On Writing and More

in #blog5 years ago

There is something just fundamentally wrong with sitting here in my chair, staring at the blinking cursor, writing about why I’m not writing.


It’s not like I’ve quit it’s just that I’m in a lull that I don’t see the end of. I have no idea where this lull came from or where it’s going to go, but here it lives right now. See me tomorrow to see if there is any change.

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I’m reading, which is a good thing for any writer. It’s not my normal breakneck pace of 10 to 50 posts per day and that many articles per day. It’s a few selected posts from a few selected authors and a few articles to go with a book that has a wonderful amount of knowledge in it. I may be reading as many words in a day as normal but they are in different places than normal.

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I have friends that might be able to answer my questions, if only I’d invite them in. @soyrosa would certainly be able to find a psychological reason, @enchantedspirit could find the reason in the stars. @zen-art might find a chemical or neural answer while @broncofan99 would find a teaching moment. @lizelle would look at my diet, @princessmewmew would just call it kak (I hope I got the right word) while @morkrock would possibly blame media saturation. Sunny and Jangle would just tell me to pull my head out of my ass and see what’s going on. @sultnpapper would just fall back to a guzbucked position.

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So you are right. I feel guilty. Not so much for the lack of writing, but for the missing engagement with you all. That’s what I really miss here.

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I could do some posting. It’s not like I’ve quit on things, I’m just not writing. I could post an appics or acti-fit post a day, but that just doesn’t feel right. I think those two and dlike are a huge part of the future here on Steem, but for today those options feel like cheating to me.

It’s not like I’ve quit on Steem, not even hardly. I’ve had some input on a Foundation proposal, I’m watching that election closely. I converse with people, I’m not in hiding. I guess at the end of it all (and this is the end of it all-thanks for staying with me) I’m just not writing and that’s OK. At least with me, that is.

You want some really cool stuff? Check these authors, they will not disappoint.

@broncofan99 Sports Teaching Fishing BBQ. Not necessarily in that order.

@morkrock Music Games Stinging Politics. Don't go here with thin skin.

@princessmewmew Food Antiques Food Life Food Cats. Anything of beauty could show up here.

@soyrosa Great Photographs and Insights for us All

The STEEM Engine


While you wait to get your grove back, let Sam tell some of his stories. Right now I am still searching for an additional six hours in a day and then I might be able to get back to reading and commenting.

maaaaaaan. don’t scare me like that. i know how much of an asset you can be to this blockchain.

wouldn’t be the same without you man.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not going anyplace. Figuratively or literally :) I just have hit a slow patch,

miss you bro. hope you are doing well!

Posted using Partiko iOS

We all go through periods where its hard to do what we do on here writing for you ( something I am weak at I will admit0 Photography for me, just hang in there and your Mojo will return

It'll come back, I have no doubt. It is good for me to answer these comments. Even better to get them! Thanks for always being here-or there :)

No doubt at all I bet it will come back even stronger than before ;)

Gosh @bigtom13, I think we all get in that slump some times. I know I feel this way too right now. Perhaps its the change of seasons, we're in a lull, getting ready to emerge with the spring. Don't be too hard on yourself, you'll be right back with your joy and sense of humor! (I noticed some of it peeking out in this post!) Kak? new term for me...I'll have to remember that one! Enjoy some fabulous hiking, ride that bike and some fabulous healthy treats!!! Treat yourself to something you haven't done in a while! :)

I've actually been at this long enough that this isn't my first real lull. So I know I'll get through it. It's just a fact of life for me.

Kak. I get that from hanging out with the South Africans from time to time. It seems I got it right, and it's a wonderful word, I think.

I'm waiting on more Iguana pictures BTW.

I was going to say, it sounds like you need to get out on your bike and take a ride for some inspiration. Sometimes it is good to just be still and take it all in though. I agree with you on Dlike. I think it has the potential to be big, but I don't really quite understand what it is yet. I don't think it even knows what it is. There is something about just reposting an article that feels like cheating to me as well...

Oh, Tom, nothing you do is kak! I do find it hilarious that I use the word so much that you even know how to use it - yes, you got it right!

I am in the same lull. I am not writing. Yes, I am posting a quick pic here and there, but i am not writing.

I might say that I don't have the time, and this might be true as I am very busy. But we all know deep down that we have to make the time.

I need to make the time.

I also miss the interaction. 😿

What do you think caused the lull for you?

BY the way, and yes, I say it in public; I have changed my auto vote on your posts to 100% to make up for certain missing votes.

I have no idea what caused this lull. I have a few things in the air, but that isn't particularly uncommon for me.

Thank you for the vote. I REALLY appreciate it. More than I can say.

I feel like if I am not creative it is because I am stuck in a rut or feeling too pressured.

As long as you are happy, that is the most important thing xx

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You gave me a little chuckle with the word Kak, it's very descriptive, translates to shit!!! with many exclamation marks but still harsher!
So we all get to feel that way at times and disappear off the scene but I believe we need to do that at times, kind of rebooting the system. I believe all creative people are like that, it's good to just put your mind in neutral for a while. You'll be back with a bang before you know it. Perhaps coming out of your winter hibernation now?
As for diet, I know you're on Keto so try and eat as many nuts, seeds, vegetables and berries as you can. I know I overdo the protein at times for hubby and that's not good! Get yourself a good health supplement and go for more rides in the open air.
Above all, don't feel guilty, I understand and I'm sure many of your friends do as well ;)
And...be kind to yourself!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad I got the word right :) It's early berry season around here (actually just north and south. Berries don't do well here) so I am eating berries and nuts. I think you might be right, I probably need a ride. I even have a place in mind that would make a very cool post-Tonto Arch. I think maybe I should be planning that.

Thanks Lizelle!

Sure that ride will clear all the cobwebs :)

You’re so funny!! I think of kak as a gentler form of shit! Like a word that is okay to use in front of kids 😂

Lizelle is right about the nourishment of your brain - I have told you of the natural supplements I’ve been taking - in the states it will be called Sceletium or Kanna, and it’s great for calmness of mind and enhanced focus. Also magnesium is great for focus.

@lizelle you have such a positive vibe. I think you are an amazing person x

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There's no other word as satisfying as Kak when we get peeved not so :)
Now I also need some of that supplements, these past few weeks have been quite hectic here with getting up at the crack of dawn to make breakfasts for students and one particular group who came en masse from the same company were all very macho, did not know how to smile nor say thank you or even say voetsek! I was really peeved with them and felt quite rattled, but our other two students who were here at the same time made up for it, they were utter gentlemen!
Thank you for the kind words!

Sometimes it´s really hard to start writing when you sit in front of a blank sheet of paper.

I start sometimes with some words, ideas and so. And then the flow comes...

Normally a thing I do not do. Trust me on this.

I wrote a few words in my journal this morning before I sat down. It truly does help.

<3 I have no real psychological reason, I just know that being bored or in a lull is part of our creative process :-) It's when your brain is mulling over and over and over on something, which seems unproductive, but in fact it isn't. Watching Netflix, clicking random links on the internet, reading a book... It's okay - we create not always by being productive, but also though being bored and feeling passive from time to time :-)

Cheers Tom, you'll get back, I know you do - you have so many stories to tell still! Just not today <3

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