RE: My 2018: Achievements and Failures - Thick and Thin
Hi, I just dropped into your blog because of reading several posts on the Guilty Pleasures contest and your comment on one of them. So this is your first post I have seen. Thanks for an honest and refreshing insight into a real life. I hope your health improves, something with a 4 week treatment schedule is definitely a chronic illness. I live with diabetes myself, knowing what you need to do and actually doing it are sometimes worlds apart. It sounds like you have the new year well in hand with a plan. Finding the time for yourself is hard; trying to do something for yourself while thinking of all the other things you "should be" doing makes it doubly hard to enjoy. Anyway, best of luck for the remainder of the year, and the upcoming 2019. Let's hope that nasty-ass BEAR has had enough of our lives for awhile and let the BULL have his turn.
A life-long struggle for me and likey most of us. knowing and doing are not the same.
Would be nice to have a little green around the place. :)