Long Story - Four Days of the Catastrophe - Part 5

in #busy6 years ago


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5

Although there were disagreements between us regarding the interpretation of events, we were all curious about similar things: Were we facing a local disaster, or did we take our share of a worldwide catastrophe? Were the events we experienced the result of a natural disaster, the attack of foreign powers, or the wrath of divine powers? The most probable scenario was the earthquake before the rocks rained from the sky. After all, most of us were old enough to remember the Izmit earthquake in 1999 and the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2011. We had to review the possible scenarios when stone and soil rain from the sky because as far as we know, the earthquake was not a natural event that could lead to such an outcome. Unfortunately, we had to rely on our minds because we couldn't reach the internet. If we put aside the possibility that God punished us for our sins, we had options such as nuclear attack, volcanic eruption, and meteor fall. Shouldn't a nuclear explosion -if it happened somewhere nearby - emit large heat and lead to nuclear fallout? Nihan said that she measured the amount of radiation with an offline application on her mobile computer and that there was no dramatic increase in radiation levels. The application was based on the principle that the camera detected the number of gamma rays by scanning the light patterns. The volcano eruption explained rocks that hit our heads from the sky better than the bombs. The problem of the volcano explosion hypothesis was that there was no active volcano close to Istanbul. Did a volcano have to be active to explode? How large was the area that the rocks and lava sprayed by eruptions spread? We didn't have access to this information because we didn't have access to the internet.

Of course, the only technology that could be used to find out what was going on in the world was not the internet. After we fixed the fuse and turned the hotel's generator on, we turned on the TV hoping to hear from the world, but we couldn't see anything except black and white spots on the screen. Terrestrial broadcasting was also interrupted. Moreover, the situation was not different in terms of international satellite channels. Maybe it was best to get in a car and go somewhere in person and see what's going on, but nobody dared to do it because we haven't been able to get the shock we're going through yet.

The disruption of international satellite broadcasting led to a new wave of debate. Some of us merely attributed it to the damage of satellite antennas during the stone rain. Ismail, the hotel's technician, argued that the Third World War had begun; because he saw a satellite antenna that was intact at the top of one of the additional buildings during his short exploratory tour outside. The hotel's satellite receivers created an integrated system, and even a single solid antenna should be able to receive the broadcast.

Security guard Yavuz was insistent that this was an enemy attack on Turkey. It couldn't have been a coincidence that it happened just before Republic Day. There were almost as many explanations as of the number of survivors; for example, according to the chief cook, Salih, it was impossible to explain such events in war or a natural disaster; he was sure that there was an alien attack.

Nihan was in favor of me to focus on practical issues rather than speculating about what was going on, she wanted to get out of the hotel and get his mother's house and learn about her son's situation, but she didn't dare. She asked what we should do to focus people's attention on practical issues.

Salih offered to control the food stock in the hotel and to secure them. The flood of water during the tsunami led to the wave of most of the food in the tanks, luckily there was little water in the refrigerator, and the evacuation of the surrounding water seemed a priority.

Yavuz said that there were a few spare pistols and an automatic weapon for security stuff in hotel's main vault and that we would have to distribute them to the survivors to be used in a possible attack. Unfortunately, there were no hotel managers among us, so it was impossible to open the safe.

When everyone agreed that we should focus on food first, we got up to go down to the downstairs where the dining room is. While I was sitting where I was feeling pretty good, I tried to stand up, and my eyes were black, and I felt like I was going to faint. The cleaning lady, whose name was Nazmiye, went to find ice for my ankle. I was ashamed of myself when I remembered that she was the one who was sobering and fainting on the hill, I despised and judged her myself, even if I didn't say it clearly. He wrapped my foot tightly by placing the ice that she brought on my wrist, and she wrapped a sheet of cloth in my body that she split into two with the thought that it would be good for my pains. She wasn't a doctor or a nurse, but she knew all about first aid. After me, she cleaned the wound on Nihan's shoulder and covered it with a bandage and went to the kitchen after recommending that we both stay still.

“I have to go and take care of my son. As soon as the weather is bright, I will go on the road,” Nihan said.

I said, “I'll come along, and maybe we'll learn what's going on.”

“Is there a change in your memory's condition?”

“No, and that's why I'm nervous.”

“Try to sleep, maybe you'il remember when you rest.”

The idea of sleeping was so weird to me that I could laugh if I didn't think it was going to be a shame. The world was falling apart, and I was going to fall asleep in such an environment, like the kids who were going to school?

I think Nihan understood what I think, “At least lie down on the couch and close your eyes,” she said.

My body was relaxed five minutes after I lied on the couch; my arms were tingling, my eyelids became heavy. In the beginning, I did not give any chance, but in a short time, I left myself in the arms of deep sleep.

In my dream, I was called by a child, who was similar to my childhood appearance, and I was not strange about it. There was a hammock between the two fig trees in a garden where the leaves were making sweet murmurs in the wind. The boy who called me " Dad " and asked me to squeeze the loose ropes of the hammock. I was pretty weak, and I was barely standing, but I didn't break the boy's request, and I threw a solid knot in the rope. 7-8 years old boy reached into the hammock and pulled a rope tied to another tree and started to swing himself. As the clouds passed by the sun in the sky, the light of the garden has changed, and I became another man.

A woman with a bright face who had her hair ponytails said, “Come on, Bulut, table ready.” I said “Bulut, come on, my son, let's not keep your mother waiting,” There was also an old woman at the table, who I thought would be my wife's mother. While we started drinking our lentils in bowls, the ground began to shake. We all jumped up. The cups and plates on the table were vibrating, and dust was spilled from the edge of the porch.

I left them there and started running with all my strength. I left behind the cobblestone streets of the village, and I continued to run down the green grass. Running downhill reduced my anxiety and created a sense of well-being. The sun, which occasionally showed its face was now lost and the dark clouds had accumulated in the sky. There was no trace of previous light on the grass, and it began to rain. When I was breathing by placing my hands on my knees, a lightning bolt fell. And I remembered that I left my family behind with the falling lightning. This thought upset me so much that I had to wake myself up to avoid the spiritual suffering I experienced.

When I looked around in amazement, I saw that I was still in the lobby of the hotel. Nihan was not in the seat where I left her, and I was wondering if who I saw in my dream was really my wife and son.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/sunset-sunrise-landscape-mountains-1113547


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Wow... Superb dear

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