Edible wild plant collection-3, Taraxacum officinale / 野菜宝典-3, 蒲公英

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Taraxacum
蒲公英,菊科, 蒲公英属

Dandelion is the most beautiful in spring. It is a live spring, the best "detox grass" in spring.
蒲公英在春天是最美的, 是活的春色, 春天里最好的”排毒草”, 有”一味蒲公英, 功胜白虎汤”之说. 清代<<本草新编>>中有言: “蒲公英, 至贱而有大功, 惜世人不知用之”.

Main funktion: detoxification, especially the good liver heat, liver pain, fire, anti-inflammatory.
主要功效: 清热解毒, 尤善清肝热, 痛肝经, 祛火, 消炎. 对于女人来说, 蒲公英也是她们的贵人.

Characteristics: cold, bitter Yin herb. It is especially good for Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity, while Yang deficiency and coldness. Weak spleen and stomach should be used with caution.
性味: 属寒, 苦的阴性草本. 对阴虚火旺者尤佳, 而阳虚外寒, 脾胃虚弱者当慎用.

Edible parts: whole herb. The best time for picking is before flowering in early spring.
食用部分: 全草. 初春未开花前是采摘的最佳时节, 此时的蒲公英功效最佳.

How to eat: raw food, salad, fried, steamed, soup, porridge, stuffing, tea etc.
食法: 生食, 凉拌, 炒, 蒸, 煮汤, 熬粥, 包馅, 泡茶...

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