Big Gains are Coming... What Are You Doing to Prepare for the Boom?!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The Big Kahuna Is On the Horizon...

Like a surfer sitting on calm waters waiting for the inevitable big one, we wait for the first and what directly follows. As most of you know, the first of August is when Bitcoin's hard fork solution comes up out of it's hole and we all finally find out if it sees it's own shadow (determining if we have to endure 3 more weeks of this "bloody" summer or not). I am no block-chain engineer, so like many of you, this whole thing is nothing more than a spectator sport at this point. However, if you are anything like myself and have begun to dabble in the crypto-arts (perhaps building yourself the beginnings of a small but somewhat valuable portfolio), "spectating" is no longer an accurate description. I am no longer an interested bystander watching from the shore. Now I find myself bobbing up and down, in-between the ebbing swells, sitting on my board and waiting for the next big wave.

Just knowing that a monstrous swell is building up out there somewhere just out of sight often makes a new surfer start to question just what type of surfer they really are! Like now, the market has been bleeding out slowly day after day as we approach the end of the month. Don't be fooled by any F.U.D. (fear, uncertainty, & doubt). This is simply people being diligent with their investments as can be seen in the drop of volume across the markets. Some people are choosing to pull funds out temporarily or move them into various alt coins until everything blows over. Think of it like temporarily moving to the basement or cellar during a tornado or simply taking an umbrella with you because the weather forecast predicts rain. By taking little steps to be prepared, those individuals are helping Bitcoin in the long run, minimizing any potential negative side effects of the upcoming hard fork by simply using due diligence. That's a win-win for everyone.

Those same people will all be jumping right back in once they get the "all clear" call from the "surf report" after the 1st has come and gone. Creating the "Big Kahuna" fairly new investors and dabblers like myself have been waiting on. The opportunity to do what every other successful crypto trader has been able to take advantage of, riding a big wave. With crypto hitting all-time highs over the first half of the years, it really hasn't been the greatest time to get started. Comparable to surfing the west coast of Florida. For coins to consistently peg their upper limits of value (as witnessed during late spring), leaves little room for new investors to truly gain any momentum. That is all about to change

Bitcoin is a self proclaimed volatile beast like the vast oceans wrapping this planet. Meant to peak and valley with only limited predictability. Self stabilizing like the Sea. Corrective in nature. That correction comes as the opportunity that I personally have been waiting for. A chance to buy in relatively low and ride the wave of my life... until the next one comes along. Think about $30-40 billion in lost volume crashing back into the markets creating the tumultuous rise in the market ideal for those able to recognize the right opportunities. Volatility will once again return to the market as a defining characteristic coupled with that upward trend we all have grown to love. A perfect storm for 'cane surfing (surfing the bigger more dangerous waves from a hurricane on the way in or out)!

It is not a matter of if but when are the big waves returning. Could be 2 weeks from now or 4-6 weeks out before the real monster waves are back again but you can count on them coming. We've paddled out past the first and second break, floating in the deep where the water is deceptively calm. This is where the ride begins. You just have to wait right here with the balls to not be afraid of the sharks nibbling on your toes just below the surface long enough for your ride to come in! That's where you will find me. Out past the break waiting for the big waves!


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I feel the momentum shifting. We may slide a bit lower, but I feel things are starting to change in the level of momentum. More buying, less selling

You may be right. I think you may be on to something there. I think a lot of people are looking to get whatever they can as low as possible at the very last minute before the siwtch so there could absolutely be a buying swell or more likely a series of small swells as people continue to buy little batches up as prices sink. There is a lot of money just waiting to grab everything while it's at it's cheapest. A few mini spikes leading up to the 1st should definitely happen as a few whales grab up a few large chunks of cheap stuff here and there and tip the scales just a bit. Good opportunities for those that can keep in the know over the next couple weeks for sure!

Putting out whale bait, hoping for a big bite.

What does that mean? Is it a good thing? I do love a nice whale vote but it really seems to be my most common line of thought lately with the way the market and general crypto atmosphere are lately. I was really just writing what's been on my mind. I guess everyone is pretty much thinking the same thing, huh?

We have 15 days to get as much STEEM as we can before Aug. 1st either makes it jump or dump.

It takes 7 days for a rewards payout.
3.5 days for a Conversion to STEEM.
And, I guess add 1 day for a transfer to BitConnect to get it loaned out (if you have enough).

So, at the rate we are getting upvotes and associated rewards with those few upvotes, I hope a whale comes buy and gives me a big upvote so I can have big enough rewards to do something before the cryptocoin jump.

lol, you and me both The more before the 1st. the better. Steady prep'n. Call me whale chum! On second thought that don't sound quite right so just strike that last sentence.

I appreciate you taking a moment to check it out @xaero1. Glad you liked it. Hope you make a fortune come the first!

Would be happy to just stop losing a fortune! ;P
Cheers :)

I've got a feeling you are about to get it all back and then some! Best to you.

Hehe... thanks very much :). And likewise, I hope fortune favours you!

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