My 2018: Achievements and Failures - looking back and have you heard of "Win or Learn"?

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

Oh man....another one in the bag? It feels it was just couple of days ago when I woke up with hangover on the 1st January and suddenly it's December again. I remember @macchiata trying to make me write up something similar what now @anomadsoul and @blocktrades are pushing. I don't see why not, so let's get into it!

Basically right after I've started to think about the failures right now, my mind started to fight with me about what actually the failure is. And hey, I'm not going a fan of "we're all winners" mentality at all. But this particular topic makes me (once again) think about John Kavanagh and his quote:

"You win or you learn"

Soo yeah, immediately the first of my failures was a kind of a reason/birth/trigger to one of my achievements. That's why I've decided to try to create pairs (tuples for all the IT guys out there reading this :D) of failure-achievement during my 2018.

Failure & Achievement #1 - Martial arts

Not getting my BJJ blue belt

In the beginning of 2018 I was aaabsolutely insane regarding BJJ. This never ending world of thousands and thousands techniques and endless posibilities of how to combine them totally ate me. I was attending every class + open mats on Sundays which totalled for 6 classes a week. My progress was faster than the other whitebelts and I hoped to get my bluebelt by the end of the year. Sadly, I injured my knee and later got wart on my feet and the whole year I couln't train. I'm still a whitebelt and almost one year without training, this is definitely a failure.

Trying out wrestling and boxing

BUT! Not having 6 BJJ classes a week left me out with looot of time. That made me to expore the options Innsbruck offeres and found out there's among others also a boxing and wrestling gym. Why those 2? Cuz I can do those 2 in shoes and don't spread the warts on my training partners :) And that's how my "complete martial artist" journey started :D Means I don't only suck in jiu-jitsu but now also at boxing and wrestling :D But I learn and enjoy every training and that's the most important of it all :) And I feel that 2019 will again be a BJJ year soo wrestling was deffo a nice thing to explore.

Happy me in April 2018 after my knee healed. Little did I know warts are coming in couple of weeks:/

With lot of free time from BJJ, I explored boxing and learned some basic striking skills :)

And I even found a wrestling gym in Innsbruck. Will continue going here even when healed and back into BJJ grind

Failure & Achievement #2 - Traveling

No big summer trip as usual

My usual travelling schedule is a big trip during summer +
some additional couple of days trip in spring/autumn. It was the case from 2014 till 2017. I've actually managed to add some tiny ones even on top of that and it eventually made me think I'm a traveler :D I actually even put it into my Steemit bio. Well, this year, I got soo interested in training + had some other things to do that I actually didn't go anywhere

Master degree and volunteering

One of the main reasons why I couldn't travel that much this year was my master thesis. I was working on it almost the whole year and with my daily Steemit activities,
work and training it wasn't easy. But! I eventually managed to get my degree and with finally being freee and not bound to one town, I even applied for volunteering opportunity in January in Greece with refugees

Defending my Master Thesis like a G (with 10 hidden Steemit logos in each slide)

I got this message couple of weeks ago and I hope it will change my values as visiting Pakistan in 2014 did.

Failure & Achievement #3 - Cryptocurrency investing

FIAT -100% :D

Hahah well it's not that bad, I ain't no Bitconnect hodler :D But I haven't sold my alts when I should have and it cost me quite some BTC value. And on top of then, tens of hours spent n subreddits, reading about projects and in general spending probably way too much time that I initially planned when bought my first BTC in summer 2017. Anyway, it's a ride and I can't wait to see how it develops :D

Steemit, new friends & reborn creativity

On the other side, my crypto adventure brought me to Steemit where my hobby from childhood - writing, was reborn. I've found here superinteresting people and despite the system is kinda flawed in many ways, there's a way how to swim here and enjoy it here. But yeah, those handful of individuals I met here are deffinitely worth it.

What buying crypto dips in 2019 feels like :D

@evecab, @phortun and @el-cr (behind the camera) are 3 of those people, why I found it worth to travel to Krakow just for one evening to meet them :)

Sooome extra points

Well, these are not so big so I'm not going to elaborate on them. But they're deffo worth mentioning soo here you go:

  • Kids free time centre - my dream is to work with kids and teach them programming + some other things. I hoped that by this time, I'll have things better planned. At least 've won logo from @nomadicsoul in her SF3 raffle :)
  • I didn't write my weekly journal soo detailed as I've used before. I feel there are many moments I didn't write down and are forgotten forever.
  • I've handled all the injuries like a true G. Broken wrist and many others, I've always found a way around them or just set my mind right and didn't get frustrated.
  • I've leaarned soooo much this year. Be it programming or speaking German. I feel I'm going forward with light speed and hope there's no stopping! At least till I leave Innsbruck :D When tho?

Yepp, soo those are 2x6 = 6 things worth mentioning and describing from 2018 + some bonuses:) There's still some time left soo maybe something new will come up and if so I'll for sure let you all know haha :D

Thanks for reading :) Matko.


