Edible wild plant collection-1, Aegopodium podagraria / 野菜宝典-1, 羊角芹

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Aegopodium podagraria
Family: Apiaceae
Genus: Aegopodium
羊角芹, 伞形花科, 羊角芹属.

Aegopodium podagraria

In the past, following the conquest of the Romans, the plant was introduced into the European interior, and even cultivated as vegetable.
当年跟随罗马人的征服脚步, 被当作蔬菜引入欧洲内陆, 甚至一度作为蔬菜栽培.

It is widely distributed. There are five species and one variety in China, from the northeast to the northwest, and the Tibetan region. It is also eaten there as a vegetable.
分布极广, 中国有5种及1变种, 主产东北部至西北部, 以及西藏地区. 当地人也同样将其作为蔬菜食用.

Edible parts: stalk, leaf, flower, fruit. It tastes like carrots add celery.
食用部分: 茎, 叶, 花, 果. 口感像似胡萝卜里加了芹菜, 然后再带点芥末的味道.

How to eat: raw food, smoothie, mixed salad, soup, fried etc.
食法: 生食, 榨泥(smoothie), 拌色拉, 放汤, 炒...

Characteristics: bitter, spicy, neutral.
性味: 苦;辛;性平.

Function: detoxification, cure gout and arthritis etc.
功效: 排毒, 治痛风和关节炎...

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