Panoramic of Los Angeles, November 3rd 2017, Vol. 9

in #california7 years ago

Remember when I said there would be beautiful clouds? It's happening! Check out this latest addition to my panoramic collection.

The sky is beautiful with nice fluffy contrasting clouds today. This is the result of a little rain storm we had two days ago.
hey, can you see anything drastically different? Do you remember the parking lot that had a movie crew set up? Do you remember the image panoramic image I took where the parking lot next to it is getting repaved? What about my panoramic image from the same location taken two days ago? Click here to see it because today's panoramic image reveals a patch of green in an area that used to be a parking lot. See exhibit A. and follow the red arrows.


it looks like it's going to be some type of lounge. I can see seats and benches and my gig and music background tells me that it's going to be a venue with bar and hang out kind of area. Possibly a VIP section for a concert in one of the surrounding buildings or a concert in the parking lot next to it. The mysteries of Los Angeles are abundant.

Wow that was a busy day, but i'm still going to manage to complete three posts in one day, work 5hrs and pay back rent. 🎃 🐢

Thanks for all your support. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the jazz and big band type posts.

Next will be a series of posts featuring my two day journey on a musical tour with my buddies in Steel Parade. We are traveling to Bishop to perform island music featuring steel drum, bass, vocals, percussion and drums.

This list below contains every panoramic picture of downtown Los Angeles fashion district I've taken for Steemit.

Click here to see the 1st panorama in this series.

Click here to see the 2nd panorama in this series.

Click here to see the 3rd panorama in this series.

Click here to see the 4th panorama in this series.

Click here to see the 5th panorama in this series. Click here to see a second from the same day.

Click here to see the 6th panorama in this series.

Click here to see the 7th panorama in this series.


Like your series @steemseph! Los Angeles is a beautiful city to capture on photo.

I'm still new to Steemit and I recently finished my fourth post. I try to give constructive feedback on other peoples pictures in a fun and easygoing way. If you have some spare time, would you maybe have a look at my most recent post and tell me what you think? I would appreciate it a lot!

Enjoy your weekend

Hi @photofeedback I'm following you cuz your name alone sounds like a great idea and some healthy interaction to look forward to. I like constructive criticism. The beautiful Los Angels has given me thick skin. Also, I was once worked in software quality assurance. I deserve a little constructive criticism 🎃
I'm glad you like my series. It's like you were ready my mind. I was wonder if I should stop at 10 or if I should continue until 2018. I'll probably continue and keep it simple.
Hey,! Thanks for saying hello and remind me to keep my images level. 🎃

By the way, yes. I'll look at your recent post.

beautiful moments u capture in ur photography,blue sky with clouds always so attractive thanku for sharing this wonderful post :P

Your welcome @jassi , it's a pleasure to share with our Steemit neighbors. Thank you for your kind words. 😁

This post has been upvode ($ 0.06 ) and resteemed by @minboot ~ Enjoy!!!
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This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :)

Thanks for that @smartdeveloper
I'm following you cuz I see stuff I like on your page.

Hey there, @steemseph!

I'm just now seeing your panorama series, and they are some great pictures! I used some panoramas in a post about a hike that I went on, and one thing I learned was that it's great to link to a larger resolution image so that people can appreciate the photo more.

I actually made a post about markdown tips that includes how to link images, so hopefully you can check it out and take advantage of it for your next panorama post!

Thanks so much for sharing your LA adventures!

Hey ol' Steemit neighbor @ethandsmith! I'm glad you like it.
That's a great idea. I was trying to remember where I saw a cool markdown summary. I think I resteemed a good post that mentioned how to link large files... maybe yours... hmm I gotta look.
Anyway, that was the next part of my Steemit education. Learning how to link the files will probably help me get away from the limited space on Wordpress too. I currently author in wordpress and then paste the code into Steemit. Media space is running out. I fear the day when Wordpress is full and I try to clear it. I have a feeling if I delete media from Wordpress, it's going to break the links that my images here are using.
I'll take a look at your markdown tips page. I'm sure it will answer my weird questions.

I hope you can figure out the Wordpress space issue so you can host the full-size versions of the photos! Let me know if you have trouble, I'm sure I can help answer any questions you might have. Keep up the good work!

I should look for a more free place to host my images than Wordpress. I think you mentioned a good one in your post, I'll look again. Maybe I should just pay for more space on Wordpress.

I'm not sure if I mentioned one or not. I host my images on my WordPress site, but I pay for hosting so I have unlimited storage. I would have to look into a good free host for you to use. I'm sure you can find some, though.

I should probably just pay for Wordpress.

I just added your tips page's link to my phone's desktop. 😊

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