My 2018: Achievements and Failures - Thick and Thin

Like most of the last few years, 2018 hasn't gone as smoothly as I might have hoped. I am not one to make New Year resolutions but, I am looking forward to 2019 being a helluva lot better on a number of fronts. When it comes to achievements and failures, I don't really know where to start to be honest as for the most part, kit just feels like a year of GRINDING. And not of the fun kind.

Perhaps I will start with a couple of failures and see where it leads.


1. Health

I have failed to get a good grip on the condition of my body which means that I have to up my treatment schedule fro every two months to ever four weeks. This sets up a few additional life challenges as the treatment knocks me pretty hard for a week or so and with a new job beginning next month, the timing isn't great. There is not much I can do to improve it but diet can help as well as exercise, two things I have neglected quite heavily in my opinion.

2. Exercise

In a few months I will turn 40 and although I am not the most out of shape person in the world, I definitely would benefit from dropping a a few kilos or ten and stretching out my body a little too. Taking our bodies for granted is in epidemic proportions at a global level and if I am going to set a long-term example for my daughter, it has to start when she is young enough to make it a natural habit rather than having to force it later. It is very easy to look at averages and say, "I am in pretty good shape", but the averages are terrible.

3. Finances

I was planning on making 2018 a year where I got my finances sorted and while it started off fairly well, just before Summer my daughter suffered from seizures and required a battery of tests which meant I was unexpectedly away from work at times I couldn't really afford to miss and the way things operate, making it up is impossible. Of course, family comes first.

4. Taxes

Well, because of number three, I had to borrow on the future which meant, I skipped some business taxes to make up for lost income and now am working to cover that too. Thankfully I had a surplus in 2017 which meant that I could offset some of it. Taking care of administrative areas is one of my pet hates and I fail often at it.

5. Pleasures

I really wanted to support @blewitt's Guilty Pleasures prompt but realised that I haven't really had much in the way of pleasure for a long time. Yes, I do enjoy the things I do but when it comes to taking time for myself just to take time for myself, I haven't been able to create enough space to do so. I don't care much for entertainment but I do think I failed to find more time.

Hmm, well that is enough negative for a little while, let's see if there are any positives.


1. Work

I did recently get a job that unexpectedly fell into my line of sight and the timing is pretty good overall as my wife is studying full time but will lose her support next month which means I have to pick up the slack. She wasn't getting much as it was so there was already quite a lot of slack being covered. The job will add 40+ hours to my week on top of my business but I can handle the time with some concessions, cutting down on my writing.

2. Writing

If you haven't noticed, I write a fair bit and it is my entertainment these days although rarely pleasurable, if that makes sense. I really enjoy it and for me, it is an achievement considering how poor I have been as a student in my life and, how little I generally want to present to an unknown audience. I am not much of a personal brander but I am learning to put myself out there a little more.

3. Mentality

I am much calmer this year than I have been before which is an achievement considering the near constant pressures that have arrived. It is a type of acceptance of the turmoil which allows me to work through without risking getting stressed or burned out. Part of this has been achieved through my writing, partly from developing a decent narrative for the future but mostly, because of actively working toward where I want to be, not just away from where I don't.

4. Steem

This year has been quite a difficult year for some considering the pack of ferocious Bears that have mauled the markets but, I have been pretty upbeat about it all and have managed to continue to work consistently and grow adequately. I think in the last year I have managed to almost double my stake from earning and trading and in the last month I have taken about 5000 Steem off the open markets and powered it up.

5. Risk

Embracing risk has always been an issue for me, partly because I look long on things. I generally take the approach of small steps to everywhere which can sometimes lead to less risk taking activity in the moment. This year I have actively been taking more of the approach of, "What's the worst that could happen?" and backing that I can handle close to the worst if it arrives. This means that I can happily take some risks and face the fear of loss and failure.

So, while a pretty up and down year on many fronts, I have managed to fail often enough but not catastrophically, and achieve often enough but not astronomically. I feel that this year has been a foundation building year for me and that going forward I will be able to leverage it a little and bounce upon it for the future. It is no surprise that Steem plays a large part of that soft plan but it is not something I can rely on which means I have a fair bit to do across the board to spread risk to some degree and give myself and my family the best chance for a strong future. Life has been a lot of work for the last year or two and I am prepared to do a little more going forward.

The year isn't over yet, there is still time to make a difference.

[ a Steem original ]


Very well written. I've been too busy with life and work, and trying to keep my own content up, that I havent been tracking my favourite Steemians, of whom you are one. I am glad to hear that though this year was... checkered, you are generally positive, and still active on this amazing platform.

I've said it before, and I meant it, that you are one person I often think about when I think of how great is, and can be. You and your regular content, thoughtful writing, serious and entertaining, are an example of what is possible, and you are helping in a real way to make this place better, more enticing and therefore adding to my confidence in our value and investment in Steem, and the platform of

God bless @Tarazkp, I hope I can always find you in my daily feed, and I pray that next year is great for your health, your family, and our Steemit.

Merry Christmas!

