And So We Dance - VI

in #bellydance6 years ago

Unfortunately due to health and financial reasons I have to scale back on my dancing quite a bit at the moment, but today I did get to perform a two in one dance with our group.

I'm not sure how we did as I haven't seen a video, but I managed not to make a complete fool out of myself as I did the last time we danced the vails, so I call it success.

We danced the beginning of the vails and then the "Egyptian hands" as I call our drums. This was on our "home stage" so to say, so there was considerably less stress than ever before. The downside to that is that I noticed that we did not have the usual excitement just before going out. Girls looked too serious backstage, so I was worried we would not bring enough of emotions on stage.

I myself was struggling to get a level of hype up and according to the feedback we got later, it showed. Usually the backstage is where all the fun, the rage, the wild dancing and all the silliness is. But not today. We were just standing there, all orderly in a row, ready to go on stage and get it over with.

Totally not the right way to go about dancing, but oh, well, what's done is done.

So, what's coming up? Well, it would have been the other contest in Lithuania, but I do have to cut back on that, otherwise, I will not survive the month by any means. Getting ready for that would ask more emotionally, physically and financially that I have the capacity to offer currently.

For now, I'll have to take it a bit easier, go to the regular group practices and then see what I can manage in summer for the annual concert that we have somewhere around August/September.


Previously on "And So We Dance":


Funny enough, I share the same sentiment about having the feel for the performance whenever I would go out on a hockey match. It's all about the overall feeling of the team and if it's not on point, it will show on the stage. Or in my case, on the ice.

When all is said and done, you still got the pictures of looking absolutely gorgeous in that purple dress :) Nothing can take that away from you, not even the struggles, financial or otherwise ;)

Thanks for the dancing update. Keep at it!

You may not have done your best dance ever, but you look gorgeous. Sounds like you all need to work more on relaxing and having fun with dancing again. Is it becoming too routine an work like?

^^ Thanks.
I guess it is a bit of a routine by now.
Hopefully, that means that we'll soon be able to come out the other end and be so used to and comfortable with performing that we'll start to enjoy the process and actually play with the dance, music, emotions and audience.

You girls need some enthusiastic cheerleader to lift others spirit and to set up the mood. How much is the expenses?

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