Edible wild plant collection-7, Symphytum officinale / 野菜宝典-7, 聚合草

in #busy6 years ago

Symphytum officinale - common comfrey
Family: Boraginaceae
Genus: Symphytum
聚合草, 紫草科, 聚合草属.


Perennial herb, native to the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Fresh grass can be used as feed for livestock and can prevent and treat enteritis in livestock and poultry.
多年生草本植物, 原产俄罗斯欧洲部分和高加索. 鲜草可作为牲畜的饲料, 并可预防和治疗畜禽肠炎.

Medicinal value: Comfrey can stimulate the growth of new cells and promote wound healing. Applying it to the wound will soon heal and seal, leaving no scars, and no infection. The herb also has the nickname of Begonia or Sambucus, because it can promote the rapid healing of fractured bone connection. Medicinal rhizomes have also function of blood circulation cooling, detoxification, hypoglycemic, blood pressure, blood lipids, improve the efficacy of immunity.
药用价值: 聚合草可以刺激新细胞生长, 促进伤口愈合. 将其捣烂敷在伤口上很快就会愈合封口, 并且不留疤痕, 不感染. 聚合草还有接骨花或接骨草的绰号, 因为她能促进断裂的骨头快速愈合连接. 药用根茎, 还有活血凉血, 清热解毒, 降血糖, 血压, 血脂, 提高免疫力的功效.

Edible parts: Whole herb. Young leaves and freshly emerged flower buds are very good for salads. Fritters made from leaves and flour are called Lithospermum fritters. Leaves can also be used to make tea. Roots can be eaten directly.
食用部分: 全草. 嫩叶及刚萌发的花骨朵是非常好的沙拉. 叶子加上面粉做成的油条叫做紫草油条. 叶子也可以用来泡茶. 根可直接食用.

Flower Language: Silence
花语: 寂静

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