It is good to focus on your own content and build your network around you. there is a lot of opportunity at the moment for those willing to do the work. It isn't easy though.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas too =)

I turned 40 myself a few years ago. You definitly have to take care of your health. I made the mistake of living like I was 20. My condition became 'not that good'. I had to go to the gym for 2 years to get back in shape.

Yep, I think with some consistent effort it will take me a year to get into the condition I need to be to start exercising :D

It isn't THAT bad

Hmmm I was wondering where your guilty pleasures post was ;P That is definitely not something should set aside some time for yourself. If you're not okay or unhappy about something, well, it affects your relationship with others, so in a way, taking care of yourself is taking care of others also.

I have managed to fail often enough but not catastrophically, and achieve often enough but not astronomically.

That is a good truth, I feel. Sometimes up, sometimes down, but always here, always alive. :)

taking care of yourself is taking care of others also.

Yep, I know this but unfortunately this has been a year of priorities. Next year I hope will be a little different where the priorities can change focus.

Impact on others. Ripple starter and standard setter.

Thi is something that is hard to write and you did a decent job at it without tooting your own horn. Anyone who followed you and paid attention this year to you have and know who you are.
Keep moving forward and handling things the way you have because they may have given you challenges but never a setback. Keep moving forward and putting ideas out there.
Best wishes to you and your family

Thanks mate, it means a lot coming from you and I hope that over the last year we have helped each other somewhat equally. You bring a lot of perspective to the blockchain. Enjoy the small break from treatment.

Kind of a bummer to hear about your pleasures. I hope 2019 brings good health to you and your family which can in turn (along with a bull run) put an ease on the ol' wallet. Perhaps then you can throw out a Guilty Pleasures post as you will be able to do a bit for you for a change.

Well, "Hookers and Blow" wouldn't be great to admit to ;)

I am looking forward to when the bulls do finally run as I can do something with the family a bit. That would be enough for now.

Right?!? As nice as it would be to be “wealthy”....I just want the simple things in like to be talen care of. Think of the stress relief knowing all that is taken care of. One day...

As for the Hookers & ever see the news clip of the reporter asking people in a convenience store what they would do with their winnings on the mega jackpot? This dude basically gives that answer and it’s fantastic. Lol

Thanka for sharing your journey this year! It makes the experience more humanlike! I have all the best wishes for your family’s health and prosperity now and in the future! Thanks for inspiring us with your great thoughts as well!

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It is a strange thing here that I share what I would never put on Facebook (If I was still there).

As you heard last night in the SOS talks, lots of interested and invested people here still so the future is looking good.

I was wondering about the job you interviewed for. Hopefully that will ease some of the financial burden, but it looks like you're going to be crazy busy! I how you can keep stress levels down.

I hope you don't mind me saying, but I'm secretly happy to catch a post of yours that isn't about Steem in one way or another. ;D There have been way too many Steem posts on here of late and not much other variety!

Posted using Partiko Android

It is going to be a very busy year next year but if it works toward where we want to be, that is okay and helsp manage the stress.

There have been way too many Steem posts on here of late and not much other variety!

I agree with you but for me it is a big part of my current life at the moment too so it is pretty natural. For others, there is a bit of fear and panic at low price so the 'what can we do?' posts and the like come out. As prices increase, the posts will change tune.

That is a surprise that you don't enjoy writing...I'd like to say "I don't believe you, not even a little bit!" :D Did you at least start to like it a little bit?
The way you are working out your writing muscles is beyond amazing... although I have to admit sometimes it feels like you start on one train of thought and then jump to another one somewhere in the middle of the post. But I guess it's your style ^^

I didn't enjoy, I do now :)

although I have to admit sometimes it feels like you start on one train of thought and then jump to another one somewhere in the middle of the post.

You didn't talk long enough to me at SF obviously. I stream through topics very quickly and then jump around them a lot :D

didn't get the chance :) we can still catch up online

yep, I am hoping that with the changes, time allows a little more social. The last month or two I have been crushed.

we are working for the same project now :D

Yeah, so far i am out of the loop.....

Hi, I just dropped into your blog because of reading several posts on the Guilty Pleasures contest and your comment on one of them. So this is your first post I have seen. Thanks for an honest and refreshing insight into a real life. I hope your health improves, something with a 4 week treatment schedule is definitely a chronic illness. I live with diabetes myself, knowing what you need to do and actually doing it are sometimes worlds apart. It sounds like you have the new year well in hand with a plan. Finding the time for yourself is hard; trying to do something for yourself while thinking of all the other things you "should be" doing makes it doubly hard to enjoy. Anyway, best of luck for the remainder of the year, and the upcoming 2019. Let's hope that nasty-ass BEAR has had enough of our lives for awhile and let the BULL have his turn.

I live with diabetes myself, knowing what you need to do and actually doing it are sometimes worlds apart

A life-long struggle for me and likey most of us. knowing and doing are not the same.

Let's hope that nasty-ass BEAR has had enough of our lives for awhile and let the BULL have his turn.

Would be nice to have a little green around the place. :)

Life does get busy and the negatives are always there. It's clichéd to say only look at the positives but hats where you've got to focus

Posted using Partiko Android

Strengthen the positives by dealing with the negatives :)

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