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RE: Fully Extracted "Craft" Cannabis Oil: Chapter 4, Having The Plant Medicine Professionally Tested For Potency At Medicine Wheel

in #cannabis7 years ago

You have hit it out of the park again Rebecca. I was following along through your post step by step and was blown away. To me. It is simply amazing that there is now available so many people involved in cannabis research and resources invested.
You have invested a lot of time into your plants, equipment, and testing.
Not to mention money.
Those that can and will make the effort and sacrifices to do what you have been doing. I think will do well in the future as legalization sweeps the world.
I am glad that some of the indigenous peoples have taken the leadership role too in bringing this amazing plant to the peoples of the world.
It is so sad and such a shame that many of the leaders of our world has been a deterrent to the health and well being that could have been offered by this wonderful plant to their constituents. Hopefully that is slowly changing.
We will all be watching and following along with you and your work in this search for the utopia we want from this plant.
Thank you for all the people you have helped to see past the deterrents to the amazing potential of cannabis.



Thank you so much for reading all of this material Francis. I really do appreciate it and I know it may be something that most people aren't interested in. (At least to the level that I am, anyways.)
There is so many very intelligent and loving people who have come out of the cannabis closet and join the culture. I meet new ones everyday and I marvel at how far we have all come since we don't have to hide anymore and we can openly share techniques and ideas. That part has been fantastic. I didn't know Rob or Dalton before I threw myself at their mercy and asked if them if they would test what I grew and made. They could have easily shown me the door, but they didn't. They both gave me the time of day and for that I will be forever grateful.
You see, it's now become a challenge as I learn to grow better and extract better, the medicine will become even better. I actually have about 6 more chapters, currently floating around in my head.
Who knows? Maybe I will be able to transform it into an e-book in the future.
Thanks again, Francis.

Rebecca ;)

That would make 10 chapters. I could easily see an ebook on just that and what you have already posted for us. I have saved all them for reference later. But, an ebook would be even better. Everything placed in one easy to access source. I love it.
Thank you so much for what you do for all of us and for yourself as well.
Your part in the "cannabis unveiling" will be remembered for a long time.


Thank you for your kind words Francis.
I'm not actually writing about anything new, per se. People have been cooking with cannabis, making oils and smoking this plant for thousands of years.
I guess my skills lie in the ability to break the processes down, step by step and describe them in a way that isn't too difficult to follow along or understand. I'm doing this as much for myself (because I think I'm going to need a journal so that I can remember how did things) and for every one else.
Have you ever said to yourself, "Ah, I think I've done that once or twice, just let me think about how I did it and I'll get back to you."? This happens to me from time to time. LOL!

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