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nice, I would say your achievements definitely outweigh your failures =) Glad you're getting over the injuries, and I'm sure you'll be doing BJJ again very soon! Crossing fingers and toes =)

I'm right now on the weihnachtsfeier of our bjj verein and talked with people and they said they don't mind my foot looking kinda disgusting when wet from sweaty mats and I can come to training whenever I want and they don't mind...sooo yeah I'm kinda happy :) leaving ibk in a week + then the refugee camp soo I hope once I come back in January I'll start training again :) and maybe one extra month helps :) I'm peeling the heel as much as possible to get rid of the scar tissue paper:)will u write such post as well? Would be interesting to read ;)

yes I will =) I'm making a video now, hopefully I can posit it today or tomorrow at the latest. I'm at my parent's house in Colombia at the moment so that's why I'm so quiet on Steemit, but I need to catch up =)

Btw did u know less than 2 cents in author reglwards don't get paid? Means the 1 cent like I give u right now is considered dust and u never get it. I Found out just yesterday...there are bots like @dustbunny or @dustsweeper whom u send STEEM and they upvote or your 1cent comment above 2 cents. Check my transfers. People are getting angry I'm on the phone so I'm off hah :D

Posted using Partiko Android

The good news is that we still can look forward to improving our crypto investing skills in 2019, good that you got to Krakow and steemfest and were able to meet up with your friends.

hah well Ive been jut holding and started buying couple of weeks later around 4.5k..altho I think btc will hit 2k

So overall it was a successful year for you ;)

Hmmm dunno, I don't feel it was :) I've made the most of it, but the plans were kinda different :)

Very cool idea to put them in pairs! I get you on the injury failure, I once spent out of the courts for 9 months after a broken ankle and it was driving me crazy that I had so this free time and nothing to do.

Shit, ankle is kinda red flag for everything, you can't find a way to work around it hah :D You could do handstands hah (actually no joke, handstands are soo much fun :D)

my dream is to work with kids and teach them programming + some other thin

OHHH I had similar ideas but it will be executed about next year. I think I want to teach children english and programming during my community service living in rural areas. I hope you can realize that dream soon!

Well you can get your belt some other time, maybe in 2019!!

Have a great year ahead!


What's this community service thing? Is it mndatory and everyone has to do it? Ohhh I always forget where are u from haha. I guess Malaysia or Philipines. I feel it's Phili, right? Oh so you know how to code a bit as well? Shit, get the administrative things going over there (I hate all the paper work) and if I find a cheap flight, I'll fly over and we can do it together :P :)

It's mandatory service in my uni. A part of my requirements tp graduate. I am from neither, in fact I am from Indonesia.

I have always mentioned, I guess(?)

I know HTML , CSS, Phython bits of SQL Commands. A year ago I was focusing on Phyton to interact with blockchain and even making simple discord bots.

I just want to teach children basic html really and basic hello world. I am sure they will be surprised and some might want to learn further.

I am not sure but some volunteering here, they require me to be a foreigner LOL and I am not a foreigner 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohhh shit ofcourse it was indonesia :D Srry I'm so ignorant haha :D Ohh that's more than enough to plant the seed in those kiddos :)) It's suupercool that ur uni has that as a requirement, something like that should be put into the practice here as well I guess. But yueah, it's probably all more complicated that I imagine hah :D

Ou nice, I've never written any discord bot :)

Well I supposed to be going this year, around june-july but as you know, I was nomading on my own LOL

It's pretty complicated process since you have to find sponsor funds, talking to companies etc. It is nice if any universities there implement this kind of thing

So basically, we need to stay with the locals in a rural place about 2 months. Usually and mostly the places are difficult to reach and far from nearby civilization. Internet is very limited and contact with outside world is almost remotely impossible.

I want to document my journey next year. I love nature and I am certified rice planter-I have pictures to prove this LOL

You should try. Lately I have been wondering if I can create music discord bot that fetch the links via choon or dsound.

Posted using Partiko Android

Příliš dlouhé, příště prosím na konec výcuc pro nás netrpělivé :D

(just kidding, dobré to bylo ;)

The cryptothing hit everyone here I guess. Pretty sure that most Steemians also hodl some other cryptos. And right now STEEM is around 0,20€ and still falling.

I do not really care as long it goes up again. Still hoping for pennysteem to become a whale :D

haha yupp same here :D

I've had one of those years where i didn't accomplish everything I wanted, but I think the benefits and what I learned outweighed all that, and it looks like that's the case for you too! Hope you enjoy the rest of your 2018 and best of luck for your 2019!

Well we never accomplish everything I feel...cuz we always want more :D Soo yeah, let's be happy with what we managed to cross of the list :D Greetings to LA! :)

There are no failures only new experiences!!!!!

It does not matter if you win or lose - important is that you learn your lesson. Being a winner means you have learned your lessons. Love.

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