And So We Dance - III

in #bellydance7 years ago

Today, as it turned out, was no ordinary dance practice. Who knew!

It was almost in a form of a lecture with several practical exercises - all revolving around the expression of emotion. It is no secret that no matter how perfect the technique the dance will look bland and boring without emotions. A dancer has to give a lot of herself away to the viewers when performing. Dance, after all, is a sort of an emotional and energetic exchange.

The first practical task for us was, at first surely slightly awkward. We had to pretend, one by one, that we are the biggest dancing star divas, while others received the one in front with ovations. Aaand with that the awkwardness was gone. Our next task was to divide into pairs and mirror one another, just some hand gestures or expressions, but it was a lot of fun and for the most part felt completely meditative as you have to be completely present with the person your mirroring.

In the third task we divided the studio into three areas of good emotions, neutral emotions and negative emotions. We then had to move around chaotically and express a kind of emotion that fit with the area. Switching between the emotions was the trickiest part, as you sort of have to come up with a story in your head, what emotion is it, what made you feel that way, how is it expressed in your body language, but alas, you're already moving to the neutral area and the thought process has to start all over again.

The last practical task was hands down my favourite. The lights were turned off, the little Christmas lights around the mirror - on, and it was time for a free interpretation of the music. YES! Finally! My problem with the improvisations is that usually in class you still have to keep in the borders, or colour within the belly dance lines, so to say, with a set of known moves and that requires switching brain to the whole process. Brain and dancing do not mix well together. Not for me anyway. But today I had a green light for full creative freedom. Yaaas!

I could hear some of the girls stop dead in their dancing tracks and gasp or chuckle, as the music was unexpectedly switched to Joe Cocker's - You Can Leave Your Hat On. But I cannot be fazed when I'm free to interpret the music. I'll take on any challenge. Shuffle that music. Throw in there the most unexpected. Needless to say, I was near breathless at the end of all the different music shuffling as there were some really fast rhythms mixed in there.

Throw a free interpretation challenge at me, I'll pick that gauntlet up anytime, any day. That's my domain. That's where I live. That's what I've been doing since I was a wee little thing. Now getting my brain to remember a choreography.. well that's a whole different story.

Hugs & Coffee

Previously on "And So We Dance":


And that is why I don't do belly dancing.
Having to do those emotional expression exercises would have made me faint.

I applaud your bravery but it looks to me you had little trouble once the gears were oiled up :D

xD What trouble are you referring to, Cupcakes? xD


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