There is No Stopping the Truth.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Ignorant are Everywhere and Obviously Breeding!

On a daily basis for most of my life I have been made very aware of the mass quantities of ignorant people roaming the Earth. I have never tried to ignore or shut those people out of my life but I have definitely taken steps to limit contact with said dum-dums as much as possible. Having discovered Steemit, like many of you, I have joined the throngs of people blogging for the first time on this beta new platform. Having been here almost a month now I can say I have seen the bright, positive, up-lifting, supportive side of the Steemit community as well as the same old, crappy, troll ridden, ignorant, and self proclaimed "hater" filled crowds that you might find anywhere else on the net. Ready to paint with broad brushes and quick to demonize anything they don't understand, which is shamefully more than they will ever know. "The poor bastards..." as we say here in the South.

Robotic hall monitors patrolling the threads waiting for a signal from some sad, helpless soul, hell bent on making a difference, even though they aren't competent enough to make rational decisions about what they are seeing and what the next step might be. Not that differences shouldn't be made. Spam is a real issue I get that, but trolling assholes are a real issue too. Lucky for me I'm not just relying on shitty troll tactics to make my name here so it will only be a matter of time before they are miles below me, buried in reputation and the millions of new users and that will drown out their worthless and petty attempts to dissuade me from my path of truth.

As we Steemians move forward, staking out our claim in this new crypto-frontier, we must never forget. Don't feed the trolls. Whatever you do, don't do that. It's just not worth the time. I'm honestly wasting too much time on this topic right now in this very post. An understandable reaction having just been drawn up in a line drawing thing that seems to be going on. I'm not sure where it all comes from but I know where I stand in relation to that line. I am going to keep doing me and all the haters in the world can get together and try their damnedest but I won't be able to hear their weak cries for attention over all the success I find, by simply not spewing judgement around like the local town drunk. Staying focused on all of the great things that this Steemit community is and has to offer people that can offer real content. Not just re-posting someone else's YouTube video in the hopes of making a dollar. That's simply shameful. At least write a heart felt review so someone else's video isn't 99% of the post!

This is the last time I waste any time "feeding the trolls". Some people are just too stupid to waste time on, trying to teach them any better. I promise to focus the rest of my time creating content only for you, the intelligent ones reading my posts. If those that aren't intelligent enough to keep up simply get left behind so be it. I can't write to everyone in the room. This isn't an expository writing exercise, damn it. This is my personal blog recapping my personal experiences in an attempt to share anything I may know of that may be of value to others out there in the Steemiverse. Haters gonna hate, but success can't even conceive hate.

Enough ranting for one night. I'll be back on tomorrow fighting the good fight, sharing original posts, curating, steeming as usual & forgetting the basement dust bunny steadily typing his or her way into obscurity. I'm here to have fun and get inspired by all the incredible things real Steemians are doing on here everyday. Nobody got time for any haters!

Gif from giphy

Until tomorrow, keep Steemin' and don't let the "man-bot-pig" get you down!


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What did I just read >.< :).

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