profile through my extracting procedures.

Dalton also suggested that if growers want to produce buds with a higher CBD content, they should harvest their plants before they start to produce higher amounts of THC resin.

What Did I Do Differently Than Most People Do When They Make Cannabis Oil?

Pro-tip: I decarboxylated the dry herb before I soaked it in 94% over-proof alcohol. I decarbed it for 45 minutes in a pressure cooker. Not many people take the time to do this but I have coined a new motto after this little experiment. It's simply this: DECARB OR DIE.

Powerful plant medicine that is being eaten and used to treat diseases must be fully activated to be effective. Soaking the plant in alcohol and then evapourated the alcohol off is not enough (in my humble but professional opinion).

Dalton has tested a lot of oils and he said that mine was one of the highest quality oils that he has tested to date.

My head is still a bit swollen from my initial results, but it has given me renewed motivation with my next garden. I'm actually going to try to improve upon the results and that's one of the key benefits in taking the time to properly measure and record both your procedures and your results.

Thank you to the Steemit Block Chain for allowing me to open source all of my procedures, uncensoured for eternity.

I would also  like to personally thank Rob Stevenson and Dalton Martin for the help they have given me and for being open to letting me share this information with the world.

Medicine Wheel is one of the nicest and most professionally run dispensaries that I have ever been to and I have frequented more dispensaries than I can count, in multiple countries. I am absolutely honoured to give them a blazingly stellar, good review. You will not be disappointed by the quality of their medicine or their services. 

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...from time to time there will be analysis. ;)


~ Rebecca 


How I am happy and proud of you my dear friend! Wow the results of the oil is just amazing! You have worked hard for this my friend and you did all the process like a pro!
Congratulations on this awesome success!

Thank you so much for all your kind words and encouragement along the way Chef!
It is crazy when I think about pulling medicine this powerful out of plants that I grew myself.
It still makes me scratch my head.
Thanks again. ;)

I am breeding a Strain High in THCv, meaning 4x as potent as THC, and no-munchies, as well as a more Psychedelic Effect

Thank you, Thank you Thank you for your work @marsresident! (If anyone else reads this, please go right now to @marsresident's post.) You have brought me to tears because you have picked up where Franco Loja left off when he died of malaria searching for a land race strain that (through natural evolution) contains a high percentage of THCV.
Most will want your strain for it's psycho-activity but I think it will change the world because of its ability to manipulate how the body metabolizes sugar. This has huge implications medically.
I bow to you Sir.

You have hit it out of the park again Rebecca. I was following along through your post step by step and was blown away. To me. It is simply amazing that there is now available so many people involved in cannabis research and resources invested.
You have invested a lot of time into your plants, equipment, and testing.
Not to mention money.
Those that can and will make the effort and sacrifices to do what you have been doing. I think will do well in the future as legalization sweeps the world.
I am glad that some of the indigenous peoples have taken the leadership role too in bringing this amazing plant to the peoples of the world.
It is so sad and such a shame that many of the leaders of our world has been a deterrent to the health and well being that could have been offered by this wonderful plant to their constituents. Hopefully that is slowly changing.
We will all be watching and following along with you and your work in this search for the utopia we want from this plant.
Thank you for all the people you have helped to see past the deterrents to the amazing potential of cannabis.


Thank you so much for reading all of this material Francis. I really do appreciate it and I know it may be something that most people aren't interested in. (At least to the level that I am, anyways.)
There is so many very intelligent and loving people who have come out of the cannabis closet and join the culture. I meet new ones everyday and I marvel at how far we have all come since we don't have to hide anymore and we can openly share techniques and ideas. That part has been fantastic. I didn't know Rob or Dalton before I threw myself at their mercy and asked if them if they would test what I grew and made. They could have easily shown me the door, but they didn't. They both gave me the time of day and for that I will be forever grateful.
You see, it's now become a challenge as I learn to grow better and extract better, the medicine will become even better. I actually have about 6 more chapters, currently floating around in my head.
Who knows? Maybe I will be able to transform it into an e-book in the future.
Thanks again, Francis.

Rebecca ;)

That would make 10 chapters. I could easily see an ebook on just that and what you have already posted for us. I have saved all them for reference later. But, an ebook would be even better. Everything placed in one easy to access source. I love it.
Thank you so much for what you do for all of us and for yourself as well.
Your part in the "cannabis unveiling" will be remembered for a long time.


Thank you for your kind words Francis.
I'm not actually writing about anything new, per se. People have been cooking with cannabis, making oils and smoking this plant for thousands of years.
I guess my skills lie in the ability to break the processes down, step by step and describe them in a way that isn't too difficult to follow along or understand. I'm doing this as much for myself (because I think I'm going to need a journal so that I can remember how did things) and for every one else.
Have you ever said to yourself, "Ah, I think I've done that once or twice, just let me think about how I did it and I'll get back to you."? This happens to me from time to time. LOL!

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First off, congratulations are in order for your excellent results with the oil. I will pass this article off to my friends as I have been doing with the past ones.

If you are serious about making an e-book, I may be able to help you out a bit. I actually made an e-book for a friend of mine who is now selling it for $8.65 USD on his website .

