Edible wild plant collection-4, Trifolium / 野菜宝典-4, 三叶草

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Trifolium repens - white clover; 白三叶草, 开白色的花
Trifolium pratense - red clover; 红三叶草, 开红色的花
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Taraxacum
三叶草, 豆科, 车轴草属.

white clover; 白三叶草

red clover; 红三叶草

There are more than 300 species, all over the world. Perennial herbs, important pasture, green manure and water and soil conservation plants. Flowers, leaves have ornamental value, long green period, long flowering period, resistance to trampling, and can be used as a closed lawn greenery.
种类有300多种, 遍布全世界. 多年生草本, 重要的牧草, 绿肥与水土保持植物. 花, 叶均有观赏价值, 绿色期长, 花期长, 耐践踏, 可作绿地封闭式草坪.

The whole plant is edible, but its protein content is high and it is not easily digested, so it is better not to eat it directly to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. However, it is suitable for consumption after being cooked. Because of its osmotic effect, it should not be eaten in high dose and a long term.
全草可食, 蛋白质含量高, 但并不易消化, 故最好不直接生吃, 以免造成胃肠不适, 但烧熟之后就适合食用. 因其属渗利之品, 故不宜多食久食.

Characteristics: light sweet, neutral. Which red clover can also be used reducing cough, asthma and paralysis.
性味: 微甘, 平. 其中红三叶草还可用于止咳, 止喘与镇痉.

Clover does not specifically refer to three leaves, there are also four- and five-leaf clovers. It is said that when Napoleon marched through a prairie, he found four-leaf clover, curiously squatted down to see, just escaped a flying bullet. So clover became a symbol of luck, especially four-leaf clover.
三叶草并不特指叶子为三片, 还有四片和五片的三叶草. 据说, 当年拿破仑行军经过一片草原时发现了四瓣的三叶草, 好奇地蹲下查看, 正好躲过一颗飞来的子弹. 于是, 三叶草就成了幸运的象征, 尤其是四叶三叶草.

Flower Language: Pray, Hope, Love, Happiness. One leaf represents pray, one for hope, one for love, and last one for happiness. Luckly if you can find the four-leaf clover, you will find happiness.
花语: 祈求, 希望, 爱情, 幸福. 一片叶子代表祈求, 一片代表希望, 一片代表爱情, 最后一片代表幸福. 只要你能找到四叶三叶草, 你就会找到幸福.

More plants / 更多野菜:

Edible wild plant collection-3, Taraxacum officinale / 野菜宝典-3, 蒲公英
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