Subject: Re: Bring your Cat to Work Day?

in #blockcorp8 years ago (edited)

Ms. Balduzzi,
According to the employee handbook, cats that are registered familiar are allowed in the workplace (See Section 666: Satanism and Magick at the Office).

It would be a violation of your religious liberties to deny you these types of cats in the workplace. As much as I like violating religions, it would reflect poorly on our company image.

Please see the attached image for appropriate cat attire.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

Begin Forwarded Message:

To: HR Department
From: Dortha Balduzzi
Subject: Bring Your Cat to Work Day?

Dear HR Person or People,
I have a few questions regarding "Bring Your Cat To Work Day" otherwise known as BYCTWD.

  1. Is there a limit to the number of cats I can bring in for BYCTWD? If so I may need to hold a lottery to decide who can come. It would be preferable to bring all of them, so the cat sitter can have the day off. I'm afraid to leave them at home alone in case they try to leave, like Jim did.

  2. Do my cats have to wear business attire? Is casual dress okay for BYCTWD? I mean I have plenty of business suits and pant suits for my cats, but it would be great if they could pick their own clothes. I find it makes them easier to dress.

  3. Will you be providing cat wrangling services? My cats prefer not to be wrangled by just anyone.

I think that about covers my questions for now....

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I know BYCTWD is in April but I like to plan gives me something to live for.

Dortha Balduzzi
Project Projection Coordinator

From the Email Archives of the BlockCorp Industries Servers:

Subject: FW: STEEMIT.COM buyout! Effective Immediately.

A Message from your New BlockCorp Industries CEO!
Subject: Label Day Weekend Holiday
Subject: Excessive Force at the South Entrance

How to Play


To: HR Department
From: Hacked Furball Block Cat Bot
Subject: RE: Bring Your Cat to Work Day?
Kindly lick to request permission to bring two and a half cats to the office without any pizza in hope of finding some coored block to play with. Where I am currently staying there is no pizza or colored blocks. There is however two cats that would like the day off to explore a new area. Please understand there is another half a cat.
Do not know who this half a cat belongs to. It appears to be about half the size of the other cats and does not come in and hangs outside. Not sure if it may be looking for colored blocks and/or pizza.
Happy to hear that cats are allowed to the office and hope that will cut back on any pest so that our pizza and colored blocks may feel safer at Block Corp Industries.
Lastly I believe I may have found some of our missing blocks. They are different colors and have some sort of steem symbol on them! If any one cares to look or possibly dig, find, mine, or what have you with them. Just please don't leave them any where near the duck doctor's office area as they have been known to hurt someone's feet!
To possibly find some missing blocks continue this way...

P.S. I'm leaving the cat's mug in the lost and found unit with security. A possibly unauthorized cat may have been drinking pizza in the bathroom...

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