Thank you so much @happyme! That's fantastic about the e-book piece. It just occurred to me that I've been amassing a good amount of information and if I can make it flow together, maybe I would have enough material for an actual ebook. I have no idea what kind of time I would have to invest to do this and I haven't even looked into how I should or could go about it.

Making an e-book itself is not that difficult. For me, if I recall correctly, about half the time (perhaps more) was used in creating all the links. Because his book is about names, I had to create a link from every name in the book to its appropriate section in the book. That was a huge job! For a normal book, it is possible to copy and paste the text from anywhere and let the software do its magic. Then edit to your own specifications and create your chapter sections and index. Your series on cannabis would be plenty for creating an e-book. They need not be novels! If I wasn't already over-loaded, I would take what you have posted and make one for you so you can see for yourself. Hopefully when Winter sets in I will have more free time and can do that for you (unless you like to do things on your own for full control, in which case I can tell you what free software to use). It has been so long since I made that book, I can't say for sure how long it took me, but I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks, including all the learning and correcting of unexpected results. I probably devoted 2 - 3 days on researching what format to use and which software would give me the results I wanted. I'm happy to share all that I know.

Thanks so much for this @happyme. It does sound like a winter project to me too. I don't have any attachment to the control piece. I was only thinking about what I could do with all the material that I have currently written on the subject of cannabis and wouldn't it be great to have a book with it all put into an order that would flow and be a pleasure to read. Before I joined Steemit, I decided that I wanted to write a book. I even have a title and bought the domain name for it. The name is "Before the Buzzards Circle." I use cannabis along with a high plant based eating lifestyle to keep MS at bay. So the intro would be a small piece about why I'm so heavily involved in the cannabis culture based on a health crisis that I faced. Then, the rest of the book will be about sharing what I've learned.
When I joined Steemit, I started writing here, everyday and basically have done nothing with my "Before the Buzzards Circle" book concept.

I'm using busy.org to make this reply since steemit.com is down again and 2 of my posts didn't go through, and I'm just figuring out this new interface, so if I mess up, that's why.

You bought a domain name for a book? When I think of domain names, I think of websites and their addresses. To make an e-book, you don't need a website (just some place to distribute the book from, which could be by e-mail). In fact I copied that last post of yours and pasted it into the software I use for creating the book. Of course none of the images were copied over and I would need to paste the images in one by one. I could send you the result in an e-mail, but I'm not fond of making any e-mail addresses publicly available on the Internet because of all the bots that scrape these addresses and then flood your inbox with junk and sell the address so others can do the same! nnnarvaez got me using Telegram as a private chat method, so if you wish to use that we could share e-mails that way if you like and I can send you the book as a sample. I'm guessing you have never used an e-reader before and I can send the link to a good one that you can use to open and see what an e-book looks like. I used the happyme name in Telegram so that nnnarvaez could find me easily there and get connected. He goes by a different name there, so I wasn't able to find him, but he found me.

Thank you @happyme.
Yes, I bought a domain name that matches the title of my book so that I will have diversity in case I want to offer products for sale and/or other services of some type in the future, under that brand.
As to Telegram, I've gone so far as to start the set-up of it but I don't want to give a phone number out, nor really set up another messaging program. I have sent you a message through steemit.chat and I will leave an email there. Hopefully this will work eventually and you"ll be able to retrieve it.
I have used an e-reader quite a bit, so no need for an example to be sent.
Thanks again for chatting about this with me. It's interesting. ;)

All I can say say is wow and congratulations! "Becca's Boost", I don't think you could have come up with a better name that that, really! I'm so proud of you! People will be talking about you and referencing your work long after you pass one of these days. I can just see it now, one day soon we will all be seeing you on the Today Show or something similar because you've been awarded The Nobel Peace Prize! Keep up the great work, Becca!

Thank you Sir! I am bouncing off the ceiling and can barely contain my excitement over this...still pinching myself 2 days later.
You know and I think I have actually heard you say this more than once, you are only as good as the equipment and the procedures that you follow.
I was able to use decent tools and equipment through out this entire process and I think that's a big part of why the extraction process worked as well as it did. Thanks for reading another long-ass article. You are a good friend to wade your way through all of this and I really appreciate the time you are dedicating to this. Not for the faint of heart. ;)

you really hit the jackpot amazing results :)

It's pretty incredible! I'm still pinching myself.

You are making great efforts in your good publications
Really deserve more appreciation

لققgreeting my friend

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Peace in Blunts Fam 🔥💨

Now that is really awesome! Being able to test the potency of your own grown buds must feel like a dream come true... That Becca's Boost sounds like some nifty medication!

@jeffjagoe, it is completely magical. This testing is closing a door on the last 8 years of my life's work. To be able to grow from seed, make this plant medicine from scratch and then test its potency and know that if I needed to use this medicine to save someone else's life, it could and would. It's nifty all right!

and only $65 per test is much cheaper than I was ever expecting to hear!

I thought that too...if I owned a shop that was selling produce and products made from produce, I'd want to test everything and have proof. Hopefully over time, the cost of the equipment will become more affordable. This set up is a $20,000+ US investment.

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